Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (2024)

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  • Mature
Archive Warning:
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • Gen
  • Creepypasta - Fandom
  • (Y/N) (L/N)
  • Jess the Killer
  • Nurse Ann
  • Benny Drowned
  • Clockwork
  • Slender Woman - Character
  • Masky
  • Hoodie - Character
  • Eyeless Jackie
  • Smile Dog
  • Sebastian Castellanos
Additional Tags:
  • male reader - Freeform
  • Abuse

Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader




(Y/n) (L/n) lived a terrible life of pain, as he was abused by his own family since he learned to walk. However, (Y/n)'s life is about to change after a white skinned serial killers comes and takes him away. But his future has more plans for him. . . .

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: My 'Family'

Chapter Text

- Sunday 22nd, September 2019-
-Location & Time: -
-POV: (Y/n) -

'Father': "(Y/N), GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND CLEAN THE LIVING ROOM!" I hear my 'father' yell from downstairs. I sit up in my bed.... well it's not even a bed, its just a pillow and blanket on the floor of the attic. I put my glasses on and get up from the bed and strech.

'Father': "IF YOUR NOT DOWN IN 10 SECONDS I'LL BREAK YOUR f*ckING ARM AGAIN! NOW GET DOWN HERE!". I quickly run out my room and head downstairs, only for my 'sister' to trip me and I fall down the stairs and lands head first on the ground.

'Mother': "Oh for f*ck sake! You got blood on the f*cking carpet!". I look to see there was indeed blood on the carpet and I feel my nose throbbing as blood comes out.

(Y/n): "I- I didn't mean to mu-" I was interrupted by my 'mother' kick me in the face, making more blood go on the floor. I then feel my 'Father' grab me by the hair and pulls me up to his face as I wince in pain.

'Father': "Your going to clean up this blood, then the living room as we're out. And I swear to god, if its not done by the time we get back, I'll break every bone in your body!" He yells in my face before throwing me into the wall. "Worthless piece of sh*t. Why did we have him?"

'Mother': "I don't know, but I wish I had him aborted". I crawl onto my hands and knees and let a few tears fall to the ground before my 'sister' kicks me in the gut.

'Sister': "Hey worthless, while we're out, clean my room"

(Y/n): "B-but its a-already clean from yesterday" I said. She pushes me onto my back and stomps on my stomach, causing me to cry in pain.

'Sister': "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME SLAVE! WHEN I SAY SOMETHING, YOU'LL f*ckING DO IT!!!". She then gives one final stomp to my chest and walks out the house with my 'parents'. I lie there cry and coughing up blood. Ever since I was born I've been the slave to these people.

I painfully get up and lean against the wall to catch my breath.

(Y/n): "Why do they do this to me *sob* I've done nothing to them...." I cried. After a few minutes my nose stops bleeding and the pain becomes bearable so I walk into the basem*nt to grab the cleaning equipment and start to clean the living room. I had no idea what they wanted me to clean in here, there was nothing dirty or dusty. I still clean everything, hoping it will reach their 'standards'.

- Time-skip an hour -

After an hour of cleaning I finally finished the living room and cleaning the blood from the floor.

(Y/n): "Hopefully this will please them..."

I then grabs the equipment and go back into the basem*nt to put it away, but while I was down there, I felt like I was being watched by someone. I look around and see nothing out of the ordinary so I shrug It off and walk back up stairs to my room, I was too tired and weak to clean my sisters room. I sat at the window of my room, looking out into the forest behind my 'home'. Sometimes I wish I could just run away from this place, to get away from all this abuse.

As my eyes look through the forest, they stop when I see what seem to be a person standing between two trees. Before my eyes could make out the features, I hear the front door being opened and stomping up the stairs.

'Sister': "Hey little sh*t. Look what mum and dad got me" she then takes out an Iphone X and brags about it. I ignore her and turn back to the forest to see the figure was gone. I try to look for them but I'm then grabbed by the shoulder and thrown to the floor by my 'sister'.

'Sister': "Hey! *punch* when I'm talking to you! *punch* I expect you! *punch* to listen!". She then delivers one final punch to my face, before taking my glasses and throwing them across the room. She then walks out my room as I crawl towards my glasses, and as I put them on, I notice they now have a crack in one of the lenses.

(Y/n): "G-god damn it...."

For the rest of the day, I stayed in my room playing Pokemon Red on a Gameboy my friend at school gave me. They only time I came out my room was to either go to the bathroom, clean the house or cook for my 'family'. Even though I'm a 9 year old kid, I actually cooked a pretty good meal, but as expected my 'family' wouldn't let me eat while they eat and would only give me scraps if there were any left.

'Mother': "(Y/n)!" I hear my 'mother' shout while coming up the stairs. I quickly hide my Gameboy in a secret compartment in the floor boards. My 'mother' then enters my room with a belt and a smug grin on her face.

(Y/n): "M-mum, p-please don't! I beg you" I plead as she approaches me.

'Mother': "Shut the f*ck up!"

- ??? POV -

I was patrolling the perimeter of the forest as normal, seeing if anyone was foolish enough to enter during the night. As I walk, I hear the sounds of a kid yelling in pain while someone was shouting at them. I go towards the sounds and find they are coming from a house near the forest. I get closer and I now can clearly hear whats going on.

Kid (voice): "Mummy! Please! No more!"

Woman (Voice): " Shut the f*ck up! *smack* You're a worthless child! I don't even know why I had you!". I then hear the sound of a belt hitting the kid as he screams in pain. I then climb up a pipe on the side of the house to lift me to the attic window and to my horror, I see a small boy in glasses being beaten by a belt by what I presume is his mother.

Man: "What the f*ck is with all the screaming in here!". I then see a man come into the room and he picks up the boy by the hair and lifts him off his feet and punches him in the stomach, while the mother still beats him with the belt.

???: "That poor kid, he don't deserve being beaten". I felt my anger go up, as I badly wanted to go in there and kill them. But Slenda made it very clear that I can't kill outside the forest without her permission. (Just don't ask, go with it!)

???: "I need to tell the others about this. Hopefully they'll feel the same way about this" I said to myself as I climb back down the pipe and run back into the forest.

- Monday 23rd -
- (Y/n)'s POV -

I've just woken up from the sound of my 'Father' pounding on the door, shouting at me to wake up and cook breakfast. I sit up to feel my back and chest ache in pain from last nights beating. I get up and put my clothes on and go down stair to make my 'family' their breakfast.

'Father': "Remember you little sh*t, I want my eggs over easy and unfertilized" He says while slapping the back of my head, making me grunt in pain. I go to the fridge and grab a box of eggs and a packet of bacon and head to the cooker.

(Y/n) thoughts: "If I ever get out of this hell hold, I might get a job as a chef.... actually, maybe not..."

I start to cook the eggs and bacon while my 'family' sit at the table. talking about what the day ahead of them will be like. Thankfully it was a school day so I was able to get away from my 'mother' and 'father' for a couple hours. My 'sister' on the other hand was In year 13 (which means she's 19 or 18) at my school while I was a year 6, and you'd think she'd not abuse me there... your wrong. When I'm around people she acts all kind and 'lovable', but the moment we're alone, she'll either insult me or hit me.

Anyway, i finished making the eggs for my 'father' and put them on a plate and handed him it.

(Y/n): "H-here's your eggs s-sir"

'Father': "Shut the f*ck up c*nt" he replies while I return to the cooker. Then I feel someone grab my shoulder and throw me to the floor. When I look up I see my 'father' giving me a pissed off glare and holding his plate in my face. "What the f*ck did I say!"

(Y/n): "I-I don't k-know sir!". He then smashes the plate right next to me and proceeds to grab me by the shirt.

'Father': "I SAID OVER EASY!" he yells in my face.

(Y/n): "I-I'm sorry sir, I-I'll make some more!"

'father': "There ain't enough f*cking time!". He throws me back on the floor and kicks me in my side. I can hear my 'sister' laughing at me as I get back up.

'Father': "Right honey, I'll see you later" he says to my 'mother'.

'Mother': "Okay sweetie, have a good day". I hear the front door open and close and I slightly sigh now knowing one of them are gone.

'Sister': "Hey dick bag, bus is going to be here soon so hurry up with my food"

(Y/n): "I'm going as fast as I can" I mumble under my breath. I finish the bacon and hand a plate to my sister who scoff the food down like a pig. As normal I wasn't allowed any breakfast but I didn't mind since my only friend at school actually gives me food. I grab my backpack and leave go to the front door.

'sister': "Bye mum, love you"

'Mother': "Love you too dear". She then looks at me and gives me a glare.

(Y/n): "S-see you later mum..."

I then go to the bus-stop with my 'sister and wait there, looking towards the forest. As I looked into the forest, I felt a weird presence, like someone watching me. I also swear I heard a very faint voice calling my name, but before I could figure out where it was coming from, the bus pulls up and I go to the back to see my friend. We smile at each other and I sit next to her.

Suzi: "Morning (Y/n), ready for another boring day of school"

(Y/n): "Yeah... I am...."

Suzi: "You seem down again. Did something happen?"

(Y/n): "N-no.... Just didn't get that much sleep...."

Suzi just looks at me, she knows I'm lying but he goes along with it. Me and her might be the best of friends, but I can't tell her about my life at home, that would lead to another world of problems....

Suzi: "Anyway, look what I got on Saturday!". He reaches into his pocket and takes out a game boy cartridge. It was a deep red and the picture on the front was of appeared to be a Pikachu though it looked to be black with piercing red eyes.

(Y/n): "That's totally not creepy...."

Suzi: "I know it is, which is why I want you to be with me while I play it, cause I'm kinda, maybe a little scared..."

(Y/n): "S-sure, I'll watch"

Suzi: "Yay!" She the hugs me bruised arm but I didn't care. Suzi was the only person in this world who liked me, and I liked her. She might of been a year older then me (Making her 10 ._.) but I liked her.... Like more then a friend, but I'm still too young to think of that. While Suzi hugs me, I look over to the front to see my 'sister' glaring at me while she sits with the 'cool' kids.

I look back at Suzi and I kinda blush. I know I'm too young to think about the whole going out thing but I didn't care. Suzi was a very beautiful girl. She was funny, she understood me, she was always there for me, and we both liked the same things.... and we both wore glasses.

*Time-skip. Break-time at the school*

I was sitting on a bench in the courtyard, waiting for Suzi. As I sat there with my head down, I could hear someone walking towards me, and when I look up I see my 'sister' approach me with her mate.

'sister': "Hey there lil bro!" she says in a fake cheerful voice. I went to walk away but she puts her arm around me and sits next to me. "Listen, since we both love each other, I was wondering if you could do your big sister a favor and complete my homework"

(Y/n): "W-well do you think y-you could get one of your o-other friends to do it?". I then feel her finger nails go into my skin as she gets annoyed. "O-on second though, I-I'll do it!"

'Sister': "Oh thanks bro, I'll make sure your reward tonight". I then get a sudden sense of dread after she says that. She then hands me her homework and walks away.

Suzi: "(Y/n)!"

I look over to see Suzi walking towards me. I smile at her and she smiles back before sitting next to me. "So how was your day so far?"

(Y/n): "I-it's been fine Suzi"

Suzi: "Are you okay? You seem a bit off today?"

(Y/n): "Suzi.... can I ask you something"

Suzi: "Go ahead"

(Y/n): "Well.... it might be a hard question... b-but when your older, is there someone you'd want to be with?". I look at her and she's blushing with a slightly shocked expression, but it turn into a smile.

Suzi: "W-well... there is one person I'd like to be with" she says while scooting closer to me.

(Y/n): "M-may I ask who?". Suzi then looks into my eyes and takes off her glasses, then mine. "W-what are you do-"

- 'Sister' POV -

I was hanging out with my friends, talking about boy we liked and talking out what to do with the unpopular kids in our year. But as we spoke, My eyes landed on my worthless brother and I instantly froze. Sitting on the bench with him, was his friend and they were KISSING!!!

'Sister' thoughts: "Who the f*ck said he could have feeling to some girl?!"

Friend: "Is there something wrong?"

'Sister': "Eh! oh no, just lost in though thats all" I laugh. I then look over at the two 'love birds'. "Just you wait till mum and dad hear about this" I mumble to myself while gritting my teeth together.

