[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (2024)

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Acest guide a fost facut pentru playerii care sunt curiosi sa incerce clasa Rogue pe Mists of Pandaria dar si pentru "veteranii" Rogues care poate nu sunt la curent cu tot ceea ce inseamna schimbarile aduse de MoP clasei noastre.


Ce s-a schimbat pe MoP?

Patch 5.0.4:

All classes have been updated with a new talent system, improved abilities, and spells (accessible throughout levels 1-85). Your character's talents have been reset.
New spells are now learned automatically. Class trainers are only needed to change talents, glyphs, class specialization, or to utilize the dual specialization feature.
All characters now take 40% less damage from other players.
Enchants that modify the gear in your head slot have been removed from the game. This includes older head enchants of every type.
The slot in which ranged, relics, and thrown items were previously equipped has been removed. All weapons should now be equipped in the weapon slot.
The glyph system has been updated. Many class glyphs have been added, altered, or moved to different glyph types.
Prime glyphs have been removed.

Patch 5.1.0:

The cooldown of Vanish has been reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
The energy cost of Kick has been reduced to 10 (was 15).
Seal Fate will now only be activated by melee combo point generating abilities.
Shuriken Toss now deals double damage when used against targets further than 10 yards away.
The cooldown of Blind has been reduced to 90 seconds, down from 3 minutes.
The energy cost of the Burst of Speed talent has been reduced to 50 energy, down from 60 energy.
Wound Poison now deals 33% more damage.

Patch 5.2.0:

Preparation is now a baseline ability learned at level 68 and no longer resets the cooldown on Cloak of Shadows.
Versatility has been removed.
New Level 90 Talent: Marked for Death
Marks a target and instantly generates 5 combo points. When that target dies, Marked for Death's cooldown is reset. This talent has a 1-minute cooldown.
New Level 60 Talent: Cloak and Dagger
Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot now have a 30-yard range, and will cause the Rogue to teleport behind the target.
Burst of Speed now costs 30 Energy (was 50 Energy), can be used in Stealth, and always grants increased movement speed in addition to breaking snare effects, but no longer breaks root effects.
Shuriken Toss now causes the Rogue to throw ranged shurikens coated in Lethal Poison and auto-attack at 75% damage (was 80%) for up to 10 seconds if the enemy is farther than 10 yards away.
Deadly Throw can now interrupt spellcasting when used at 3, 4 and 5 combo points, and upon interrupt prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4, 5 and 6 seconds respectively, instead of 5 combo points and 6 seconds.
Blind now has a cooldown of 2 minutes (was 1.5 minutes).
Cloak of Shadows now has a cooldown of 1 minute (was 2 minutes).
Smoke Bomb now reduces damage taken by allies in the area of effect by 20%, in addition to current effects.
Nerve Strike now reduces the effectiveness of healing provided by the target by 10% (was from 25%).
Shadow Focus now reduces ability energy costs by 75% while stealthed (was 100%).
PvP set bonuses have been changed:
Vigor is now the 4-piece set bonus and increases maximum energy by 30 (was 10).
Deadly Brew is now the 2-piece set bonus and its effects remain unchanged.
Dispatch now deals 15% more damage.
Envenom now deals 20% more damage.
Vitality now increases attack power by 30% (was 25%).
Blade Flurry has been changed. It now strikes up to 4 additional nearby targets for 40% of normal damage.
Sanguinary Vein now increases the damage the target takes by 20% (was 16%).

Patch 5.3.0:

Cloak and Dagger now requires the Rogue to be in Stealth. Shadow Dance will not remove the Stealth requirement for Cloak and Dagger.
Shuriken Toss now deals 100% more damage in the initial ranged attack, damage is no longer doubled when used on targets farther than 10 yards away, and energy cost has been increased to 40 energy, up from 20.
Glyph of Cheap Shot now increases the duration of Cheap Shot by 0.5 second, down from 1 second.
Glyph of Garrote now increases the duration of Garrote's silence effect by 1 second, down from 1.5 seconds.
Blade Flurry's damage to secondary targets should no longer be affected by Resilience or PvP power if the primary target was a player as both had already been factored in for the initial damage calculation.
Revealing Strike now lasts 24 seconds, up from 18 seconds.
Find Weakness now bypasses 100% of armor against non-player targets, and bypasses 50% of armor when used against other players (was 70% armor bypass for all targets).

Patch 5.4.0:


