[combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (2024)

  1. 2014-06-15,08:52 PM#1


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    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (7)
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    Hello everyone,

    I'm really sad about my numbers and i want to improve them. So, here i come to ask for your advice on how to farm dps on SOO heroic fights as a combat rogue.

    My guild is farming 14/14h every weekend, it take us little to no wipe on most of the fights, so i have pretty much one shot to be really good on the meters and get ranked, or a good number for epeen bot measurements.

    This very last weekend (june 14 and 15) was not my weekend, i did really bad, but it was mainly due to FPS issues (which i think i got fixed by now), here you can see my numbers:

    Fights i would like special advice on:

    • Immerseus
      Should we stick to the boss? Should we use BF? Should we use Fan of Knives? Should we use Crimson Tempest? On adds, no FoK but BF and CT as finisher? Save KS for adds? Save AR/SB for adds? Burst of Speed or Shadowstep for more dmg on oozes?
    • Norushen
      Should we BF adds? When to use KS? Does CoS really make us immune to Blind Hatred?
    • Sha of Pride
      When and how to gain pride to increase our dps?
    • Nazgrin
    • Malkorok
    • Thok
    • Klaxxi

    A little background for you guys:
    I took a 5 month break in the game and i am just back after that, so i've been raiding for the last 2months and i did not have much attempts on mosts fights to trial/error different approach since my guild pretty much one shot everything (until klaxxi/blackfuse, u got me). So that is why i really need your help.

    I try to talk with other rogues on my realm, but none wanna really give me all details and tricks of how farm a good dps, here are they:

    As i get everybody feedback, i will consolidate all information and update this topic. Thank you all in advance!

    Last edited by falkiendmg; 2014-06-15 at 08:55 PM.

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  2. 2014-06-15,09:37 PM#2


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    Bloodsail Admiral

    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (15)
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    Immersius - Stick on boss... GL cleaving adds with people who cleave better.
    Norushen - Cloak does infact make you immune to blind hatred
    Sha - Tunnel boss hope for buff cleave reflections
    Nazgrin - Tunnel boss hope they bring adds in to cleave
    Malkorok - Tunnel Boss - cleave adds
    Thok - GL but I guess just follow boss during kite
    Klaxxi - BF all dem adds that you can.

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  3. 2014-06-15,09:41 PM#3


    Hey im not sure how your guild does things but lately we have had specific people padding/ranking on some bosses so some times we cant aoe spam adds.

    Immerseus - You could BF the adds but tbh we wont do too much dmg on them compared to other classes if you are gonna rank its going to be doing that.

    Nourushen - You can BF the adds by standing on the inside circle and turning a little. You can KS whenever you want as long as you cloak before. Make sure you have KS glyph for this.

    Sha of Pride- You need to get transformed before the last swelling. The best way to get a boost towards the end is to possibly delay killing the boss until he spawns more add and go ham on them. Tbh you will only rank here if you get good buffs and dont get prison or banished.

    Nazgrim - Stay on the boss get the adds pulled in a BF your ass off.

    Malk - BF the adds that come take the glyph of momentum to occasionally resetting SnD

    Thok - I have no clue tbh unless you are transitioning almost instantly the key to this is a fast kill time.

    Klaxxi - BF whenever possible, Ksing onto the scorpions provides lots of dmg. If you are gonna do this atleast take skeer buff so the cleaving helps the raid out someway or another.

    I dont have good ranks at all but thats what i would do.

  4. 2014-06-15,10:21 PM#4


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    High Overlord

    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (24)
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    On the fights you listed, mostly the time kill times are a big factor into whether you parse or not.

    Mainly: Thok, Norushen, Iron Juggernaut, Immerseus, Malkorok.

    Dropndestroy | i7-3770k 4.6Ghz | EVGA GTX 680 SC Signature+ SLI | ASUS Maximus V Formula | G.Skill 16gb 2400 | AX850

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  5. 2014-06-16,03:08 AM#5


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    Immerseus - Ok, i will focus on single target rotation on boss and see if i can get some extra BF on adds if possible. Seems like that is what ppl are doing.

    Norushen - Well, that will increase my dps substantially, since i've been delaying my KS with fear of death on blind hatred. Using the glyph is a nice thing, will keep that in mind.