- (Y/n)'s POV -

After what seemed like eternity (......WHAT! the kid has never got love form his family, or anyone for that fact. This is the first kiss, it's magical..... okay i'll shut up now) we seperate and even though my vision is blurry, I looked into Suzi's eyes.

(Oh yeah, I might add that you basically can't see without your glasses. Your vision become unbelievably blurry and you basically can't see sh*t..... well at least he's not deaf ._.)

(Y/n): "I....Wha-" Suzi then puts a finger on my lips.

Suzi: "I know we're too young for us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. But when we are older, I'd like to be with you, if you want too?"

(Y/n): "Yes, I would like that". Me and Suzi then spend the rest of break time together,playing her new pokemon game. It was kinda creepy but nothing seemed out of place, but when she made it to a cliff on Mt.Moon, the game glitched and stopped working.

Suzi: "Oh darn..."

(Y/n): "W-well it is a bootleg version so what should we expect..."

Suzi: "True. Well come on, lets get to class now". she jumped off the bench and took my hand. The rest of the day was alright, and when Lunch came, me and Suzi hanged out like normal. She gave me a bit of her lunch and we tried to see if the game would work, but the game boy wouldn't turn on. But I didn't care, being around her made me really happy, I just wish I could be around her after school instead of going back 'home'.

Suzi: "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/n)!" she cheerfully said while waving goodbye before she got into her mothers car. I wave back and smile until her mothers car drives away. I then get onto the bus and sit at the back. I then see my 'sister' get on and glare at me before sitting at the front. I then felt a shiver go down my spine as I started dreading what will happen when I get home.

As the bus made its way back to my 'home', I started to feel cold. Normally I wouldn't mind, but It was weird since Its been pretty hot today. I then start to hear the faint sound of what I think was static, along with someone calling my name. I look around the bus, trying to figure out were the sounds were coming from, but I didn't find the source. But when I look out the window towards the forest, I swear I saw a tall person standing between the trees.

(Y/n): "W-what the?"

Bus driver: "Final stop". Just as he said that, the cold and sounds instantly stopped. I then grab my bag and get off the bus and head 'home'. I reach 'home' and enter. I then started to head to my room but then my 'sister' grabbed me by the neck and shoved me into the wall.

'Sister: "Listen here you little sh*t, I saw you and that little friend of yours kissing earlier! So, this is whats going to happen. Tomorrow, your going to say you don't want to be friend with her anymore, and if you don't, I'll tell mum and dad!" she shouts at me.

(Y/n): "B-but why. She's my only friend..."

'Sister': "You don't deserve any friends! So will you do it?!"

(Y/n): ".....no...." I mumble.

'sister': "What did you say?"

(Y/n): "I said no!" I shout at her, causing her to be shocked, but then she became very pissed.

'sister': "Don't you dare yell at me!". She then grabs me by the shirt and drags me to my room. She throws me in and slams the door shut.

- Time-skip, Night time -

It was now night, and my parents were home. I haven't come out my room yet, fearing that if I do, I'll be beaten senseless by my 'sister'. I still didn't get it, why did she want me to stop being friends with Suzi? all we did was kiss each other.

(Y/n): "I-It's like I'm not allowed anything h-happy in this world....."

I then get my game boy out and start to play on it, at least they don't know I have this.

'father': "(Y/n)!". I jump as I hear my father shout my name as he enters my room. I quickly hide the game boy behind my back. "What's that?!"

(Y/n): "W-whats what s-sir?". He then growls and stomps towards me. He then grabs me by the hair and pulls me up, making me wince in pain. I then drop the game boy onto the floor and my dad grabs it.

'father': "Where the f*ck did you get this?!" he shout at me.

(Y/n): "M-m-my f-friend g-gave me it-"

'father': "Bullsh*t! *smack* you don't have any friends! you stole this!"

(Y/n): "N-no I didn't!"

'father': " THEN WHERE DID YOU GET IT!" he shout while throwing the Game boy onto the floor, breaking it.

'sister': "It must of been that girl you hang out with!". I look to the door to see my 'sister' and 'mother' standing there, both looking angry.

'father': "what! a girl!?"

'sister': "Yes dad, and thats not all!". I then start to shiver and cry as I know whats coming. "Earlier today I saw him and that girl kissing. And when I told him to stop being friends with her, he had the balls to yell back at me!". My 'father' the looks back at me with a very pissed off face. He then throws me to the ground and starts to take off his belt as I crawl into the corner.

'father': "YOU KISSED A GIRL! AND WORSE YOU SHOUTED AT YOU SISTER! I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU A LESSON YOU'LL NEVER FORGET!". He then starts to hit me with the belt, making me cry out in pain.

(Y/n): "P-please stop!"

'Mother': "Hey honey, let me take over". my 'dad' then hands her the belt and she walks towards me.

(Y/n): "Why can't you let me be friends with her! I did nothing wrong!" I yell at them, only to get a belt to the face.

'mother': "Because you don't deserve it! You deserve nothing! your just a worthless *smack* piece *punch* of f*cking sh*t!".

As I lay on the floor, coughing up blood and crying from the pain, I look up to see all three of them standing over me. Then my father takes my glasses off me and throws them on the floor, making me go blind and I could hear one of the lenses smash on impact

(Y/n): "Please *sob* stop, I'm begging you!"

'mother': "Your never leaving this house again! you'll never see the outside or the little girlfriend of your again!". I was crying my eyes out at this point. I was hurt both mentally and physically at this point. They beat me to a pulp, and now they're going to keep me trapped here in this hell. I then look up to where I last saw them and

(Y/n): "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME! I'VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU! ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO BE LOVED BY YOU! AND NOW YOUR TRYING TO SEPARATE ME FROM THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS WORLD WHO DOES LOVE ME!-". I was cut off by the sound of the window behind me being smashed open and then hear someone stand in front of me.

???: "I'm going to f*cking kill all of you!!!" I hear a female voice shout before the sounds of fighting started happening. I try to feel around from my glasses, being stepped on 'accidentally twice by either my 'family' or the attacker. I find them and put them on, and as I thought one of the lenses was gone while the remaining one has a crack in it. I stood up to see my dad fighting a girl who looked around my 'sisters' age. She was wearing a white hoodie, black pants and she hand a knife in her left hand. She then looks at me I freeze from fear when I see her face. Her skin was completely white, her hair was black, but the worst thing were her mouth. She had a smile carved from ear to ear.

She then approaches me but I back up with each step. My father tries to tackle her from behind but this girl quickly step to the side while turning around to face him. My 'father' crashes into the wall next to me and I scream a little.

'Father': "Don't just stand there! HELP ME YOU LITTLE sh*t!" I yells at me before pushing me forward so I'm facing the girl. I put my tiny fists up but its obvious I'm scared out my mind as I'm visibly shaking and crying. "OH YOU f*ckING WHIMP! MOVE!" he yells as he gets up. He pushes me to the side as her darts towards the girl, while I crash into a couple boxes. I landed hard on the ground and banged my head too, causing me to cry out in more pain while covering my head with my arms. I then feel a pair of hands pick me up so I open my eyes to see the girl holding me like a princess from one of those Disney films.

???: "This child is coming with me! People like you don't deserve him!" the girl shouts at my 'father', who was on the floor covering his throat with his hand with blood leaking through his fingers. I then roll out of the girls arms and land with a thud on the floor. I quickly get back on my feet and run out my room and head towards the kitchen. I reach the back door and quickly unlock it and open it, but I'm then grabbed by the hair and I see my 'Mother' and 'sister'.

'mother': "where the hell is your father!" She yells in my face.

(Y/n): "H-He's with the girl! S-She cut his throat!" I cried out while trying to get her to stop grabbing my hair. My 'mum' was about to shout at me again but then cried out in pain as something hit her in the back. She collapses to the floor as I see that a knife had struck her in the back, which I look to the entrance of the kitchen to see the girl standing there with a crazed smile.

???: "Go to sleep bitch!". She says while taking the knife out my mums back and licking the blood off the knife. I finally throw up as all this blood was just to much, then my 'sister' grabs me and runs out the back door towards the forest.

- Jess's POV -

"sh*t! That bitch took him with her, and worst she's gone into Slenda's woods. If she finds them first before me she'll kill both the bitch and (Y/n). . . f*ck I screwed up now" I thought as I slit the mothers throat open like the husbands before running out the back door as I hear the police in the distance closing in.

-End chapter 1-

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Misty Woods

Chapter Text

- Monday 23rd, September 2019-
-Location & Time: 8:15PM -
-POV: (Y/n) -

Me and my 'Sister' had just ran out the house and was headed to the woods to hide from that girl.

(Y/n): "Oh my god! Oh my god! What are we gonna do!" I cried to myself as I was dragged into the forest. My sister took out a flashlight so she could see what was in front of us. After a minutes of none stop running, we finally stopped to stop to catch our breath. My 'sister' finally let go of me and I collapsed onto the floor crying. I was in both emotional and psyical pain, I had just seem some of the scariest stuff in my life and both my 'parents' were dead.

(Y/n): "We're dead! We're so dead!" I cried out, only to get a kick from my sister.

'Sister': "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!" she screams at me. "This is all your fault!"

(Y/n): "H-Hows it my fault!" I yell back at her, causing her to smack me in the face.



'sister': "YOU DESERVED EVERY f*ckING PUNCH WE GAVE YOU! AND YOUR RIGHT, YOUR GONNA DIE IN THESE WOODS WHILE I ESCAPE!" she shouted at me before turning and ran off into the mist. I lay'd there crying as I coughed out blood from my battered body. The only thing going through my mind was I was gonna die without saying goodbye to Suzi.

(Y/n): "Oh god please help me" I cry as I sit up to wipe the blood off my face. I stand up and limp in the direction my 'sister' ran off in while holding my side. I kept going in that direction until I reached what appeared to be a abandoned camp site. There were two tents, one of them was ripped to shreds while the other was in perfect condition. I entered it to find a sleeping bag and a backpack inside. I zipped up the entrance and went over to the backpack. Inside was a blanket, box of matches, a flashlight, a candy bar and notebook. I took out the blanket and wrapped myself in it cause it was really cold out here. I also took out the notebook and started to look through It. It was owned by a person called Rodney Beal, and it started out like a normal diary, going through each day of his life. . . but then it go weird.

His writing became more. . . rushed, and he also started doing little drawings in the book. Some were scribble's of tree's that had a big stick man standing in between them. I then reached a page that really made me feel uneasy. It was a drawing of a giant stick person with the words 'no' written down each side of it. The more I stared at it the more it seemed like I was being watched. I was ripped back to reality when a owl hoots nearby, making me close and throw the notebook to the other side of the tent. I then start examining my wounds. I had cuts and bruises all over me, some still bleeding and some scabbed up. I didn't know how to properly deal with them so I took out some plasters and just covered the bleeding cuts. When I'm done I just sit there in the tent.

(Y/n): "...I am so dead. I bet any minute now, that girl from earlier is going to start calling out my name, then when she finds me, either kidnap me or something wor-". I then hear something snap outside and I nearly jump out of my skin from fear. I grab the flash light and go outside the tent to look around. "w-who's there?!" I ask out in fear while turning on the light. The silence of the forest returned and I was darting the light everywhere. I turn on the spot as I hear something run past behind me.

???: "well well, look who decided to come into the woods alone" a raspy female voice replied, making me shiver. I can hear whatever it is moving around, but I couldn't see it no matter where I shined my light.

(Y/n): "W-who ever you are, p-please don't hurt me. I-I mean no trouble"

???: "I know you mean no trouble *laughs* how could a child like you do anything to me"

(Y/n): "S-Show yourself!". I then freeze up as I feel something breathing on my neck.

???: "I was planning too..." I then move my head a little to see a hand with long claws on my shoulder.

I then start to shake in fear and drop my flashlight on the floor.

???: "What's the matter, you seem a little scared". I then feel another hand on my cheek and I see its long fingers go over my eye.

(Y/n): "P-please, don't hurt me". I then hear her laugh before I feel her grab the back of my shirt and pull me to the ground, nearly ripping my shirt off completely. When I try to get back up but the girl gets on me and grabs both my wrists. I then look at her, I shake more in fear and struggle to get out her grasp.