Ambush damage has been increased by 12%.
Evasion now increases dodge chance by 100% (was 50%), cooldown has been reduced to 2 minutes (down from 3 minutes), and duration has been reduced to 10 seconds (down from 15 seconds).
Eviscerate now deals 10% less damage.
Fan of Knives damage has been increased by 25%.
Recuperate now restores 4% of maximum health every 3 seconds, up from 3%.
Sinister Strike deals an increased 240% of weapon damage (up from 145%), but now costs 50 Energy (up from 40 Energy).
Assassination Rogues should no longer be eligible for any other weapon types except daggers in situations where loot is automatically awarded(Raid Finder, Bonus Rolls, Heroic/Normal Scenarios, and the upcoming Flexible Raid difficulty.)
Dispatch now deals 645% weapon damage (up from 460%).
Mutilate now deals 280% weapon damage (up from 200%).
New passive ability, Ruthlessness: This passive ability is learned by Combat Rogues at Level 32. The Rogue gains a 20% chance per combo point (100% chance at 5 combo points) to immediately regain 1 combo point while performing a finishing move.
Killing Spree targeting has been changed. If Blade Flurry is not active, Killing Spree will now hit the Rogue's target 7 times or pick the closest eligible target if none had been selected. Killing Spree will continue to work as it has while Blade Flurry is active.
Revealing Strike now deals 160% weapons damage (up from 125%).
Vitality now increases Attack Power by 40% (up from 30%).
Backstab now deals 380% weapon damage (up from 275%).
Hemorrhage now deals 160% weapons damage (up from 140%); 232% weapons damage if a dagger is equipped (up from 203% for daggers).
Sanguinary Vein now increases damage against targets with bleed effects by 25% (up from 20%).
Burst of Speed's cost has been reduced to 15 Energy (down from 30 Energy).
Cheat Death now reduces damage taken by 85% after activating (up from 80%).
Cloak and Dagger now allows the Rogue to use Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot from 40 yards away (up from 30 yards).
Nightstalker now increases damage dealt by abilities while stealthed by 50%, up from 25%.
Paralytic Poison now stuns the target at 4 applications of the poison (down from 5 applications).
Shadowstep now has a reduced cooldown of 20 seconds (down from 24 seconds).
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Adrenaline Rush's effect is now baseline and has been replaced with Glyph of Redirect.
Glyph of Redirect now reduces the cooldown of Redirect by 50 seconds (down from Redirect no longer has a cooldown).
Glyph of Blind now only removes damage-over-time effects that would cause Blind to break. For Rogues that also have the Dirty Tricks talent, this means Blind will no longer remove the Rogue’s poison or bleed effects.
Glyph of Crippling Poison has been replaced with Glyph of Sharpened Knives.
Glyph of Sharpened Knives now causes Fan of Knives to also damage the armor of its victims, applying 1 application of the Weakened Armor effect to each target.
Glyph of Debilitation has been replaced with Glyph of Recovery.
Glyph of Recovery increases the healing received by the Rogue while Recuperate is active.
Glyph of Recuperate now increases the healing of Recuperate by an additional 1% (up from 0.5%).
Glyph of Sap has been replaced with Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins.
Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins causes Sanguinary Veins ability to also increase damage done to targets affected by Hemorrhage.
Glyph of Shiv now reduces the cooldown of Shiv by 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
New Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Improved Distraction: Distract now summons a decoy at the target location.
Glyph of the Headhunter: Throw and Deadly Throw abilities will now throw axes regardless of the Rogue's currently equipped weapon.
Rogue Tier-15 4-piece set bonus now causes Shadow Blades to reduce the cost of all abilities by 15% (down from 40%).
[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (1)

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (2)

De ce am ales sa fac spec-ul in acest mod?

Tier 1

Shadow Focus este cel mai viabil pentru spec-ul de Assassination si nu numai. Acesta asigura un opener cat mai lipsit de energy costs, lucru care era principala noastra problema pe celelalte specs.

Desi Subterfuge este un talent extraordinar, din cauza faptului ca Assassination nu foloseste ca opener Ambush sau Garrote ci Mutilate, acest talent este fara sens, cel putin pe Assassination.

Tier 2

Din tier 2 puteti alege ce doriti din moment ce toate 3 talentele reprezinta un mare 0 pentru PvE. Cu toate acestea recomand Combat Readiness pentru situatiile in care aveti probleme la trash, la daily quests, world PvP, etc.

Tier 3

Tier 3 prezinta cele mai dificile alegeri de talente de la rogue si cred ca alegerea unui talent tine de preferintele personale.

Cu toate acestea, mai jos aveti un breakdown a ce anume as alege eu si de ce:

Cheat Death este un talent extrem de bun in cazurile in care trebuie sa faceti soak sau sa negati anumite abilitati ale bossilor complet. De asem*nea e foarte bun daca stiti ca sunteti greedy uneori si fortati nota pentru healeri sau daca sunteti un casual player care face pugs, caz in care healerii nu sunt intotdeauna cei mai buni.

Leeching Poision este de asem*nea un talent excelent. Cu acesta va puteti ajuta healerii in toate fight-urile. Cu toate acestea si desi este recomandat de multi, personal nu l-as alege pentru ca nu are cea mai buna utilitate deoarece healul vine in trase, iregulat si nu neaparat cel mai mare.

Elusiveness este de asem*nea un talent excelent. In situatiile de raid din MoP, Feint-ul ar trebui folosit oricand aveti posibilitatea pentru a nu pune stres pe healeri. Cu toate acestea, damage-ul nu este tot timpul AoE, de aceea acest talent merge perfect in situatii de raid fiindca daca ai Feint activ iei mai putin damage AoE dar si mai putin damage direct.

Personal, in acest moment am ales Cheat Death, spre final de patch cand gear-ul va fi mai bine optimizat, voi trece spre Elusiveness.

Tier 4

Tier 4 este de asem*nea un Tier plin de optiuni viabile.

Cu toate acestea recomand Shadowstep deoarece aceasta este cea mai viabila optiune pentru raiduri din punctul meu de vedere.

De ce?

Cloak and Dagger te scuteste de a apasa pe 2 butoane in loc de 1 la inceput de fight, dar in rest nu te ajuta cu absolut nimic pe parcursul fight-ului, fight-uri care acum necesita o mobilitate sporita.

Burst of speed este un mini-sprint pe care il avem. Il recomand cu incredere atunci cand farmati instante vechi si poate chiar in arena, dar costul de 15 energy inseamna ca in raiduri este mai putin viabil decat Shadowstep .

Desigur unele fight-uri vor necesita acest talent, insa pana atunci recomand cu incredere Shadowstep !

Tier 5

Singura varianta viabila din Tier 5, un tier strict PvP in opinia mea, este Prey on the Weak . Acesta poate fi viabil in fight-uri cu ads dar si la trash din cauza damage increase-ului pe care il ofera, celelalte talente nici nu merita a fi luate in considerare.

Tier 6

Tier 6 este din nou un Tier foarte bun unde ne putem baza pe preferinte, de aceea va recomand sa alegeti dupa cum preferati bazat pe sfaturile de mai jos.

Shuriken Toss este un talent foarte nostim dar sa fim seriosi, Rogue nu este o clasa ranged, talentul e useless.

Marked for Death este un talent foarte bun pentru bursteri si nu numai. Insa Assassination-ul nu are absolut nici cea mai mica problema in a genera combo points si, personal, nu as alege acest talent deoarece mi se pare doar un cooldown in plus de folosit.

Anticipation este talentul pe care il asteptau toti cei care joaca Rogue inca din Vanilla. Acesta este un talent care ajuta foarte mult la managementul combo-points ceea ce inseamna ca nu vom mai pierde puncte incercand sa cautam acel finisher de 5 sau din cauza diferitelor procs.