    Sha - The trick seems like getting the most pride u can have after boss reach 30%. But how can get Mind Controlled benefit my dmg in terms of ranks?

    Nazgrin - Ok, that's what i've been doing lately. Maybe i just need a better timing.

    Malkorok - glyph of momentum works here? Nice, will try that.

    Thok - i think you're right. Maybe swapping to the jailer would be a good option (not in term of boss dmg, but in meter dmg)

    Klaxxi - BF lower your single target dps. Maybe i can make use of it during BL+AR/SB, but not besides it.

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  6. 2014-06-16,10:14 AM#6


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    High Overlord

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    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (41) Originally Posted by falkiendmg

    Klaxxi - BF lower your single target dps. Maybe i can make use of it during BL+AR/SB, but not besides it.

    Yes it will, but it is probably the only way to parse on this fight.

    Dropndestroy | i7-3770k 4.6Ghz | EVGA GTX 680 SC Signature+ SLI | ASUS Maximus V Formula | G.Skill 16gb 2400 | AX850

  7. 2014-06-16,11:22 AM#7


    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (44) Originally Posted by falkiendmg

    Sha - The trick seems like getting the most pride u can have after boss reach 30%. But how can get Mind Controlled benefit my dmg in terms of ranks?

    overcome buffs dmg/healing by 50%, just time it to kill boss before the next swelling pride, or before the 30% reset mark or you will have to be killed by the raid

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  8. 2014-06-16,12:12 PM#8


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    Stood in the Fire

    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (52)
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    The best ranks are done by either cheesing for that person in particular, only letting them cleave or tunnelling temp buffs in to them, tricks, UF, using banners and lust when their sh*t lines up with it.

    It is possible to get decent ranks, ~20ish without that, but rank 1, especially for combat rogues which a pretty well represented is a tough job and usually requires help.

    The rank 1 on immerseus for example is like 730k, I don't see how that is possible without him being the only one allowed to cleave, their kill time is very good too.

    Iron Jugg Rank 1 is 616k, which would be 1 tank, maybe 2-3 heals and a 2:45 kill time, highlights how you need a good guild to rank, you can do your rotation perfectly, miss no procs line up CDs 100% and if you take 4 mins to kill IJ you just wont rank ever.

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  9. 2014-06-16,01:56 PM#9


    Plus some guilds line warrior banners and unholy dk frenzys+ rogue tricks together to get that person to rank. Like 20-50 is pretty achieveable without these but top 10 i doubt it.

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  10. 2014-06-17,10:07 AM#10


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    Bloodsail Admiral

    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (61)
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    If you want to compete in damage on Immerseus, go Assassin.

    If you want to max Combat damage, use AR/SB and FOK/CT spam on add phases - I don't think you can do more damage than that as Combat, assuming 25 man and all adds are stacked up.

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  11. 2014-06-18,02:51 AM#11


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    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (68)
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    LF protip on how to rank on Iron Jugg....its pretty straight forward tank n span, but does anyone have any ideas that maybe I'm not doing?

    Armory link:

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  12. 2014-06-18,03:43 AM#12


    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (70) Originally Posted by Aceydubs

    LF protip on how to rank on Iron Jugg....its pretty straight forward tank n span, but does anyone have any ideas that maybe I'm not doing?

    Ranking on that would be kill time and your own personal dps. If your guild is running away to avoid mortars dont think about ranking. But otherwise try and get tricks from a rogue (dont tricks anyone yourself). If you have a couple of dks handy ask them to go unholy and chain you with unholy frenzy. Stack crit banners get a lock to soulstone you and die then instant res for a 2nd lust. Do the paragons tactic of 5 affi locks and 4 rogues to trick them. I think their kill time was like 2/3mins or something stupid. These are just some tips. Also you need to avoid each knockback but thats easy mode for most rogues.

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  13. 2014-06-18,04:06 AM#13


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    The Lightbringer

    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (79)
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    Do the silly marked for death thing to start with full slice and dice... Double Hero, Unholy Frenzy and tricks. That plus a lot of luck with Haromm's and RvS CPs and you should get R1 if you have the gear. Also don't f*ck up yours CD's badly [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (80)

    [combat][soo][5.4.8] How to Farm DPS on SOO heroic fights? (81)

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