???: "Stop struggling little one, this will be over soon". She then leans closer and starts to sniff me, and even lick my neck and cheek. "Now, where to start"

(Y/n): "W-what are you g-going to do!"

???: "Well, I've haven't eaten in a couple days, but now your here *licks my cheek* I'm going to enjoy this. But since your a kid *reveals her razor sharp teeth* I'll make your pain quick!". I then start to thrash around as she laughs and I began to beg and cry. She then brings my left wrist to her mouth and is about to bit down, but before she bites down I managed to get one of my legs up and kick her in the gut which made her let go of my wrist. I then see a big branch next to me so I grab it and smash it into the side of her head. She gave out a animal like grunt as she got off me, which I instantly get up from the ground and run to the Tent and quickly grab the matches. I ran off deeper into the misty woods, hearing the girl following me not far behind. . . crap.

I try to think of something to do but I'm tackled back on to the floor. the Girl was on my back and pushing my head down into the dirt, making sure I could still see her.

???: "That hurt you little sh*t! Now I'm gonna kill you slowly!" she growls at me before quickly slashing at my back, making me cry in pain. I could tell she was enjoying this as I could hear her laughing through my pain. I closed my eyes as I believe this is my end but to my surprise I feel her get of me. I turn onto my back with stung as the slash marks she left made contact with the ground. She was looking at something behind me so I quickly looked to see probably one of the most terrifying thing I have ever seen.I saw a smiling red and black Siberian Husky with yellow eyes.

(Y/n): "T-this can't be happening!"

???: "Oh it is!". I turn my head to see the girl lunge at me, but the dog jumps over me and attacks her. "COME ON SMILEY! WE BOTH KNOW YOU'LL KILL HIM ALONG WITH THE OTHER GIRLS!"

(Y/n) thoughts: "THERE ARE OTHERS!". The dog carry's on attacking the girl, giving me an opportunity to get up and continue running, but when I turn to run, the girl grab my ankle and pulls me back to the floor again.

???: "Where do you think your going kid-". The dog then rushes to her arm and bites down so hard that I hear the bone snap. The girl gives out a animal like yell in pain before letting go and resuming the fight with the dog. I get up once more and run deeper into the forest with the mindset of 'if I stop, I'll either be eaten by a smiling dog or a creepy girl'.

A kept running until the sounds of the dog and girl were very faint, like you have to listen carefully to hear it. I stop to catch my breath at a nearby tree which was really thin. . . like too thin. I didn't really care as the pain of the slashes on my back occupied my mind. I used my right hand to check my back and it stung as my fingers made contact with it. I looked at my fingers and as I thought there was blood on them.

(Y/n): "N-Now what am I gonna do! I'm gonna bleed out without he- WOAH!" I yelled the last part as the tree I was leaning on just. . . disappeared. I got back up and searched for it but it was gone. "W-What the?"

I then start to hear the faint sound of stomping, which I didn't know which way it was coming from. I went over to another tree with was not a thin and put my back to it while taking out the box of matches and lighting one. The stomping got louder and louder until It sounded like it was right next to me. . . then it stopped. I searched around the tree and nothing was there. . .

(Y/n): "Wha- What's going on in this forest?-". I stopped instantly as I hear a twig snap behind me.

I look and to my ever growing horror, the smiling dogs was standing there, looking like it was about to pounce on me. i turned fully and started walking back with my hands up. Each step I took the dog stepped forward.

(Y/N): "N-Nice doggy" I stuttered, earning a deep growl from it as its smile got wider. It then jolted forward and I screamed while falling on my back, instantly curling up. I then hear laughter and I opened my eyes to see the DOG LAUGHING?!

Dog: "Oh that was great! *laughs* you kids always fall for the mock charge" It said. . . THE DOG SPOKE! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!

(Y/n): "Did you just talk?!?!" I managed to get out.

Dog: "no, its just the voices in your head. Yes I just spoke you idiot" It said back. . . Okay, please tell me I'm dreaming.

???: "(Y/n)?!" I hear someone say behind me. I turned to see the girl in the white hoodie approaching him and the dog. I went to get up to run, but the dog snapped its jaws at me.

Dog: "Sit!" It shouts, making me whimper in fear. I'm surprised I'm still producing tears, cause I've been crying for an hour straight. I was overwhelmed with fear at this point, I was shaking, crying and on the verge of fainting as I was cornered by these two.

(Y/n): "P-Please, don't hurt me!" I begged on my knees. I could hear that dog laughing but the girl was just staying silent. She then stepped towards me and I closed my eyes preparing for the worst. But what I felt next was something warm on my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw the girl had kneel'd down to my level and placed her hand on my cheek, and was cressing it. I would of flinch away from her but it felt wonderful. Probably from the lack of love I've revived in my life.

Dog: "Really jess? I thought we were gonna scare him"

Jess: "Smiley, when I told you my plan on getting him, when did I say we would scare him? I'm pretty sure I said the opposite" I she said, with an annoyed voice.

Smiley: "But all this being nice sh*t is making me sick. I want to scare or kill something"

Jess: "What about the rake? Didn't you kill her?"

Dog: "No, anorexic bitch got away"

(Y/n): "W-Who are you?" I said, making the girl look at me.

Jess: "I'm Jess The Killer, and the dog over there is Smiley"

. . . Jess. . . the killer. . . KILLER?!?!

(Y/n): "K-killer!" I said while back up. I was gonna scream but she came forward and covered my mouth before I could"

Jess: "Listen! Before you scream, I'm not going to kill you" she said before taking her hand away.

(Y/n): "W-well you killed 'them' so why not m-me?"

Jess: "Because they deserved it. Because they mistreated you, and I couldn't stand to watch that anymore!" She nearly yelled that last part, making be back up into the tree behind me in fear. I guess she realized she was scaring me cause she instantly calmed down. "I'm sorry, it just makes me angry thinking of those bastards"

???: "And it makes me angry when you go behind my back Jess!" a voice says. I look around to locate it but I didn't see anyway. I then saw Jess and the dog backing away from me and I could hear the sound of something behind me. I turned my head to see that the tree trunk I was leaning on had turned into a pair of tall, thin legs. I looked up to see that the tree had turned into a very tall, thin and scary woman. I then noticed that this person didn't have a face. I was paralyzed in fear now.

Jess: "Oh... Slenda, let me explain-"

Slenda: "Be quiet Jess. You should of told me that you were gonna do this. And Smiley, I thought you knew better then to go behind my back"

Smiley: "I'm sorry Slenda"

Slenda: "Well, I forgive you two, but you've made me really annoyed". The woman known as slenda then looked down at me, who was still frozen in fear. I then see a couple of tendrils come out her back and slowly come towards me. I finally snapped out of my trance and went to back away but a tendril quickly went behind me to hold me in place. I looked into wear the eyes of this woman should be through my dirty glasses. I had tears streaming down my face as I was just too scared.

Jess: "Slenda! Don't hurt him! Please!"

Slenda: "Can it Jess. This child is in my judgement now" I hear her say. She then slowly reached her hand forward and covered my face. I instantly felt calm and tired, and before I closed my eyes I heard a voice in my head. "Sleep little one. I won't hurt you"

*3rd person POV*

After Slenda made (Y/n) fall asleep, she looked back at Jess.

Slenda: "So Jess, what are we gonna do now?"

Jess: "Well his 'sister' managed to get away. So I suggest we try to find her"

Slenda: "No, she's out the forest now. She'll most likely go to the police. Lets just leave it as another murder in the area. Now what about the child?"

Smiley: "I say we dump him at a care home... or we could-"

Jess: "Don't.You.Dare end that sentence!"

Smiley: "I'm just saying. We're in the middle of the woods, and we haven't had any problems with it in the past"

Slenda: "No Smiley, we're not gonna kill the poor kid. And for the record, we kill teenagers and adults, not kids"

Smiley: "Didn't stop me when those stupid kids got a hold of my picture"

Jess: "That's because your a heartless bitch"

Smiley: "True"

Jess: "Anyway. Slenda, I want to bring him back to the mansion. Anne will be able to heal him and he can have a place to stay"

Slenda: "Hmmmm... I guess we could"

Smiley: "Slenda you can't be serious. What will the others think?"

Slenda: "I'll talk to them before he wakes up"

Jess:" So that's a yes?"

Slenda: "Yes it is. Now lets get him back to the mansion before more of zalgo's minions come. And smiley, let Anne check on you, because you look hurt"

Smiley: "I'm fine Slenda. Just a couple scratches from that Rake bitch"

Slenda: "Still have yourself looked at. You are bleeding a bit too much"

Smiley: "Fine..."

Jess: "Slenda, quick question, where is (Y/n) gonna sleep?". Slenda crosses her arms while looking at Jess. "Really, my room..."

Slenda: "Your the one who wanted to do this in the first place, so you'll take responsibility". Jess just sighed and nodded before picking up the sleeping kid in her arms. "He looks kinda cute when he's asleep"

Smiley: "Christ, you both fallen for him"

Jess: "Come on Smiley, we both know you really like him"

Smiley:" I.Do.Not!"

Slenda: "Don't lie. I looked in your mind an I can see that you think he's cute"

Smiley: "Don't look into my mind Slenda! Now can we go, because I don't want to fight the Rake again". Slenda nodded before she teleport ed Jess, Smiley and herself outside the mansion. Jess take (Y/n) to her room and lays him down on her bed, while Smiley goes to see Nurse Anne to look at her wounds that she got from fighting the rake, and Slenda went back to her room to figure out what to do with this child.

-End Chapter 2-

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Meeting Jackie and escape attempt 1

Chapter Text

- Monday 23rd, September 2019-
-Location & Time: Pasta-Mansion, 11:42PM -
-POV: (Y/n) -

(Y/n): "Uh... wha..."

I had just regained consciousness after that tall scary woman did something me that put me to sleep. I feel my surroundings and feel that I'm on something very comfy. I sit up and open my eyes and see nothing but darkness. I continue to feel what I was laying on and realize its a bed. I also realize I don't have my classes on and carefully feel around to see if there was a bedside table near.

(Y/n): "Come on, where are my glasses-AHHH!". I fall of the side and land head first on the floor, which hurt pretty bad. I then hear some footstep, getting more noticeable as they approached the room. I quickly feel my way back on the bed and cover myself and pretend I'm asleep. I then hear the door open and some people come in.

Voice 1: "What was that?"

Voice 2: "Hmmm, maybe its from someone else's room"

Voice 1: "Maybe, but I wish he would wake up soon"

Voice 2: "Well give him a couple more hours, I'm sure he'll be up soon". I then hear then leave and close the door. I open my eyes and sigh in relief, before I sit up again and look for my glasses. I then feel the side of what appeared to be a bedside table, so I go to the top and feel around.

(Y/n): "Bingo" I say as I feel my glasses. I quickly put them on and I also feel a base of a lamp, I went up until I felt the button and soon I had it on. I got out of bed and tip toed to the door. This is when I noticed that my glasses had been repaired. The left lenses crack was gone, and the shattered right lens was replaced with a new one.

(Y/n): "But... my 'father' shattered that lens... d-did those people repair these?" I asked myself. I then look around my surroundings and see that I'm a bedroom... a girls bedroom to be more accurate. I could see girls clothes on the floor and closest, some clean and some with what I presumed was blood. I walk over to the dresser which had a mirror on it. I quickly remembered when I was attacked by that skinny girl in the woods. I took my shirt off and turned around while keeping my eyes on the mirror. My slashes were. . . they were stitched up. And the weirdest part was I didn't feel uncomfortable. . . those are some stitches. I put my shirt back on and noticed that this dresser had a bored with pictures of people with crosses on them. I looked through the draws to see if I could find anything useful. There was nothing in the first to but clothes like black skinny jeans and white hoodies. I opened the third one and instantly closed it with a blush on my face. "N-Not that one"

(totally was panties or bra's >:) )

I continued looking until I found one draw with a knife in it. . . which had fresh blood on it.

(Y/n): "N-normally I would never consider this... b-but from what's happened recently, I-'m gonna need to p-protect myself". I pick up the knife and go towards the door. I gently opens the door and peer into the hallway. It was pretty long and there were doors on each side. I look at the door across from me and look at the sign on the door.