Recomand cu incredere acest talent dintre toate deoarece mi se pare cel mai util si ajuta cel mai mult la dps/damage in raid situations.


Glyph of Vendetta - Un must have si un DPS increase.

Glyph of Sprint - Extrem de viabil pentru figths cu mult movement si nu numai.

Glyph of Feint - Un must have pentru damage mitigation.

Glyph-urile minor raman la latitudinea voastra din moment ce majoritatea sunt cosmetice.


• Pre-Pot
• Stealth
• Shadowstep
• Mutilate
• Slice and Dice
• Vendetta
• Mutilate
• Mutilate
• Rupture

Din acest moment rotatia devine extrem de simpla:

• Tineti tot timpul Slice and Dice up.
• Tineti tot timpul Rupture up.
• Daca cele doua sunt up, folositi Envenom ca finisher, fiecare la 5 CP.
• Folositi Dispatch cand aveti proc de Blindside
• Sub 35% inlocuiti Mutilate cu Dispatch.


Shoulders: Greater Tiger Claw Inscription
Back: Accuracy
Chest: Glorious Stats
Wrists: Greater Agility
Hands: Superior Mastery
Waist: Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: Shadowleather Leg Armor
Feet: Blurred Speed
Weapons: Dancing Steel


Flask: Flask of Spring Blossoms
Food buff: Sea Mist Rice Noodles
Potion: Virmen’s Bite


Meta: Agile Primal Diamond
Red: Delicate Primordial Ruby
Yellow: Adept Vermilion Onyx
Blue: Glinting Imperial Amethyst


Prioritatile pentru spec-ul Assassination sunt urmatoarele:

Agility > Exp/Hit(Pana la 7.5%) > Mastery > Haste > Crit

Ceea ce inseamna ca daca aveti iteme cu Crit sau Haste si nu aveti caps facute, dati reforge in Exp/Hit, daca nu in Mastery.


Pe primul loc sta Leatherworking fiindca acesta iti ofera 330 Agility deasupra enchanturilor normale.

Pe cel de-al doilea loc sta Engineering care ofera 1920 Agility on use, foarte bun atunci cand ne dam cooldowns de DPS.

Pe locul 3 sunt toate celelalte meserii deoarece acestea ofera 320 Agility in plus fata de restul enchanturilor.



+10% Attack Power

Death Knights: Horn of Winter (lasts 5 minutes)
Hunters: Trueshot Aura (no duration)
Warriors: Battle Shout (lasts 5 minutes, mutually exclusive with Commanding Shout)

+10% Melee and Ranged Attack Speed

Frost and Unholy Death Knights: Unholy Aura
Hyena Pets: Cackling Howl
Serpent Pets: Serpent's Swiftness
Rogues: Swiftblade's Cunning
Enhancement Shamans: Unleashed Rage

+10% Spell Power

Exotic Water Strider Pets: Still Water
Mages: Arcane Brilliance
Shamans: Burning Wrath
Warlocks: Dark Intent

+5% Spell Haste

Balance Druids: Moonkin Aura
Sporebat Pets: Mind Quickening
Shadow Priests: Shadowform
Elemental Shamans: Elemental Oath

+5% Critical Strike Chance

Feral/Guardian Druids: Leader of the Pack
Exotic Devilsaur Pets: Terrifying Roar
Exotic Water Strider Pets: Still Water
Wolf Pets: Furious Howl
Mages: Arcane Brilliance
Windwalker Monks: Legacy of the White Tiger

+3000 Mastery Rating

Cat Pets: Roar of Courage
Exotic Spirit Beast Pets: Spirit Beast Blessing
Paladins: Blessing of Might
Shamans: Grace of Air

+5% Strength, Agility, Intellect

Druids: Mark of the Wild
Exotic Shale Spider Pets: Embrace of the Shale Spider
Monks: Legacy of the Emperor
Paladins: Blessing of Kings

+10% Stamina

Exotic Silithid Pets: Qiraji Fortitude
Priests: Power Word: Fortitude (lasts 1 hour)
Warlocks: Dark Intent
Warriors: Commanding Shout (lasts 5 minutes, mutually exclusive with Battle Shout)


-10% Physical damage dealt for 30 seconds ( Weakened Blows)

Blood Death Knights: Scarlet Fever
Feral/Guardian Druids: Thrash/ Thrash
Bear Pets: Demoralizing Roar
Carrion Bird Pets: Demoralizing Screech
Brewmaster Monks: Keg Smash
Protection/Retribution Paladins: Hammer of the Righteous
Elemental/Enhancement: Earth Shock
Warlocks: Curse of Enfeeblement
Warriors: Thunder Clap

+4% Physical damage taken for 30 seconds ( Physical Vulnerability)

Frost/Unholy Death Knights: Brittle Bones/ Ebon Plaguebringer
Boar Pets: Gore
Exotic Rhino Pets: Stampede
Exotic Worm Pets: Acid Spit
Ravager Pets: Ravage
Retribution Paladins: Judgments of the Bold
Arms/Fury Warriors: Colossus Smash

-4% Armor for 30 seconds, stacks 3 times ( Weakened Armor)
Druids: Faerie Fire
Raptor Pets: Tear Armor
Tallstrider Pets: Dust Cloud
Rogues: Expose Armor
Warriors: Sunder Armor for Arms/Fury Warriors and Devastate for Protection Warriors

+5% Spell damage taken

Dragonhawk Pets: Fire Breath
Wind Serpent Pets: Lightning Breath
Rogues: Master Poisoner
Warlocks: Curse of the Elements

Healing reduction ( Mortal Wounds)

Hunters: Widow Venom
Exotic Devilsaur Pets: Monstrous Bite
Windwalker Monks: Rising Sun Kick
Rogues: Wound Poison
Arms/Fury Warrior: Mortal Strike/ Wild Strike

Casting speed reduction

Death Knights: Necrotic Strike
Exotic Core Hound Pets: Lava Breath
Sporebat Pets: Spore Cloud
Arcane Mages: Slow
Rogues: Mind-numbing Poison
Warlocks: Curse of Enfeeblement


Pana pe MoP obisnuiam sa avem 3 miss chances separate - una pentru White Damage (auto-attacks), una pentru Special Attacks (abilitatile noastre) si una pentru Posions care era vazute ca spells. Cu toate acestea, in Mists of Pandaria, Poisons folosesc hit chance-ul de la special attacks, ceea ce inseamna ca acum avem doar 2 sanse de hit: White Damage si restul.

In MoP ca sa nu ratezi cu un special attack impotriva bossilor trebuie sa ai peste 7.5% hit rating. Asta inseamna ca Special Attacks si Poisons nu vor da miss iar pentru a atinge acest soft-cap trebuie sa ai 2550 hit rating.

Orice numar peste acesta reprezinta un dps increase minor insa nu as recomanda reforges sau gems cu hit peste acest punct.

Expertise cap-ul este exact acelasi si anume 7.5% si 2550 expertise rating.

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (3)

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (4)

De ce am ales sa fac spec-ul in acest mod?

Tier 1

Shadow Focus este cel mai viabil pentru spec-ul de Combat si nu numai. Acesta asigura un opener cat mai lipsit de energy costs, lucru care era principala noastra problema pe celelalte specs.

Tier 2

Din tier 2 puteti alege ce doriti din moment ce toate 3 talentele reprezinta un mare 0 pentru PvE. Cu toate acestea recomand Combat Readiness pentru situatiile in care aveti probleme la trash, la daily quests, world PvP, etc.

Tier 3

Tier 3 prezinta cele mai dificile alegeri de talente de la rogue si cred ca alegerea unui talent tine de preferintele personale.

Cu toate acestea, mai jos aveti un breakdown a ce anume as alege eu si de ce:

Cheat Death este un talent extrem de bun in cazurile in care trebuie sa faceti soak sau sa negati anumite abilitati ale bossilor complet. De asem*nea e foarte bun daca stiti ca sunteti greedy uneori si fortati nota pentru healeri sau daca sunteti un casual player care face pugs, caz in care healerii nu sunt intotdeauna cei mai buni.

Leeching Poision este de asem*nea un talent excelent. Cu acesta va puteti ajuta healerii in toate fight-urile. Cu toate acestea si desi este recomandat de multi, personal nu l-as alege pentru ca nu are cea mai buna utilitate deoarece healul vine in trase, iregulat si nu neaparat cel mai mare.

Elusiveness este de asem*nea un talent excelent. In situatiile de raid din MoP, Feint-ul ar trebui folosit oricand aveti posibilitatea pentru a nu pune stres pe healeri. Cu toate acestea, damage-ul nu este tot timpul AoE, de aceea acest talent merge perfect in situatii de raid fiindca daca ai Feint activ iei mai putin damage AoE dar si mai putin damage direct.

Personal, in acest moment am ales Cheat Death, spre final de patch cand gear-ul va fi mai bine optimizat, voi trece spre Elusiveness.

Tier 4

Tier 4 este de asem*nea un Tier plin de optiuni viabile.

Cu toate acestea recomand Shadowstep deoarece aceasta este cea mai viabila optiune pentru raiduri din punctul meu de vedere.

De ce?

Cloak and Dagger te scuteste de a apasa pe 2 butoane in loc de 1 la inceput de fight, dar in rest nu te ajuta cu absolut nimic pe parcursul fight-ului, fight-uri care acum necesita o mobilitate sporita.

Burst of speed este un mini-sprint pe care il avem. Il recomand cu incredere atunci cand farmati instante vechi si poate chiar in arena, dar costul de 15 energy inseamna ca in raiduri este mai putin viabil decat Shadowstep .

Desigur unele fight-uri vor necesita acest talent, insa pana atunci recomand cu incredere Shadowstep !

Tier 5

Singura varianta viabila din Tier 5, un tier strict PvP in opinia mea, este Prey on the Weak . Acesta poate fi viabil in fight-uri cu ads dar si la trash din cauza damage increase-ului pe care il ofera, celelalte talente nici nu merita a fi luate in considerare.

Tier 6

Tier 6 este din nou un Tier foarte bun unde ne putem baza pe preferinte, de aceea va recomand sa alegeti dupa cum preferati bazat pe sfaturile de mai jos.

Shuriken Toss este un talent foarte nostim dar sa fim seriosi, Rogue nu este o clasa ranged, talentul e useless.

Marked for Death este un talent foarte bun pentru bursteri si nu numai. Insa Assassination-ul nu are absolut nici cea mai mica problema in a genera combo points si, personal, nu as alege acest talent deoarece mi se pare doar un cooldown in plus de folosit.

Anticipation este talentul pe care il asteptau toti cei care joaca Rogue inca din Vanilla. Acesta este un talent care ajuta foarte mult la managementul combo-points ceea ce inseamna ca nu vom mai pierde puncte incercand sa cautam acel finisher de 5 sau din cauza diferitelor procs.

Recomand cu incredere acest talent dintre toate deoarece mi se pare cel mai util si ajuta cel mai mult la dps/damage in raid situations.


Glyph of Sprint - Extrem de viabil pentru figths cu mult movement si nu numai.

Glyph of Feint - Un must have pentru damage mitigation.

Glyph of Smoke Bomb - Un raid cooldown foarte bun.

Spre deosebire de Assassination, pentru Combat nu exista un glyph care sa ne boosteze damage-ul deci surivivability-ul is the way to go.


• Stealth
• Shadowstep
• Revealing Strike
• Sinister Strike
• Sinister Strike
• Slice and Dice
• Killing Spree
• AR/Trinket/SB

Din acest moment rotatia devine extrem de simpla:

• Tineti tot timpul SnD up.
• Folositi AR/SB/KS la cooldown.
• Nu folositi AR si KS in acelasi timp.