(Y/n): "J-Jane the... K-killer!". I quickly put a hand over my mouth as I realized I just shouted the last part out.

???: "Did you here that?"

???2: "Maybe he's woken up? Lets go check"

(Y/n): "Oh no..."

I quickly close the door behind me and run down the hallway to try and find a way out, but I could hear the people get closer and closer as I looked. I quickly hide inside one of the rooms, keeping my head to the door so I can hear outside.

???: "He's gone!"

???2: "Gone?! What do you mean gone!!"

???: "I mean he's f*cking gone!"

???2: "I told you one of us should of stayed in the room with him!"

???: "We don't have time for this! We need to find him now!". I then hear them run off so I open the door and peek into the hallway. I feel safe... until I hear the sound of something move behind me. I look and I see another girl in her bed, moving around. I quickly looked around to see If I could hide anywhere and I see a door which I think was her bathroom. I close the door and rush over to it before the girl woke up and saw me. I close the bathroom door behind me and sigh in relief before turning and-

(Y/n): "OH MY GOD!-" I shouted before stopping myself. This bathroom was anything but clean. The sink had this weird black goo in it. the mirror has blood with writing on it, and when I looked into the tub I saw. . . wait what are these? I used the knife to pick it up. It was reddish and shaped like a giant bean. I took it off the knife and it was really slimy, kinda disgusting. "what the hell is this?". I then noticed there was a label on the bathtub so I adjusted my glasses to have a better look. "Fresh HUMAN KIDNEY! AHHH"

I throw the kidney on the floor and back up in disgust. This was when the door was thrown open and I see a new girl standing there with a scalpel in her hand. This girl had long brown hair, grey skin, was wearing a black hoodie with a dark red skirt, and a blue mask which covered her face, which had some freaky eye holes. . . It was like her eyes weren't even there.

???: ". . . what the f- Hey! you can't keep these on the floor! they'll go bad!" she yelled before pushing me aside and picking up the kidney and ran it under the tap. While she did this I tried to sneak out the door but she threw the scalpel right into the door frame right in front of my face. "you ain't going anywhere"

I pointed the knife at her but from my visible shaking, I could tell she knew I wouldn't do anything. . . to be honest, she would be right. Anyway, she just grabbed the knife out my hand, flipped it so she held the handle and pointed it a me.

???: "Rule number one you little brat! Never.Point.A.Knife.at.me!" She said menacingly while stabbing the knife in the wall next to me. I nodded out of sheer fright. "good, at least we're one the same page, also *grabs her scalpel and twirls it in her hand* Don't you ever touch my kidneys again, okay"

(Y/n): "O-Okay. . ." I whimpers while producing a few tears. She then lightly grabbed my arm and lead me back into her room and placed me on her bed."W-What are you gonna d-do to me?"

???: "Well I ain't gonna rape you if you're thinking that" She said while pacing the room.

(Y/n): "Rape?" I asked. I heard some of the sixth former at my school say that word, but I never knew what it meant. . . kinda curious now. The girl then looked like she realized what she said from the audible gasp.

???: "Ah sh*t, I can't say that to a kid. Listen, forget I said that okay * I nod* Good. Know tell me, who your are, how you got here, and why your in my room". Guess I can't avoid telling her that. . . but maybe she'll help me out this place.

(Y/n): "M-My name is (Y-Y/n) (L/n). I don't really know how I got here b-but I remember running into the woods a-after a girl with white skin killed my p-parents. . . "

???: "Wait, Jess killed your parents? *nods* heartless bitch! let me guess, she then kidnapped you *Mumbles* oh this is not happening again"

(Y/n): "What? N-No. She killed them to stop them hurting me"

???: "Woah woah woah, hold up. Did you just say 'hurting you'? Are you telling me that your parent's abused you?"

(Y/n):" Is that what they called it . . . abuse. . . " I said while putting my head down. I could feel a few tears produce so I removed my glasses to wipe them away. But before I even moved my free hand, I felt the girl stop that hand and wiped my tears for me.

???: "Hey its gonna be okay. We don't kill kids, so we'll find you a new home. Know anyone?" She asks.

(Y/n): "T-The only person I know is my best friend, Suzi"

???: "Suzi. . that's a nice name. whats her last name? where does she live?"

(Y/n): "her last name is Yoshida, But I don't actually know where she lives. I was never allowed to visit her"

???: "Well I tell you what, I'll talk to the other girls and see if they can try and find where she lives. And when we find her, you can stay with her"

(Y/n): "R-Really?"

???: "Yeah. I might be a creepy girl but I have a heart"

(Y/n): "T-Thank you miss. . ."

???: "Jackie, Eyeless Jackie"

(Y/n): "Eyeless?"

Jackie: "yeah I would show you but I don't wanna give you nightmares". She then opened her arms for a hug, so I jumped off her bed and gave her a hug while smiling. I might soon be with my friend and live a normal life- wait whats that sound and dripping on my head. I was quickly shoved back and Jackie leaned on the wall while holding her head. "No no no! It's a day too early! *looks at me* Run! Get one of the girls!"

(Y/n): "Jackie whats wrong?!"

Jackie: "Just ru- *growls* run!" She yelled at me before grabbing her head like she was trying to fight off the worse headache. I went up to her to stop her falling over but she grabbed me and spoke in a demonic voice.


That voice shook me too my soul, but I didn't have to to react before Jackie shoved me away again.

Jackie: "Run! Please I beg you!". I wasn't gonna watch this any longer, I was gonna get help. I ruched over to the door, unlocked it and threw it open.

(Y/n):" SOMEONE! HELP! JACKIE NEEDS HE-" I was cut off as my leg was pulled, making me fall to the floor. I cried in pain as my head banged on the floor but I then heard very heavy breath. I look back to see Jackie pulling my leg towards her. I tried to kick her off but she just grabbed my other leg and pulled me right to her. I tried hitting her but she moved her hands from my legs and pinned my arms above my head with one hand and reached for her mask with the other.

Jackie: "T͘h͓̤̖̯͉ͅi̵͈ş̥͔͉̪̙̪̼ ̧͚̮̬̥s͉̱͚̳̥̲͟t̘̭̦͇̯͓̘ù̗̼͍͔̦̪̗p͍͈͙i̻͖̥̯̮d̥͈̪̣̹͝ͅ ̷͓̜̰̻͓̺͉b̥̞͞ḭ̤͠t̷͙̮̰̻c҉̪̳͔ḥ̪̬͉̝̠ ̧̥̜͇̗we̙̬̲̱̣̲a̬͖̪̦r̯̫̙̭̟s̱͇̹̯̣̩̗ ̠̼̕a͔͟ ̩͇̠͖̬̯m͚͍̖̯͎̗a͉͖sk͕͓̰͍̻͠ ̞̙̖͉t̟̞͖̻̜̜̟o̮̯͍̣ ̶͙͔̦̱h̟̰̘̲̗͖id̴͉̞e̙̭̬ ̰̜̠̘̟h́ę͎̰r̴̭̦͍̹͈ş̪e̷̘̩̩l͙̰̹̻̹̯͞f͎̗̼!͔ ̴͍͓̭T̲̟̠͠i͓̠̟̟̹m͙̦̙̜͚̦e̝̘͕̖̫ ̸̻͖͉̝̬̙t̨͎o̞̯̩̭̗̖͞ ̨͕̫͔̖̝s҉͈̺̱̳͚h̗̞̣o͇͉̳̟̻w̳͈̬͖͇̪̻ y̨̲̪̦̺o̴̫u̯̣͎ ̙͖̯w̮̜̮̰̘h̴̥̮o̞̳͈̗̼͍͡ ̙̮̹s̭͞h͔̤̩̹̘͍͡e̶͙ ͚͓̭̤̘͟r̴̳̩͔é̘̹̻͎̖͓a͇̥l̦̞l̵̘̭y̥͍͎̠̤ ̬͙̱͖̟i̙̻͟s̡̹!̛̮̩̬̖͙"

She then slid her mask off and I screamed in horror, fear and hopelessness. I saw Jackie's true face. She had really sharp teeth and she had NO EYES! LIKE LITERALLY NO EYES! THEY WERE EMPTY SOCKETS WITH BLACK GOO COMING OUT!

(Y/n): "SOMEONE HELP ME- MHHHH!". She covered my mouth so I couldn't scream, so that's my main escape card gone. . . wait, her fingers was right over my mouth. . . damn it. I opened my mouth and luckily one of her fingers slid into my mouth

I bit down as hard as I could and Jackie gave out a inhuman roar before retracting her hand. I then scream help again, hoping someone would hear me. Jackie then grabbed me and put her arm around my neck. She was strangling me!

(Y/n): "C-Can't! Breath!" I gasp as I try to pull myself out her hold but she was way to strong. My vision started to go dark and I saw Jackie bring out a scalpel to my face.

???: "JACKIE! GET THE f*ck OFF OF HIM!" I heard someone shout. I then felt something push Jackie off me and I fell forward gasping for air. Through my gasps I heard the commotion behind me so I looked and saw that Jackie had been tackled to the floor by jess and a girl dressed as a clown.

Through my gasps I heard the commotion behind me so I looked and saw that Jackie had been tackled to the floor by jess and a girl dressed as a clown.


Clown girl: "JESS! SHE'S HAVING AN EPISODE FOR f*ck SAKE! THIS ISN'T HER!" The clown girl shouted at her. Jackie was screaming in a demonic tone while Jess was strangling her. "We need to knock her out!"

Even though I was worried about Jackie, this was probably the only opportunity to escape this place. I quickly got up and bolted out the door.

Jess: "(Y/n) WAIT!" I hear Jess shout, followed by something smashing and Jackie grunting. . . Yeah I'm definitely not stopping. I ran down the hallway and basically jumped down the staircase and darted my head around for the exit.

Kitchen, no

Basem*nt, deffinately no

Living room filled with creepy people, no

Front door yes- WAIT THERE ARE MORE!?!?

???: "Who the hell is that?!" one of the girls say, gaining the attention of the other 3.

???2: "Its clearly a child Hoodie"

(Y/n): "o-oh look at the t-time, I must fly. B-bye bye" I stuttered before turning and started to run, only to bump into something. . . well someone.

???: "Ow" I hear someone say while I fell back on my rear. I looks up at her and see was now the scariest girl I've seen. She had A FRECKIN CLOCK AS A EYE! A EYE!?!?.

Clock-eye girl: "oh hello there" she said, reaching her hand out to me. I didn't move as I was fixed on her clock eye. "Oh sorry, my eye kinda has that effect on people"

I just backed up as I just wanted to leave. All these girls I've met have scare me since. . . well since they look like things from horror movies!

Jess: "(Y/n)!"

I looked up to the banister of the second floor and see Jess looking at me with that same clown girl from earlier, with a knocked out Jackie on her shoulder. I also notice that the other girls on the couch are now up and walking towards me. I could of fainted right then and there from exhaustion and fear but I didn't and decided to just turn and run towards the front door.

Jess: "Clockwork! Masky! Hoodie! Tami! Don't let him escape!" I heard Jess shout at the other girls. I reach the door and pull the handle down. . . and then I felt a piece of my soul leave.

(Y/n): "It's locked!". I turn back round to see all the girl closing in one me.

Jess: "(Y/n)! Just please calm down. i know your confused and scared but-"

(Y/n):" CONFUSED AND SCARED ARE AN UNDERSTATEMENT!" I yelled while trying to figure out to escape. I ran towards them and at the last second before they could grab me, I ducked and rolled on the floor past them.

Masked girl: "Jess! The back door isn't locked!"


(Y/n) thoughts: "Thank you for saying that masked one"I thought as ran out the living room and into the kitchen. I threw the back door open and ran out, back into the misty wood. Hopefully that skinny girl isn't out here again. I quickly looked back and it turns out I was inside a mansion. . . man I was kinda jealous.

Jess: "(Y/n)! Please come back! It's dangerous out there!"

(Y/n): "Coming from you?! Yeah right!"

Jess: "Please! You know whats out there!". I didn't bother replying as I felt so happy I was out the killer mansion and-

My thoughts instantly stopped as I get a banging headache and the sound of static filled my ears to the point were I dropped to the floor covering my ears.