Shoulders: Greater Tiger Claw Inscription
Back: Accuracy
Chest: Glorious Stats
Wrists: Greater Agility
Hands: Superior Mastery
Waist: Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: Shadowleather Leg Armor
Feet: Blurred Speed
Weapons: Dancing Steel


Flask: Flask of Spring Blossoms
Food buff: Sea Mist Rice Noodles
Potion: Virmen’s Bite


Meta: Agile Primal Diamond
Red: Delicate Primordial Ruby
Yellow: Deft Vermilion Onyx
Blue: Glinting Imperial Amethyst


Prioritatile pentru spec-ul Combat sunt urmatoarele:

Agility > Exp/Hit(Pana la 7.5%) > Haste > Mastery > Crit

Ceea ce inseamna ca daca aveti iteme cu Crit si nu aveti caps facute, dati reforge in Exp/Hit, daca nu in Mastery.


Pe primul loc sta Leatherworking fiindca acesta iti ofera 330 Agility deasupra enchanturilor normale.

Pe cel de-al doilea loc sta Engineering care ofera 1920 Agility on use, foarte bun atunci cand ne dam cooldowns de DPS.

Pe locul 3 sunt toate celelalte meserii deoarece acestea ofera 320 Agility in plus fata de restul enchanturilor.



+10% Attack Power

Death Knights: Horn of Winter (lasts 5 minutes)
Hunters: Trueshot Aura (no duration)
Warriors: Battle Shout (lasts 5 minutes, mutually exclusive with Commanding Shout)

+10% Melee and Ranged Attack Speed

Frost and Unholy Death Knights: Unholy Aura
Hyena Pets: Cackling Howl
Serpent Pets: Serpent's Swiftness
Rogues: Swiftblade's Cunning
Enhancement Shamans: Unleashed Rage

+10% Spell Power

Exotic Water Strider Pets: Still Water
Mages: Arcane Brilliance
Shamans: Burning Wrath
Warlocks: Dark Intent

+5% Spell Haste

Balance Druids: Moonkin Aura
Sporebat Pets: Mind Quickening
Shadow Priests: Shadowform
Elemental Shamans: Elemental Oath

+5% Critical Strike Chance

Feral/Guardian Druids: Leader of the Pack
Exotic Devilsaur Pets: Terrifying Roar
Exotic Water Strider Pets: Still Water
Wolf Pets: Furious Howl
Mages: Arcane Brilliance
Windwalker Monks: Legacy of the White Tiger

+3000 Mastery Rating

Cat Pets: Roar of Courage
Exotic Spirit Beast Pets: Spirit Beast Blessing
Paladins: Blessing of Might
Shamans: Grace of Air

+5% Strength, Agility, Intellect

Druids: Mark of the Wild
Exotic Shale Spider Pets: Embrace of the Shale Spider
Monks: Legacy of the Emperor
Paladins: Blessing of Kings

+10% Stamina

Exotic Silithid Pets: Qiraji Fortitude
Priests: Power Word: Fortitude (lasts 1 hour)
Warlocks: Dark Intent
Warriors: Commanding Shout (lasts 5 minutes, mutually exclusive with Battle Shout)


-10% Physical damage dealt for 30 seconds ( Weakened Blows)

Blood Death Knights: Scarlet Fever
Feral/Guardian Druids: Thrash/ Thrash
Bear Pets: Demoralizing Roar
Carrion Bird Pets: Demoralizing Screech
Brewmaster Monks: Keg Smash
Protection/Retribution Paladins: Hammer of the Righteous
Elemental/Enhancement: Earth Shock
Warlocks: Curse of Enfeeblement
Warriors: Thunder Clap

+4% Physical damage taken for 30 seconds ( Physical Vulnerability)

Frost/Unholy Death Knights: Brittle Bones/ Ebon Plaguebringer
Boar Pets: Gore
Exotic Rhino Pets: Stampede
Exotic Worm Pets: Acid Spit
Ravager Pets: Ravage
Retribution Paladins: Judgments of the Bold
Arms/Fury Warriors: Colossus Smash

-4% Armor for 30 seconds, stacks 3 times ( Weakened Armor)
Druids: Faerie Fire
Raptor Pets: Tear Armor
Tallstrider Pets: Dust Cloud
Rogues: Expose Armor
Warriors: Sunder Armor for Arms/Fury Warriors and Devastate for Protection Warriors

+5% Spell damage taken

Dragonhawk Pets: Fire Breath
Wind Serpent Pets: Lightning Breath
Rogues: Master Poisoner
Warlocks: Curse of the Elements

Healing reduction ( Mortal Wounds)

Hunters: Widow Venom
Exotic Devilsaur Pets: Monstrous Bite
Windwalker Monks: Rising Sun Kick
Rogues: Wound Poison
Arms/Fury Warrior: Mortal Strike/ Wild Strike

Casting speed reduction

Death Knights: Necrotic Strike
Exotic Core Hound Pets: Lava Breath
Sporebat Pets: Spore Cloud
Arcane Mages: Slow
Rogues: Mind-numbing Poison
Warlocks: Curse of Enfeeblement


Pana pe MoP obisnuiam sa avem 3 miss chances separate - una pentru White Damage (auto-attacks), una pentru Special Attacks (abilitatile noastre) si una pentru Posions care era vazute ca spells. Cu toate acestea, in Mists of Pandaria, Poisons folosesc hit chance-ul de la special attacks, ceea ce inseamna ca acum avem doar 2 sanse de hit: White Damage si restul.

In MoP ca sa nu ratezi cu un special attack impotriva bossilor trebuie sa ai peste 7.5% hit rating. Asta inseamna ca Special Attacks si Poisons nu vor da miss iar pentru a atinge acest soft-cap trebuie sa ai 2550 hit rating.

Orice numar peste acesta reprezinta un dps increase minor insa nu as recomanda reforges sau gems cu hit peste acest punct.

Expertise cap-ul este exact acelasi si anume 7.5% si 2550 expertise rating.

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (5)

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (6)

De ce am ales sa fac spec-ul in acest mod?

Tier 1

Shadow Focus - Este cel mai indicat talent pentru cei care sunt la inceput cu specul de Subtlety. Acesta va asigura ca puteti face un reset de Find Weakness fara a avea probleme cu energia.

Subterfuge - Daca sunteti mai avansati in acest spec atunci Subterfuge este cea mai buna optiune pentru voi. Trebuie sa aveti mare grija insa sa faceti pool de energy inainte de vanish pentru a va asigura ca prindeti 3-4 ambushes in acest timp.

Tier 2

Din tier 2 puteti alege ce doriti din moment ce toate 3 talentele reprezinta un mare 0 pentru PvE. Cu toate acestea recomand Combat Readiness pentru situatiile in care aveti probleme la trash, la daily quests, world PvP, etc.

Tier 3

Tier 3 prezinta cele mai dificile alegeri de talente de la rogue si cred ca alegerea unui talent tine de preferintele personale.

Cu toate acestea, mai jos aveti un breakdown a ce anume as alege eu si de ce:

Cheat Death este un talent extrem de bun in cazurile in care trebuie sa faceti soak sau sa negati anumite abilitati ale bossilor complet. De asem*nea e foarte bun daca stiti ca sunteti greedy uneori si fortati nota pentru healeri sau daca sunteti un casual player care face pugs, caz in care healerii nu sunt intotdeauna cei mai buni.

Leeching Poision este de asem*nea un talent excelent. Cu acesta va puteti ajuta healerii in toate fight-urile. Cu toate acestea si desi este recomandat de multi, personal nu l-as alege pentru ca nu are cea mai buna utilitate deoarece healul vine in trase, iregulat si nu neaparat cel mai mare.

Elusiveness este de asem*nea un talent excelent. In situatiile de raid din MoP, Feint-ul ar trebui folosit oricand aveti posibilitatea pentru a nu pune stres pe healeri. Cu toate acestea, damage-ul nu este tot timpul AoE, de aceea acest talent merge perfect in situatii de raid fiindca daca ai Feint activ iei mai putin damage AoE dar si mai putin damage direct.

Personal, in acest moment am ales Cheat Death, spre final de patch cand gear-ul va fi mai bine optimizat, voi trece spre Elusiveness.

Tier 4

Tier 4 este de asem*nea un Tier plin de optiuni viabile.

Cu toate acestea recomand Shadowstep deoarece aceasta este cea mai viabila optiune pentru raiduri din punctul meu de vedere.

De ce?

Cloak and Dagger te scuteste de a apasa pe 2 butoane in loc de 1 la inceput de fight, dar in rest nu te ajuta cu absolut nimic pe parcursul fight-ului, fight-uri care acum necesita o mobilitate sporita.

Burst of speed este un mini-sprint pe care il avem. Il recomand cu incredere atunci cand farmati instante vechi si poate chiar in arena, dar costul de 15 energy inseamna ca in raiduri este mai putin viabil decat Shadowstep .

Desigur unele fight-uri vor necesita acest talent, insa pana atunci recomand cu incredere Shadowstep !

Tier 5

Singura varianta viabila din Tier 5, un tier strict PvP in opinia mea, este Prey on the Weak . Acesta poate fi viabil in fight-uri cu ads dar si la trash din cauza damage increase-ului pe care il ofera, celelalte talente nici nu merita a fi luate in considerare.

Tier 6

Tier 6 este din nou un Tier foarte bun unde ne putem baza pe preferinte, de aceea va recomand sa alegeti dupa cum preferati bazat pe sfaturile de mai jos.

Shuriken Toss este un talent foarte nostim dar sa fim seriosi, Rogue nu este o clasa ranged, talentul e useless.

Marked for Death este un talent foarte bun pentru bursteri si nu numai. Insa Assassination-ul nu are absolut nici cea mai mica problema in a genera combo points si, personal, nu as alege acest talent deoarece mi se pare doar un cooldown in plus de folosit.

Anticipation este talentul pe care il asteptau toti cei care joaca Rogue inca din Vanilla. Acesta este un talent care ajuta foarte mult la managementul combo-points ceea ce inseamna ca nu vom mai pierde puncte incercand sa cautam acel finisher de 5 sau din cauza diferitelor procs.

Recomand cu incredere acest talent dintre toate deoarece mi se pare cel mai util si ajuta cel mai mult la dps/damage in raid situations.


Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins - Un must have deoarece nu de fiecare data aveti ocazia sa aplicati rupture pe target.

Glyph of Sprint - Extrem de viabil pentru figths cu mult movement si nu numai.

Glyph of Feint - Un must have pentru damage mitigation.

Glyph-urile minor raman la latitudinea voastra din moment ce majoritatea sunt cosmetice.


• Stealth
• Premeditation
• Slice and Dice
• Shadowstep
• Ambush
• Backstab(pana la 5 CP)
• Rupture


• Tineti tot timpul Slice and Dice si Rupture pe boss.
• Tineti pe cat de mult posibil Find Weakness pe boss. (Shadow Dance, Vanish->Ambush, etc.)
• Folositi Shadow Dance la cooldown, preferabil in combinatie cu trinket, potiune, manusi de engineering.


Shoulders: Greater Tiger Claw Inscription
Back: Accuracy
Chest: Glorious Stats
Wrists: Greater Agility
Hands: Superior Mastery
Waist: Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: Shadowleather Leg Armor
Feet: Blurred Speed
Weapons: Dancing Steel


Flask: Flask of Spring Blossoms
Food buff: Sea Mist Rice Noodles
Potion: Virmen’s Bite


Meta: Agile Primal Diamond
Red: Delicate Primordial Ruby
Yellow: Deft Vermilion Onyx
Blue: Glinting Imperial Amethyst


Prioritatile pentru spec-ul Assassination sunt urmatoarele:

Agility > Exp/Hit(Pana la 7.5%) > Haste > Crit > Mastery

Ceea ce inseamna ca daca aveti iteme cu Mastery si nu aveti caps facute, dati reforge in Exp/Hit, daca nu in Crit.


Pe primul loc sta Leatherworking fiindca acesta iti ofera 330 Agility deasupra enchanturilor normale.

Pe cel de-al doilea loc sta Engineering care ofera 1920 Agility on use, foarte bun atunci cand ne dam cooldowns de DPS.

Pe locul 3 sunt toate celelalte meserii deoarece acestea ofera 320 Agility in plus fata de restul enchanturilor.