(Y/n): "AHHH! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE!" I cried out as the combination of loud static and a killer headache made brought me to tears again. I opened my eyes slightly and through my lenses I was that same tall woman from earlier walking towards me.

Tall woman: "I might of been nice to you before, but for this you will be punished" I heard a voice in my head. I feel a pair of hands on me and I see Jess holding me.

- Jess's POV -

Jess: "Slenda! Stop it! He's just a kid!"

Slenda: "If it stops him running and makes him learn, I'll do what I want jess"

(Y/n): "Please make it stop!" I hear (Y/n) cry in my arms.

Jess: "Slenda please stop, your hurting him! I promise he won't do a runner again!"

Slenda: "Jess, I trust that you can look after him. But I can't have him causing trouble and trying to run away"

Jess: "Look, I'm sorry I wasn't prepared. But I promise he won't run away. But he has every reason to be scared, as Jackie's episode nearly killed him!"

Slenda: "I'll speak to Jackie about that. But as for him, until I trust that he won't run away, he's to be locked in a room"

Jess: "Oh sure! Do what his asshole parents did to him! I'm sure he'll warm up to us!"

Slenda: "Your starting to test my patients Jess. I suggest to just do what I say"

Jess: "No, I've had it! I will not let you do that to him! All his life he's been treated like absolute sh*t! And I'm not gonna let you continue that treatment! You can treat me and the others like that, but not him!".

Even though Slenda had no facial features, I could tell her attitude went from annoyed, to sad.

Slenda: ". . .alright Jess, I won't lock him up. But I can't afford him running away. He's seen to much of us and know where our mansion is. I need you to promise me that not only will you be with him 24/7, but that you make sure he trusts us, or at least you. . "

I nodded at Slenda, then (Y/n) stopped shaking a crying. I looked down at him to see he had indeed passed out. Damn it Slenda! I picked him up in my arms and walked back to the mansion and at the back door I was greeted by Clockwork, Tami and. . . Jane the bitch.

Jane: "Kidnap another one Jess"

Jess: "Piss off Jane, before I give you more burn marks-"

Tami: "O-Oi! T-T-That's enough you t-t-two!" she stuttered while Clockwork walked up to me and stroked (Y/n)'s cheek.

Clockwork:"He's cute"

Jess: "I know he is. Anyway, tomorrow I'll introduce him to all the girls. So please try not to scare him, because lets face it Natalie, your clock eye isn't the nicest thing to look at"

Clockwork: "I know, I saw that when he looked at me. I won't scare him, but I'm not sure about the others"

Jess: "Well they better. Otherwise they'll be in for a great one"

Jane: "Ohh scary. I'm going to bed. Night Natalie, Night tami, night loser". Jane walks away and I give her a glare. I then walk upstairs to my room and lay (Y/n) on the bed once again. I take his glasses off and place them on the counter. I get in next to him and hug him.

Jess: "Goodnight (Y/n)" I whisper into his ear, before I start to drift off into dreamland. . .

- cut to the town police-station, 3rd person POV -

Detective: "Right Justin, I'm off for the night"

PC Justin: "wait a minute sir, there's a young lady at reception begging to see a high authority"

Detective: "*sigh* well there goes my night. Right tell her I'm coming down" he said while exiting his office, heading downstairs. "I swear if this is about another bike theft, I'll quit this damn job" he mumbled while walking down the stairs to the reception. When her reached it her saw a girl crying at the desk. "excuse me ma'am"

???: "Yes sir"

Detective: "I'm detective Sebastian Castellanos, now what is the problem"

???: "My family have been killed! We were having dinner and suddenly this woman broke in a killed my mum and dad before grabbing my little brother and dragged him into the wood!" she cried. Sebastian went up to her and put his arm on her back.

Sebastian: "Okay miss, let me take you somewhere more private so me and my partner can help you. Do you want anything? coffee? Tea?"

???: "A tea would be nice" she sobbed.

Sebastian: " *grabs radio* Justin, can you please head to the interrogation room, and while your at it make a coffee for me, a tea for the lady and get yourself something" he said before putting the radio back. "I never got your name, and It would be weird just calling you miss all night"

???: "It's Hillary. . . Hillary (L/n)"

- End Chapter 3 -

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Clock, the mask and gamer

Chapter Text

- Location: Krimson City Police Department -
- Time: 12PM -
- POV: 3rd Person -

Sebastian: "Okay Hillary, may I call you that?"

Hillary: "Yes sir" she replied while taking a sip of her Tea.

Sebastian: "Please, just Sebastian. Now please tell me everything that happened" he asked while getting his pen ready to write what she says down.

Hillary: "Well we were about to have dinner, so me, my little brother and father were sitting around the table in the living room. We were talking about how our days were going and the next thing we know, we hear a smashing sound and my mother screaming. My father rushed into the kitchen to help my mother while I stayed with my brother. I heard the sounds of things smashing and my father yelling until It came to a sudden stop. When I called out for them a girl In a white hoodie walked in, covered in blood. My little brother screamed and hid behind me while I grabbed a knife from the table. This girl just threw me too the floor and pushed a cabinet onto me. My Little brother tried to help me get it off but the girl grabbed him by his arm and walked out the house into the woods. I didn't know what to do next so I went to check my parent but they *starts crying* they were dead on the kitchen floor"

Sebastian could tell how much in pain she was in. Loosing you whole family in one night was probably the worst thing to ever happen to someone.

Sebastian: "Hillary, I know this must be very hard for you. But I promise we'll do everything to help you find your little brother. Now first things first, can you describe what this girl in the white hoodie looked like?" he asked while handing her a box of tissues.

Hillary: "Thank you *takes a tissue* This girl looked like something from one of those old 80's slasher films. Her skin was bleached white, blue eyes, black hair and had a carved smile on her face. Kinda like the Joker from those batman films" She said. Sebastian's eyes widened the moment he heard white skin and carved smile. Sebastian deeply sighed while placing his head in his hand.

Sebastian: "Oh sh*t, this just had to happen again *grabs radio* Justin, call Kidman and tell her to come to the station, and while your at it grab me case files 1890 and 2321"

Hillary: "Is something wrong Sebastian?"

Sebastian: "Hillary. . . I have reason to believe that your family have been victims of Jess the Killer" he said while looking into her eyes, filled with sorrow.

Hillary: "Jess the Killer? so that's her name. . ." she replied while wiping her tears away.

Sebastian: "Justin will bring the case files down, this isn't the first time she's killed in this area. Now I'm gonna talk to my colleague Julie Kidman and see if I can arrange for you to stay at here apartment, since your house will be under investigation for a couple days. I would let you stay with me but I've got a family and I don't like bringing my work life home. No offence"

Hillary: "None taken, I understand. Thank you Sebastian" She said while looking to the floor and started crying a bit. Sebastian sighed while getting out his seat and walked over to her.

Sebastian: "Hillary, I can't promise that your brother is still alive, but I can promise we'll try and find him and your family's killer" he said while putting his hand on her back.

Hillary: "Thank you *thoughts* I don't give a f*ck about that little sh*t, I hope he's gone. But I want that white bitch found and killed!"

- Tuesday 24th, September 2019-
-Location & Time: 8:55AM -
-POV: (Y/n) -

I start to awaken from my deep sleep. I remember what happened last night. . . so I know who's bed I'm in. I open my eye to see the familiar blurry view. I try to reach for the side table but something around my waist brings me in. . . wait. . . whats my head resting on? I turn myself around and feel what it was. It was very soft and squishy-

(Y/n) thoughts: "wait. . . oh my god!". I knew what I just felt so I push myself away. I slide out of what held my waist and I fall off the bed.

(Y/n): "Ow!" I winced as I rubbed the back off my head. I then quickly feel around for the side table, which I do find and with it my glasses. I put them on and looked at where I was sleeping. . . before blushing a very deep ready. Not only did Jess sleep next to me, but my head was resting on her breasts. . .

(Y/n): ". . .I-I'm so happy she's n-not awake. . ."

I then feel my stomach rumble, which is understandable, since I haven't eaten in over 24 hours. Last thing I ate was. . . Suzi's sandwiches . .

(Y/n): "I-I wish you were here S-Suzi. . . you'd know h-how to cheer me up. . ."

I see Jess groan as she moves around in the bed. I didn't wake her up, mainly because I wanted to be alone this morning. I left Jess's room and went down stairs to the living room. While looking round at some of the things they had, my eye eventually stopped at the front door. I walked towards it, making sure no one was around before daring to touch the handle. I grabbed it and. . . locked. I wasn't that surprised since I did make an attempt to run away last night.

(Y/n): "Don't worry (Y/n), you'll find a way out soon" I said to myself, trying to calm myself. My stomach rumbles again so I sigh in defeat and make my way to the kitchen. Since I wasn't running this time, I was able to admire how fancy this place was. I entered the kitchen and it was impressive.

I walked over to the fridge and looked inside. There was a lot of food in it but they all had names on it. One had Jess's name on it, another had Jackies name. I did find some un-labeled pack of eggs and pack of bacon. I grabbed them and walked over to the stove. I place the food next to it before realizing I was too short to actually see the top, at least without tiptoeing. I looked around for a stool with no luck, until I looked into a back room which had cleaning equipment and a stool.

(Y/n): "Result!" I cheered. I went back to the stove, grabbing a pan on the wave before standing on the stool. I turned on the cooker and placed the pan on top before adding some of the bacon strips. As they cooked I looked out the window behind me. The mist of the forest was still there, but I could see the light of the sunrise coming through. I normally wouldn't get to admire the outside like this in the morning since I was always doing something for my 'family'. I then went to get another pan as well as a plate for myself. I place the new pan next to the other one and added the eggs into it.

???: "Man something smells good!". I didn't recognize that voice, it must be one of the other girls. I quickly turned the stove off and jumped off the stool and hid behind the counter, peering around the corner and see that scary girl with a clock in her eye. "oh eggs and Bacon. Wonder who's making them". She walks towards the stove so I quickly move behind another counter before she see's me.

???2: "Hey Clocky, what smells so good?"

Clockwork: "Someone was making Eggs and Bacon"

???2: "It ain't my eggs and bacon is it?!". I then saw another girl stomp into the kitchen, this one was wearing a orange Jacket and wore a white mask. She had beautiful blue eyes and long brown hair- wait what am I thinking?

"Who the f*ck took my eggs and bacon out the fridge and into the pan?. . . HOODIE!"

???3: "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I heard someone from upstairs shout. . . christ what have I done?

Clockwork: "It was probably one of the other girls and-" she stopped as she caught sight of me looking around the corner. "Masky, I think the person who cooked your food is still here"

Masky: "Where! I'll kill them!"

Clockwork: "Maybe they went and hid inside the basem*nt. You should go look" She said, and I then heard the other girl rush out the kitchen. "She's gone now, you can come out now"

Yeah I wasn't gonna do that, I quickly crawl to the other side of the counter and roll across the floor into the living room. I hid behind the couch as I hear footsteps behind it. I carefully look around and see that clock eye girl facing away from me.

- Clockwords POV -

Damn it, he still doesn't trust me. . . but the only encounter he had with me wasn't he best, and my clock eye really doesn't help. I can hear him crawling across the floor in the direction of the living room. I decided I would play a little game with him, not like the ones I play with my victims. I headed into the living room and pretend to look around.

Clockwork: "Where did he go? Did he disappear? did he turn invisible?" I say in a playful tone. I knew he was behind that couch and I could hear him hide a giggle from my comments. "Guess I'll go look upstairs" I say before heading to the staircase. I made it sound like I walked upstairs before quickly and quietly hiding behind one of the other couches. I can see him poke his head out before sighing in relief and headed back to the kitchen. I got up and leaned on the couch before coughing to gain his attention. He froze on the spot and turned to face me, fear in him eyes. I tried to comfort him by giving him a soft smile.

- Back to (Y/n)'s POV-


Oh Christ. . .

I froze on stop as I hear someone cough behind me. I slowly turn around and see that clock eyed girl leaning on one of the couches. I'm not gonna lie I was scared since I didn't know what to do. I didn't trust any of these girls except for. . . Well Jackie when he was. . . normal. Anyway back to the point, I was scared. I saw her give me a smile, but I was still kinda creep'd out as it made her stitched cheeks more. . . noticeable. it was right about now that I must of missed the masked girl come back in the kitchen cause when I backed up, I bump|ed into her.