+10% Attack Power

Death Knights: Horn of Winter (lasts 5 minutes)
Hunters: Trueshot Aura (no duration)
Warriors: Battle Shout (lasts 5 minutes, mutually exclusive with Commanding Shout)

+10% Melee and Ranged Attack Speed

Frost and Unholy Death Knights: Unholy Aura
Hyena Pets: Cackling Howl
Serpent Pets: Serpent's Swiftness
Rogues: Swiftblade's Cunning
Enhancement Shamans: Unleashed Rage

+10% Spell Power

Exotic Water Strider Pets: Still Water
Mages: Arcane Brilliance
Shamans: Burning Wrath
Warlocks: Dark Intent

+5% Spell Haste

Balance Druids: Moonkin Aura
Sporebat Pets: Mind Quickening
Shadow Priests: Shadowform
Elemental Shamans: Elemental Oath

+5% Critical Strike Chance

Feral/Guardian Druids: Leader of the Pack
Exotic Devilsaur Pets: Terrifying Roar
Exotic Water Strider Pets: Still Water
Wolf Pets: Furious Howl
Mages: Arcane Brilliance
Windwalker Monks: Legacy of the White Tiger

+3000 Mastery Rating

Cat Pets: Roar of Courage
Exotic Spirit Beast Pets: Spirit Beast Blessing
Paladins: Blessing of Might
Shamans: Grace of Air

+5% Strength, Agility, Intellect

Druids: Mark of the Wild
Exotic Shale Spider Pets: Embrace of the Shale Spider
Monks: Legacy of the Emperor
Paladins: Blessing of Kings

+10% Stamina

Exotic Silithid Pets: Qiraji Fortitude
Priests: Power Word: Fortitude (lasts 1 hour)
Warlocks: Dark Intent
Warriors: Commanding Shout (lasts 5 minutes, mutually exclusive with Battle Shout)


-10% Physical damage dealt for 30 seconds ( Weakened Blows)

Blood Death Knights: Scarlet Fever
Feral/Guardian Druids: Thrash/ Thrash
Bear Pets: Demoralizing Roar
Carrion Bird Pets: Demoralizing Screech
Brewmaster Monks: Keg Smash
Protection/Retribution Paladins: Hammer of the Righteous
Elemental/Enhancement: Earth Shock
Warlocks: Curse of Enfeeblement
Warriors: Thunder Clap

+4% Physical damage taken for 30 seconds ( Physical Vulnerability)

Frost/Unholy Death Knights: Brittle Bones/ Ebon Plaguebringer
Boar Pets: Gore
Exotic Rhino Pets: Stampede
Exotic Worm Pets: Acid Spit
Ravager Pets: Ravage
Retribution Paladins: Judgments of the Bold
Arms/Fury Warriors: Colossus Smash

-4% Armor for 30 seconds, stacks 3 times ( Weakened Armor)
Druids: Faerie Fire
Raptor Pets: Tear Armor
Tallstrider Pets: Dust Cloud
Rogues: Expose Armor
Warriors: Sunder Armor for Arms/Fury Warriors and Devastate for Protection Warriors

+5% Spell damage taken

Dragonhawk Pets: Fire Breath
Wind Serpent Pets: Lightning Breath
Rogues: Master Poisoner
Warlocks: Curse of the Elements

Healing reduction ( Mortal Wounds)

Hunters: Widow Venom
Exotic Devilsaur Pets: Monstrous Bite
Windwalker Monks: Rising Sun Kick
Rogues: Wound Poison
Arms/Fury Warrior: Mortal Strike/ Wild Strike

Casting speed reduction

Death Knights: Necrotic Strike
Exotic Core Hound Pets: Lava Breath
Sporebat Pets: Spore Cloud
Arcane Mages: Slow
Rogues: Mind-numbing Poison
Warlocks: Curse of Enfeeblement


Pana pe MoP obisnuiam sa avem 3 miss chances separate - una pentru White Damage (auto-attacks), una pentru Special Attacks (abilitatile noastre) si una pentru Posions care era vazute ca spells. Cu toate acestea, in Mists of Pandaria, Poisons folosesc hit chance-ul de la special attacks, ceea ce inseamna ca acum avem doar 2 sanse de hit: White Damage si restul.

In MoP ca sa nu ratezi cu un special attack impotriva bossilor trebuie sa ai peste 7.5% hit rating. Asta inseamna ca Special Attacks si Poisons nu vor da miss iar pentru a atinge acest soft-cap trebuie sa ai 2550 hit rating.

Orice numar peste acesta reprezinta un dps increase minor insa nu as recomanda reforges sau gems cu hit peste acest punct.

Expertise cap-ul este exact acelasi si anume 7.5% si 2550 expertise rating.


Tricks of the Trade Macros:

Eu folosesc mai multe macrouri de tricks (dupa cum se poate vedea si din SS-urile cu interfata mea) in functie de ceea ce vreau de la fight si de ce are nevoie de raidul.

#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [@targettarget] Tricks of the Trade

Acest macro aplica ToT pe targetul bossului (e foarte folositor in double tanc encounters sau in caz ca moare MT-ul si bossul e tancat de un OT ce are nevoie la inceput de aggro)

#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=focus] Tricks of the Trade

Acest macro aplica ToT pe targetul pe care il ai la focus (un alt rogue sau un alt tanc sau un alt membru din raid care are nevoie de

dmg increase)
#show Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=Knivez] Tricks of the Trade

Acest macro aplicat ToT pe numele scris la target (Knivez este tank de regula puteti insa pune orice nume acolo).

/run local p="player" for i=1,40 do if(select(11,UnitBuff(p,i))==59628)then CancelUnitBuff(p,i)end end

Acest macro va anula transferul de threat de la Tricks of the Trade (in cazul in care faci switch sau dai Tricks pe cineva pt DPS boost). ATENTIE! Acest macro trebuie apasat de 2 ori ca sa mearga!

Offensive Abilities Macros:

#show Sinister Strike
/cast Sinister Strike
#show Envenom
/cast Envenom
/cast Mutilate
/cast Revealing Strike
#show Deadly Throw
/cast Deadly Throw
/cast !Throw

De multe ori se mai buguieste auto-attackul aceste macrouri garanteaza ca nu se intampla asa, si ele ar trebui facute cu macro pentru absolut orice abilitate ofensiva si nu numai (Exemple:Backstab, Sinister Strike, Revealing Strike, Hemorrhage, Eviscerate, Envenom, Feint, Fan of Knives, Redirect)!