Masky: ". . . Clockwork, please tell me why there is a kid in the mansion?"

Clockwork: "I. . . I don't actually know"

Masky: "Ahhh I see. . . INTRUDER!" she shouts while grabbing me and putting a knife up to my face. "COME ON! TELL US HOW YOU GOT HERE!!!"

(Y/n): "I-I-I-"

Masky: "COME ON, SPIT IT OUT!" She yells at me. I might not of been able to see her face, but her eyes stared right into my soul.

Clockwork: "Masky stop it! He's a kid! not a bloody spy!"

Masky: "How do you know?! He could work for Zalgo *turns back to me* Admit it! You work for that bitch!"

(Y/n): "N-No! I-I-I work for nobody! Please don't hurt me!" I cried, only for her to place the tip of the knife right on my wind pipe.

Masky: "Oh I'm gonna do more then hurt you if you don't admit-"


The clock eyed girl quickly gave the masked girl a hard smack across the face which echoed through the mansion.

Masky: "Ow! What was that for?!"

Clockwork: "Cause your scaring the ever living sh*t out of this poor kid!" she yelled at her. She looked back at me and picked me up off the ground. "Sorry about her, she's a bit think in the head"

Masky: "I am NOT THICK! I'm just protective!"

Clockwork: "Well if you wanna be protective, protect (Y/n) from the more hostile girls" She chuckled. . . wait HOSTILE GIRLS!

(Y/n): "Y-You mean the others w-want to k-kill me" I stuttered in fear.

Clockwork: "Oh no no I didn't mean it like that. Just some of the girls like benny and Jill are a bit. . . to hyper for a child like you. No one wants to hurt you (Y/n)"

(Y/n): "Wait, how do you know my name"

Clockwork: "Smiley told me, you've met her haven't you?"

(Y/n): "T-The scary dog?" I asked, making both clockwork and Masky giggle.

Clockwork: "*giggles* yes the 'scary' dog. Now let me properly introduce myself, I'm Clockwork and she's masky"

Jess: "Morning girls, whats going on down here?". I look over to the stairs and see Jess coming down, still looking tired. "(Y/n), there you are!"

Clockwork: "Morning Jess, you just missed Masky here trying to kill (Y/n) from thinking he was a minion of Zalgo" She said. I felt the tension rise as Jess normal smile went to angry smile while Masky slowly backed away. Even though she was wearing a mask, her eyes showed she was scared of Jess.

Jess: "You tried hurting (Y/n) I see" she menacingly said while drawing a knife from my pockets. I was kinda scared cause Jess was now acting how she was when I first encountered her.

Masky: "C-Come on Jess, l-lets be adults here. I-I didn't know the he was with you. I-I-I thought he was one of Zalgo's spies" Masky stuttered out before Jess grabbed her by the shirt.

Jess: "Clockwork, please take (Y/n) into the kitchen while me and Masky here have a nice little 'chat'"

Clockwork: "Alright Jess *takes my hand and leads me into the (Y/n)* don't go to hard on her Jess" she added. We went back in the kitchen and Masky lifted me up and sat me on the counter.

(Y/n): "I'm not a toddler y-you know. I can get up here just fine by myself"

Clockwork: "Sorry, just want to make things easy for you since your basically living here for now"

???: "What in the name of bloody Hyrule is going on here?" I hear behind me. I turn around and see. . . a girl cosplaying as Link from the Legend of Zelda games. Her outfit was. . . revealing as people put it. She didn't look all scary, except for her eyes, which were black with red dots as pupils.

Clockwork: "Morning Benny. I've got someone to meet you"

Benny: "Please tell me its that Ninja prick from Fortnite, cause I want to kill him so badly"

Clockwork : "What? No! *points to me* I'd like you too meet (Y/n)". This Benny girl then looked at me, top to bottom before giving me a death stare. I give a little wave before she places her hand on her chin.

Benny: "Hmm well I've got ONE question to ask you". She then gets very close to me so her face in right in front of mine. "The answer of this question will determine if I kill you or not!"

Clockwork: "Jesus Benny!-"

Benny: "Shut it clocky!" she shouts at her before looking back at me, which was shaking like hell. "Do you like. . . Video games?"

(Y/n): "Uh. . . well I do play a bit of pokemon" I say before closing my eyes expecting a punch or worse. But instead I feel myself get lifted of the ground and being spinned about. I opened my eyes to see that Benny had picked me up and hugged me, very close to her chest mind you.

Benny: "Oh! I can tell we're going to be best friends!" I she nearly shouts while she kept hugging me. "I can't wait to show you my collection! Whats your favorite game series?! Ever played my game?! Want to bunk with me?!" she rapidly said. I couldn't answer as I felt like I was gonna throw up from being spun constantly. Benny noticed this and thankfully put me down. Took me a few seconds for my vision to stop spinning .

Benny: "sorry about that, and for also scaring you that the whole 'kill you thing'. I wasn't really going to"

Clockwork: "Well you could of fooled us! I'm surprised he didn't piss himself! Anyway I guess we need to get the other girls down her to meet him"

???: "I can handle that". All four of us jolt around and I see the Tall faceless woman I saw the night I was brought here. I hid behind Clockwork as she kinda scared me. "You don't need to be scared, I won't hurt you"

Clockwork: "Good morning Slenda"

(Y/n): "S-Slenda? as in *see's Benny and Clockwork motioning to stop talking* Slenderman?". I think calling her Slenderman kinda annoyed her cause she put her head in her hand.

Slenda: "Oh for god sake. Look kid, if we want to get along you need to know one thing. The whole Slenderman bullsh*t came around because you humans didn't like the fact I was a woman. Apparently it wasn't threatening enough"

Benny: "Chirst, you should of been here last year kid. When we showed Slenda the Slenderman movie she flipped her sh*t" she says as Jess walking into the kitchen.

Jess: "Oh morning Benny, Slenda. Whats going on"

Benny: "Just telling (Y/N) when Slenda lost her sh*t over that Slenderman film-"

Slenda: "IT WAS A COMPLETE INACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF ME! I MEAN I TURN MY VICTIMS INTO TREES?! f*ckING TREES!" She bellowed very loudly that I actually covered my ears. Everyone in the kitchen stood there silent and wide-eyed."Anyway, well come to MY mansion"

Jess: "I thought it was OUR mansion"

Slenda: "Jess you've already pissed me off enough in the past 24 hours, don't make me punish you like Smiley and Jackie. Anyway this is the Creepypasta mansion, home to us*starts mumbling* and you"

Clockwork: "Sorry, I'm sure he didn't hear you"

Slenda: "And your home now (Y/n)"

(Y/n) thoughts: "How does she know my name?"

Slenda: "Because I can read your thoughts kid. Now while your staying here with us, there are rules. Strict rules with you. One, you will listen too what any of the girls say with NO questions except for Sally, Jackie and Smiley. Two, you are forbidden from leaving this house cause of that stunt you tried yesterday. Three, no funny business. You can have fun around here but if it interferes with my stuff there WILL be consequences. Four, your also forbidden from entering my room, the basem*nt and the Attic. Five-"

Benny: "Slenda I already had to deal with some snobby kid last night with rule on his minecraft server, so I don't want to listen to your list of rules, even if its for the kid". She said before walking off to the cabinets and takes out a pack of Cornflakes. I could feel Slenda annoyance at her so I just stay quiet hoping someone will break the silence.

Slenda: "Fine then, but you will introduce him to the girls Jess" She said before walking off.

Clockwork: "Sorry if she seemed a little harsh. She's with that with everyone, but she can be nice"

(Y/n): "I-It's fine" I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

Jess: "guys, is it alright if me and (Y/n) talk alone?" Jess asked. They girls nodded before leaving me and Jess in the kitchen by ourselves. I was on the other side of the counter with my head barely showing while Jess leaned on opposite side of the counter. "I guess I have some explaining to do" she said while trying to come towards me, but I backed up. "(Y/n) I know your scared of me, but please just let me explain"

(Y/n): "W-What is there to explain?! You killed my 'family' and basically kidnapped me! I mean I hated my 'family' because they didn't treat me right, but I would never want them to die! cause at the end of the day that was my m. . . . mother and f-f-f-father you killed" I said, barely able to they their names. Jess just sighed while shaking her head.

Jess: "Look (Y/n), I'm not gonna stand here and BS my way through this, I'm gonna be straight up. A day before that happened I was patrolling the wood for. . . . never mind. Then I heard you shouting in pain from your house. So I came over, climbed up the side to look and saw your so called 'family' beating you with a belt in the corner. I got so angry that I wanted to save you right then and there, but I had to come back and make a proper plan. I know that you didn't want them to die, but those people were so horrible that they didn't deserve to live. Even when I was attacking them they only thought about themselves and not saving they're youngest child. I don't blame you for being scared of me, but please understand why I did it"

(Y/n): "Understand?! You killed someone, no matter who it was or what they done to me! you still killed someone!" I shouted at her, which surprised her.

Jess: "WELL MAYBE YOU COULD SHOW ME A BIT OF GRATITUDE FOR SAVING YOU FROM MORE ABUSE AND TORMENT!" she shouts at me, making me whimper in fear. Jess then closed her eyes and took deep breaths. "I'm sorry for shouting at you, but just please think about it. Would you rather live a happy life without those people, or live in basically hell with them"

(Y/n): "I-I'd want happy life"

Jess: "Exactly! Now you can have a happy life here. I mean it might be weird cause we're all Serial killers, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't care for you"

(Y/n): "B-But I don't want to live here. I-I want to stay with Suzi" I said

Jess: "I'm sorry but we can't let you leave this place, you've seen too much. This isn't me speaking, this is Slenda's rules. If it was up to me I would let you go live with your friend, but I can't (Y/n). I can try to arrange it so you can see her, but I can't let you live with her" she said, smashing my hopes of leaving this place. "(Y/n), please believe me when I say this, no harm will come to you here. I know it will be hard getting used to it but I promise it will get better" she said. I was basically starting to cry a bit again, cause I was being forced to stay here against my will. "Please don't cry (Y/n)" she said while approaching me. I didn't even bother trying to get away from her. I just stood there head in my hands crying. I felt Jess hug me which just made it worse.

(Y/n): "P-Please *sob* just let me go" I cried.

Jess: "I can't (Y/n)" she said, with sadness in her voice. "Listen, I got you into this, so I'm gonna make sure you have the best life here. Just please give us a chance. . . besides some of us have been through what you've been through. . ."

(Y/n): "Y-Your parent's *sob* beat you?"

Jess: "Well my dad used too, but my mother would pretend like I never exsisted. Hell when I had the accident that make me look like this, my mother was more concerned about the family reputation then her own daughter. . . the only person I had left how loved me was my sister. . . but she's gone now"

(Y/n): "*Adjusts glasses* what happened to her?"

Jess: "A powerful being called Zalgo took her. Made her into one of her slaves. . . she's just a shell of what she used to be"

(Y/n): "D-Damn, I never thought a s-serial killer had it bad"

Jess: ". . . I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Anyways *stops hugging me and knees down so we're face to face* (Y/n), are you willing to give us a chance"

. . . I'm not gonna lie I was thinking about it. I mean yes she killed me parents, and that the tall one was basically keeping me here, but she did actually seem like she cared. . . I guess I can give her chance and stay, until I have a opportunity to stay.

(Y/n): ". . . Okay, I'll give you guys a chance". Jess's face seemed to light up instantly before hugging me. . . which was embarrassing since my face was in her- "come on, I need to introduce you to the others!" she said before taking me hand and leading me out the kitchen. . . . this is gonna be one crazy ride. . . .

- End Chapter 4 -

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Hood, the Hatchet, and Rival

Chapter Text

- Tuesday 24th, September 2019-
-Location & Time: Pasta-Mansion, 9:32AM -
-POV: (Y/n) -

- Knock knock -

Jess: "Oi tweedle dee?! You in there!" Jess yells while I stand next to her, holding her hand. We had just left the kitchen after both me and Jess were at each other, me yelling at her for killing my 'parents' and her shouting at me for yelling at her. But we've come to terms as they say, I mean for a serial killer she's showed me both mercy and help. . . so for the meantime I guess I can trust her, well at least until I can successfully run away from this place.

Anyway, back to the present. The door opened and I saw a girl wearing a orange hoodie and pink skirt. When I looked at her face it kinda creep'd me out, but not as much as let say Jackie's lack of eyes or clockworks eye. Her face seemed to be non existent and only two red dots which I assume were two represent her eyes. She did have long brown hair coming out inside the hoodie.

???: "Jesus Jess it's too early. What do you want" she said in a tired tone.

Jess: "Yeah I know it early, but I have someone for you too meet"

???: "Is it my ex boyfriend?"

Jess: "No! He's dead remember!. *places her hands on my shoulders* This little guy is (Y/n). (Y/n) this is Hoodie, Masky's sister"

(Yeah I made them sisters. . . sorry)

Hoodie looks down at me and her red dots widen slightly. At first I think because she recognizes me from last night, but she then reached for my arm a gently lifts it up and examins all the scars and bruises on it.

Hoodie: "How did you get these bruises? Did Jackie do this?!" she asked me. I also might at that when she talked, a small red mouth appeared. . . weird. Anyway she look like she was about to storm off to Jackie's room but Jess stopped her.

Jess: "No, Jackie didn't do that to him" she said before leaning closer to Hoodie and whispered something to hear. Hoodie looks at me and the mouth was now a frown (Just like the the Picture above).

Hoodie: "so. . . . . you were that kid trying to escape last night? *nods* well then. . . . . I must thank you for making Masky get off her lazy ass and chase you. When's she not out ki- I mean mucking about, she's sitting on her ass watching TV"

(Y/n): "Uhhh. . . your welcome I g-guess" I say. Never thought I would be complimented over getting someone to chase me.

Hoodie: "Oh and were you the one you took her eggs and bacon? *nods again* yeah bad idea kid. In the future don't, cause she'll kill you or something worse"

(Y/n): "How is there something worse then killing me-"

Jess: "MOVING ON! Hoodie, would you like to show (Y/n) your room" she interrupted me. Hoodie then moved to the side and motioned for me to enter. I walking into the room and saw it was pretty nice. Not messy like jess's room. I also noticed the room had two different styles to it. There were two beds on each side of the room. The left side had blue carpet, a wardrobe, a desk with a computer on it with some editing stuff on it. The bed was neatly made and had a side table with a lamp and book on it.

The right side had a cream carpet, a empty wardrobe, a dresser with pictures of different guys, some with red crosses on them, and I believe I saw one with a kiss mark on one. The bed was messy and had girl's clothes on it. The side table also had a lamp on it and one of those old nokia phones on it.

(Y/n): "Um Miss Hoodie. Why is the room half and half?" I asked, adjusting my glasses to make sure I was seeing this right.

Hoodie: "Please don't call me Miss. Hoodie is fine. And as for the room, me and Masky share. the right is hers and the left is mine. Being roommates with her is good but she can't be a bit of a handful. Sometimes at night she snores, or try and sneak a peek at my private stuff" she said while walking back over to her bed and sitting on it.

(Y/n): "You two aren't s-sisters are you?" I ask, making her laugh out loud while I hear Jess giggle.

Hoodie: "Me and Masky related? *laughs* please. If anything she would be related to Jess or Jackie when she's a demon"

(Y/n): "Wait DEMO-"

Jess: "What is that suppose to mean? related to me? you trying to say I'm a mental bitch like her?!"

Hoodie: "I didn't say that jess. but you and Masky have a thing for killing people"

Jess: "Its not a thing, its a feeling. Anyway can we not talk about this in front of (Y/n). I actually want him to get along with the girls, not be dead scared of them"

(Y/n): "Demon!"

Hoodie: "Yeah Jackie has a demon inside her-" she was cut off by a knife landing on the wall right next to her head. I look behind to see Jess with a death stare at hoodie.

Jess: "HOODIE! ENOUGH! *Takes beep breaths* please"

Hoodie: "Alright Jess, chill out *Looks back at (Y/n)* Anyway kid, if your going to be living under the same roof as me, I have rules when it comes to me.

1. Don't come in this room unless me or Masky let you

2. Don't try and lower my hoodie

3. Trying to read through my diary WILL result in you loosing a finger" she finished with a smile. me on the other hand, hid my hands behind my back after she said I would loose a finger over her diary.

Jess: ". . . . great way of making friends with the kid" she sarcastically said.

Hoodie: "The same rules apply to you and the others Jess. Don't know what your getting sarcastic about"

Jess: "Don't you think you could be slightly friendlier with him though? I mean he's basically lived in hell most of his life"

Hoodie: "Okay fine. . . . you can come into the room without me or Masky permission *Looks at Jess* Happy" she said with a smile. I could her Jess face palm behind me while I hid a slight giggle. I realized I did that pretty loud as Both Hoodie and Jess look at me.

Hoodie & Jess: "Aww that's cute!" They say in union, making me blush in embarrassment.

(Y/n): "I-It is not!" I says while stomping my foot, trying to sound intimidating, but this only made it worse.

Hoodie: "That's adorable"

Jess: "I know right" she replies before picking me up.

(Y/n): "D-Do you haft to pick me up? I'm not a baby or toddler. . ." I say in embarrassment.

Jess: "Are you under 12?"

(Y/n): "Yes, but-"

Jess: "Then your still young, which mean I can do this" says says while Hoodie boops me on the nose. . . this is just embarrassing.

(Y/n): "Please put me down" I ask. Jess then puts me down while Hoodie walks over to me with a Orange hoodie.

Hoodie: "Here, put this on" she asks while handing it to me. I put it on a noticed it was like three times my size as my hands weren't coming out the ends and most of my legs were covered. "There, now you have something to keep you warm" she says proudly.

(Y/n): "Um, thank you" I say. I didn't want to be rude saying it was too big for me.

Jess: "Uhh Hoodie, its too big for him"

Hoodie: "Nah he'll grow into it, Besides its better then his dirty clothes" she replies. . . she did have a point.

Jess: "Well come on (Y/n), we got to introduce you to the other girls" she tells me before walking out the room. I turn back to Hoodie and give her a smile and a thank you for the hoodie.

Hoodie: "see you later (Y/n)" she says while giving me a little wave. I wave back before leaving her room, closing the door behind me. I follow Jess down the hallway until we eventually stop at another door. I look up and adjust my glasses to see the name on the door.

(Y/n): "Ticci Tami? why is she called that?"

Jess: "She has tourettes syndrome"

(Y/n): "Uhh what syndrome?" I ask, giving her a confused look.

Jess: "You will find out" she says before banging on the door. "Tami! Open this god damn door!" she yells. . . and nothing. "*angrily exhales* Tami I know your in there! You better open this door before I-"

Tami (Voice): "f*ck OF JESS, YOU slu*t!" I hear a girl inside shout, before a big audible gasp was heard. I stood there wide eyed and went to walked away but Jess grabbed the back of my hood and stopped me.

Jess: "You wondered what Tourettes syndrome was? Well that it"

(Y/n): "Sh-she shouts bad word? Like my 'parents'?"

Jess: "No no no no! She is nothing like your parents. Its a mental illness that she can't control, so if she suddenly yells or swears, don't take it personally. Oh and she tics a lot"

(Y/n): "Tic-" I was cut off by the door opening before a girl wearing grey pajamas with a brown strip patter on them, with blue slippers. She had messy dark hair, brown eyes with dark crecent circles around them. Her lips were very grey while the left side- OH MY GOD!

(Y/n): "Y-YOUR MOUTH!" I yelped while hiding behind jess's leg. Her left side of mouth was. . . gone, it was exposing her teeth and gums!

Jess: "Tami, please put your mouth guard of before you give the poor kid a heart attack" she said. Tami quickly put her hand to her mouth before gasping again. She slamed the door shut and I hear things being moved about and thrown. "Sorry about that, she normally wears a mouth guard to hide her. . . problem"

(Y/n): "Why was she like that?"

Jess: "It's a long story, which I know you don't want to hear about"

The door opened again and Tami was standing there again, this time wearing a mouth guard.

Tami: "S-S-Sorry Jess, I-I-I di-d-dn't know you would have t-t-the kid w-with you" she said, stuttering with nearly each word.

Jess: "Not me you need to apologize to tami, its (Y/n) you need too" she says before bringing me around to face tami. I looked at tami, still a bit shaken. She looked back at me with eyes full of sorrow.

Tami: "Oh I-I-I'm so s-sorry (Y-Y-Y/N)!"

(Y/n): "I-Its fine. . . just please don't take your guard off" I whisper back.

Jess: "So Tami, mind if we come in?"

Tami: "R-Right now? Ummm n-n-no!"

Jess: "Why not?" she ask. Tami quickly leans over to Jess and whispers something. Jess's face goes from confused to annoyed. "Oh for god sake tami! *Turns to me* (Y/n) just wait out here for a second. Okay"

(Y/n): "Ummm. . . okay" I reply as Jess pushes tami back into her room. "Huh. . . that was. . . weird. . ." I say to myself was I lean on the wall behind me. I start humming to myself as I look down the rest of the hallway. . . and I see a open window at the end of it. I slowly start walking towards it while making sure no one was looking at me. When I reach the window I place my hands at the base of it while looking into the misty forest outside. . . . should I risk it?

Slenda (Voice): "I wouldn't risk it if I were you" I hear in my head. I turn around to look back down the hallway expecting to see Slenda standing there but she wasn't. I then hear the window behind me slam shut and lock which makes me yelp. When I look back out the window Slenda is standing between a couple of tree's and I could feel her stare on me. "Now be a good child a go back to Tami's room and wait" I hear in my head again. I quickly nod at her and run back to Tami's room not wanting to make her angry.

(Y/n): "If I want to leave this place, I got to make sure she's not about. . ." I whisper to myself and I approach Tami's room, but as I pass Jess's room, the door opposite her's whips open and a pair of arms grab me. "Hey! Gef off me! Jess!" I shout as I'm pulled into the room, which I might was was dark since the light was off. The door slams shut and I feel a arm go around my throat while I feel something metal and sharp on my cheek. "Oh god Jess help! He-MMHH!" I cried out until the arm around my neck moved to cover my mouth.

???: "Shhhhhhhhh don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just go along with this and you'll be fine" I hear a female voice whisper in my right ear. I then try to stop my tears and shaking. . . . . which to be honest fail. "Kid, for f*ck sake just calm down. I won't hurt you" she says, this time more agitated. Out of instinct I quickly elbow her and bite her hand. "Ow! You bit me you animal!" I hear her yell as I bolt for the door and open it. I then run into Jess's room and quickly hide under the bed.

(Y/n) (Whisper): "Jess do you ever clean your room?" I whisper as I move some old clothes away from me. I then hear Jane come into the room so I carefully peek out to see her looking slightly pissed and holding a knife. . . . . didn't want to hurt me huh. . . .

Jane: "Where are you ya little prick!" she angrily says while looking in the closet. I hold my breath and freeze as I don't want to be caught by her. "Maybe your HERE!" she shouts as she threw the covers off the bed. I then see her start to crouch down and see her hand go on the floor. . . . uh no-


(Y/n) (Thoughts): "Oh thank god"

Jane: "Looking for that little sh*t you brought here! He f*cking bit me!" Jane yell at Jess.

Jess: "Wait why was he even with you?!"

(Y/n): "She grabbed me and pulled me into her room!" I say as I peek my head out.

Jess: "You did WHAT!?!?!"

Jane: "I wasn't gonna hurt him! I was just gonna use him as blackmail until you gave me back whats mine!". I then see Jess roll up her sleeves and Jane gets into a fighting stance.

(Y/n): "No wait!" I protest as I roll out from the bed. "Please don't fight!"

Jane: "Nah bring it on joker, lets go for another round!" she said completely ignoring me.

Jess: "This time I'm gonna do more then burn you, this time i'm gonna-"

(Y/n): "STOP IT!" I shout out, making them both look at me surprised. ". . . . please, just don't fight"

Jane: "Shut up kid, this has nothing to do with yo-" She didn't finish as I saw Jess deliver one nasty punch to Jane's jaw, making her fall on the floor. I backed up wide eyed from shock as I look at Jess who looked pissed as hell. Even though she had that carved smile on her face, I could easily tell she was anything but happy.