Cooldown Macros:

#showtooltip Adrenaline Rush
/cast Adrenaline Rush
/cast Shadow Blades

Macro pentru Combat Burst.

#showtooltip Vanish
/cast [nocombat] Stealth; Vanish

Macro foarte bun pentru stealth/vanish pentru a nu ocupa mai multe binduri. Daca esti in combat da Vanish daca nu te baga in Stealth. (am explicat dinamica folosirii Vanishului in capitolul COOLDOWNS din Assassination)

#show 14
/equipslot 14 0 16

Acesta este un macro de trinket swap. Puneti Trinketul cu care vreti sa il schimbati pe cel actual in slotul din dreapta jos din backpack (deasupra la copper). Dati vanish si apasati macroul trinketul se va schimba.

#showtooltip Shadow Dance
/cast Shadow Dance
/use ### Gloves

Macro pentru folosirea tinkerului din Engineering cu Shadow Dance (au acelasi CD si anume 1 minut).

/use Virmen’s Bite
/cast stealth

Acest macro este extrem de folositor pentru specul de Subtlety pentru Pre-Pot deoarece potiunea te scoate din Stealth si poti pierde un opener.

/cast Premeditation
/cast Shadowstep
/cast Ambush

Acest macro este foarte bun ca opener pentru Subtlety deoarce sunt abilitati fara GCD!

Game UI Macros:

/console cameradistancemaxfactor 4

Seteaza camera la distanta ei maxima pentru o mai buna eficienta la raid.

/run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", CombatLogClearEntries);
/script CombatLogClearEntries

Macro pentru recount in caz ca se buguieste.

/script for i=1, 40 do local x = GetRaidRosterInfo(i); if (x ~= nil and x ~= UnitName("player")) then UninviteUnit(x); end; end; LeaveParty();

One shot macro pentru raid.Acesta e mai mult de fun... Ati terminat un raid si sunteti leader? apsati acest macro si dau toti leave party.

Special Macros:

#showtooltip Deadly Poison
/use Deadly Poison
/use 16

Acest macro aplica poisonul fara sa mai fie nevoie sa o facem noi din character tab pentru OH puneti 17.

/castrandom [nomounted, flyable] Invincible, Black Proto-Drake, Mimiron's Head, Pureblood Fire Hawk, Tyrael's Charger, Life-Binder's Handmaiden
/castrandom [nomounted, noflyable] Running Wild(Racial), Striped Frostsaber
/script VehicleExit()

Acest macro este mai mult de fun si asigura un mount diferit de fiecare data cand apasati pe macro. Este doar de fun si trebuie sa va puneti voi mounturile pe care le aveti disponibile.


BiS Starting Gear

Dungeon gear

Head:Soulburner CrownBoss: Lillian Voss, Scholomance
Neck:Scorched Scarlet KeyBoss: Flameweaver Koegler, Scarlet Halls
Shoulders: Doubtridden ShoulderguardsBoss: Sha of Doubt, Temple of the Jade Serpent
Back: Wind-Soaked DrapeBoss: Wise Mari, Temple of the Jade Serpent
Chest:Korloff's RaimentBoss: Brother Korloff, Scarlet Monastery
Wrists:Saboteur's Stabilizing BracersBoss: Saboteur Kip'tilak, Gate of the Setting Sun
Hands:Tombstone GauntletsBoss: Darkmaster Gandling, Scholomance
Waist: Belt of Brazen InebriationBoss:Hoptallus, Stormstout Brewery
Legs: Ghostwoven LegguardsBoss:Jandice Barov, Scholomance
Boots:Dashing Strike TreadsHigh Boss:Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Monastery
Finger1:Pulled Grenade PinBoss: Saboteur Kip'tilak, Gate of the Setting Sun
Finger2:Signet of Dancing Jade Boss: Liu Flameheart, Temple of the Jade Serpent
Trinket1:Windswept PagesBoss: Lorewalker Stonestep, Temple of the Jade Serpent
Trinket2:Searing WordsBoss: Darkmaster Gandling, Scholomance
Main hand:Claws of Gekkan, combat / Koegler's Ritual Knife, Subtlety & AssassinationBosses: Gekkan, Mogu'shan Palace / Flameweaver Koegler, Scarlet Halls
Off hand:Koegler's Ritual KnifeFlameweaver Koegler, Scarlet Halls

BiS End Gear

Raid Gear

Head:Helmet of the Thousandfold BladesBoss: Sha of Fear, Token
Neck:Choker of the Unleashed StormBoss: Blade Lord Ta'yak
Shoulders:Spaulders of the Thousandfold BladesBoss: Lei Shi
Back:Legbreaker GreatcloakBoss: Garalon
Chest:Tunic of the Thousandfold BladesBoss: Grand Empress Shek'zeer, Token
Wrists:Bracers of Unseen StrikesBoss: Blade Lord Ta'yak
Hands:Bonebreaker Gauntlets, Combat & Subtlety / Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades, Assassination Boss: Garalon / Wind Lord Mel'jarak
Belt:Stalker's Cord of Eternal Autumn Boss:Lei Shi, Tsulong
Legs:Legguards of the Thousandfold BladesBoss: Amber-Shaper Un'sok, Token
Boots:Boots of the Still BreathBoss: Imperial Vizier Zor'lok
Finger1:Regail's Band of the EndlessBoss:Protectors of the Endless
Finger2:Painful Thorned RingBoss: Wind Lord Mel'jarak
Trinket1:Bottle of Infinite Stars Boss: Elegon
Trinket2:Terror in the MistsBoss: Lei Shi
Main hand:Claws of Shek'zeer, Combat / Spiritsever, Assassination & SubtletyBoss: Grand Empress Shek'zeer / Lei Shi
Offhand:Spiritsever Boss:Lei Shi

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (7)
[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (8)

Rogue PVE All Spec Guide For 5.4.8

[RO]Rogue All-Specs PvE Guide - 5.4.8 (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.