Jess: "Don't you f*cking talk to him like that!" she shouts at her. I was about to say something but Jane shouts in anger as she quickly gets of the floor and tackles Jess out of the room. "GET THE f*ck OFF OF ME!!!" I hear Jess shout as audible punches were heard outside the room. I peek my head out of her room to see Jess pinning Jane against the wall, punching her in the ribs while Jane was grabbing at Jess's hair.


(Y/n): "Guy please stop!" I cried out, but it fell upon deaf ears as they kept going on each other. Jane then grabbed Jess by the front of her hoodie and did one of those fancy throwing moves.

Jess collided into me, as I didn't move in time for how fast it was. I fell to the fall as my glasses were knocked off with Jess on top of me and banged my head pretty badly as my vision went fuzzy. I cried in pain as the back of my head was pulsing in pain. Jess quickly got off me and sat me against the wall to quickly inspect me. I had my eyes shut while my arm where covering the back of my head in pain. I could feel Jess remove my hands and gently rub the sore stop on my head, easing my pain and tears.

Jess: "Shh don't cry, this will make it feel better, I promise" she gently says to me while rubbing the area. I open my eyes as the pain was not as bad and I saw my familiar blurry vision. I could see what Think was Jess smiling at me before she turned back to Jane as I saw her turn her head. "Bitch you made me hurt him!"

Jane: "I didn't do jack shi-AHHHH!"

While those two re assumed their fight, I quickly feel the ground for my glasses for dear life as I don't want to be stood on if they bring the fight down here. To my luck I feel the round fame of my glasses and was about to put them on before something snatch them out my hand.

(Y/n): "H-hey!" I call out only for my glasses to be lowered on my nose. I adjust them so they don't fall off before looking at the person in front of me. "S-Slenda!" I yelp as I stare up at her. She was standing there cross armed with looking down at me before looking at the fight between Jess and Jane. To which she placed her head in hand.

Slanda: "Oh not again" I hear her say in annoyance as her tendrils came out her back again. Two of the wrapped around me, lifting me to the side of the hallway. "Stay" she said to me in a semi commanding voice, while I nodded too. "Good boy" she added while petting my head with a tendril. She then turned her attention back to the fight, which I'm surprised Jess and Jane haven't notice Slenda. She took a couple steps forward before she shot two tendrils at both of them, separating them and lifting them off the ground and shoving them into the wall. "What is f*ck is going on here?!" she bellows at them.

Jess: "She entered my room and tried to attack (Y/n)!"

Jane: "Only because the brat bit me!"

Slenda: "Enough!" she shouts while lowering them. I quickly run towards Jess but Slenda's tendril stops me from passing her. "I thought I said stay over there kid" she scolds down at me, which I lower my head too. "Now, what have I told you two about fighting?"

Jess & Jane: "To. . . . not to. . . ." the both reluctantly said.

Slenda: "And yet you did. So this is your punishment girls, both of you are gonna stay in your rooms for the next hour and think about what you done"

(Y/n) (Thoughts): "Damn, she's being a bit mean. Treating them like kids-"

Slenda (Voice): "They are kids" I hear her say in my head.

Jess: "But I still have to show (Y/n) to the other girls"

Slenda: "Well looks like I'm gonna have to do it now since you decided to have another cat fight. Now both of you back in your rooms" she demanded. I see Jess and Jane give each other a death glare before stomping back to their rooms and slamming the doors shut, leaving me alone with Slenda. "Well looks like I'm giving the rest of the tour kid. Follow me and don't slack behind" she says while walking down the hallway. I stand there shocked from what just happened until I feel a tendril wrap around my waist and pull me.

(Y/n): "Woah!"

- End Chapter 5 -

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The Clown, Nurse, and Child


In this chapter, (Y/n) meets the mansions Clown, a little girl, and reunites with someone from his past. . .

Chapter Text

-Police station, 1 hour before Chapter 5 began-

As the sun started to rise into the sky, Sebastian Castellanos was pacing around his office while the sunlight shined upon the 3 files that were placed upon his desk. Each file was of Jess the killer, and the victims she unfortunately killed. As Sebastian tried to think of his next move on the investigation on the murders of Mr and Mrs (L/n)/ kidnap of (Y/n), his office door opened to reveal a young Caucasian woman with blue eyes and short brown hair entered. She was around late 20's, wearing a rolled up sleeved white dress shirt, long blue jeans and tall high hell shoes. She also had a police patch on her right sleeve and a gun holster mounted on the side of her chest.

She also had a police patch on her right sleeve and a gun holster mounted on the side of her chest
???: "Sebastian"

Sebastian: "Kidman, please have a seat" he said, clearly tired from lack of sleep. He sat down in his chair and grabbed his cup of coffee next to the files, while Kidman sat opposite his desk.

Julie: "What going on here Sebastian? Why is the whole station now on high alert" she asks him while placing her arms on the desk.

Sebastian: "Did Justin not tell you? *juli shakes her head* Right, then I will" he says while sipping his coffee. Around 10 hours ago, someone broke into Mr & Mrs (L/n) home. They proceeded to kill them and kidnap their son (Y/n). Their daughter Hillary was left alive and is currently in the interrogation room with Justin" he tells her while placing the new case file titled 'The (L/n) case' in front of Juli.

Juli: "Damn, that's horrible. How old was the kid? *Sebastian puts 9 fingers up* oh my". She then looks through the case file, which had picture of the whole family.

Sebastian: "We have a team of Investigator at the (L/n) house and a search team looking around town. As for Hillary, I want her to stay at you apartment if that's alright. . ."

Juli: "Yeah its fine. I just hope she doesn't mind the mess" she jokes while looking back at the file. "Uhh Sebastian, why is this in here?" she asked. Sebastian turns back to her to see her holding the picture of Jess the killer with a question mark written in red marker on it.

Sebastian: "That's there because I believe the attacker was Jess the killer. When I asked hillary for a description of the attacker, he came up with her appearance. Its also why I brought out these 3 files" he finishes as he sits back down. Juli grabs one of Jess's case file and gasps as she see's a picture of one of the victims. "I know, and as we speak, that poor boy may be being tortured by that monster or worse. . ."

Juli: "If he's still alive, we need to find him before she does this to him"

-Knock knock-

Sebastian: "Come in!" he calls out. The door opens and Justin & Hillary walk in the office.

Justin: "Right sir, I've written down everything Hillary has told me"

Sebastian: "Good work Justin. Oh and Hillary, I'd like you to meet Detective Juli kidman. You'll be staying with her for a while". Juli stands up and holds her hand out towards Hillary, who shakes it.

Juli: "Hello Miss (L/n))

Hillary: "greeting Detective. . ."

Juli: "Please, just Juli. And may I say I'm very sorry about what happened to you in the past 24 hours, but I can assure you that we will do anything in our power to capture the fugitive and rescue your brother" she say, trying to give Hillary some hope.

Hillary: "Thank you Juli, that means a lot" she replies as they stop shaking hands.

Sebastian: "Right, Juli can you take Hillary back to your apartment while me and Justin go to the (L/n) house". Juli nods at him and escorts Hillary out the office, closing the door behind her leaving Justin and Sebastian alone. "Did you do the lie detector on her?"

Justin: "Yes sir, and I got a funny result *pulls out the results* most of its fine until we mention how her parents got killed and about the brother" he says while handing it over to Sebastian.

Sebastian: "Hmmm that is strange, and am I the only one who notices that when she talks about her brother she kinda. . . . tenses up, like she's trying not to shout"

Justin: "I did notice that, and when I ask her if she thinks he's alive or alright, she always in a blank voice". Sebastian thinks for a moment, before placing the lie detector results in the (L/n) case file.

Sebastian: "We can worry about this later. Right now we need to find the child *grabs his coat* get the car ready Justin, we're going to the (L/n) house"

- Tuesday 24th, September 2019-
-Location & Time: Pasta-Mansion, 10:00AM -
-POV: (Y/n) -

Slenda: "Well looks like I'm giving the rest of the tour kid. Follow me and don't slack behind"

I had currently just witnessed Jess and Jane have a serious fight, which Slenda ended by sending them to their rooms like children. I was shocked from what just happened until I feel a tendril wrap around my waist and pull me.

(Y/n): "Woah!"

Slenda: "I said keep up!" she said in a semi raised voice. Her tendril unwraps and disappears back into her back as she walks down the hallway. I stay close behind her as I've already annoyed her enough this morning. "So. . . . how do you feel about the girls you've met so far?" I hear her ask me.

(Y/n): "I-I think they're. . . . alright. . . . some scary but others aren't. . . ."

Slenda: "I wouldn't lie to me if I were you child, so you would be wise to tell the truth before I punish you" she said in a serious voice.

(Y/n): "S-sorry"

Slenda: "Its fine, just don't lie to me again" she says before stopping in front of a door. I look at the name on the door as she knocks on it.

(Y/n): "Laughing Jill? That doesn't sound so bad"

Slenda: "Oh if you knew what she does, then you would be scared to death of her" she chuckles. Whether she was being serious or not didn't matter as it scared me. I thought about hiding behind her but she must of read my mind as she said "Don't even think about it"

Before I could protest, the door opens and I see that clown girl from last night who helped Jess get Jackie- Sorry I mean the demon off me. . . I still can't believe Jackie has a Demon in her.

Slenda: "Morning Jill. Now I've got someone to meet you" she says to her before Pointing down at me. I stand there and give a little wave while giving a nervous smile. Jill smiled as she bends down to my level.

Jill: "Hello again (Y/n)! Remember me from last night?" she said in a cheerful voice.

(Y/n): "Y-Yeah I do. . . . Thanks by the ways, for stopping Jackie"

Jill: "Ah you don't need to thank me kiddo! Your alive and safe which is all I need" she smiles at me, showing her slightly sharp teeth. But I wasn't scared of her like some of the other girls, mainly because I wasn't scared of clowns and she was like Jackie and Jess, concerned for me health. "Say, why don't you come in? I'll give you a tour of my circus-"

Slenda: "Jill, this ain't a f*cking MTV cribs. I'm already giving him a tour of the mansion and I just wanna get it done with" she said, clearly annoyed.

Jill: "Okay Slenda, chill out. Maybe one of my flowers can help!" she cheered as she pulled out a small black rose. Slenda just put her head in hand while shaking her head, making me slightly giggle. Jill then moved the rose in front of me. "Go on, take it as a gift from me" she said in a more calm and soothing voice. I smile as gently took it from her hands and looked at it. . . . the first flower that anyone has ever given me happened to come from a clown serial killer. I went to sniff the rose but the water came shooting out the middle, splashing on my face and glasses.

(Y/n): "EEK!" I yells in surprise, while Jill laughs and Slenda slightly giggled.

Jill: "Works every time!" she laughs while I takes my glasses off to dry them while smiling, it was pretty funny. "So, can you see at all without this spec?" she asks me.

(Y/n): "No. . ." I say while putting them back on. "Without them my entire vision is blurry, so without these I can't go anywhere. Well, unless I know the place back to front" I say. Jill then brings out a pair of thick framed glasses and puts them on, making me laugh at how bad they looked.

Jill: "Now we're spec buddy! We can form a club that only people in glasses can come too!" she says in a geek accent . I was giggling at this before she opens her arms. "Well can I get a hug from my new pal!". I smiled at hugged her, which she picked me up to hug me closer. Now while I like the hug, I was being slightly pushed up against her. . . chest area. "Oh sorry" she says as she notices my slight discomfort. She puts me down and ruffles my hair. "We should hang out together some time. I could use an assistant for my circus" she chirps.

(Y/n): "Y-Yeah, I'd like that" I reply with a smile.

Slenda: "Right, come on kid. We ain't got all day" she says while walking away. I sigh before looking a Jill and give her another hug. She hugs me back and gives me a little kiss on the cheek, making me blush and smile. She then points at slenda and make small circle motion around the side of her head while mouthing 'she's bonkers'. I giggle at this and say thank you for the rose before catching up to Slenda, giving a little wave which she returns before going back in her room. I hold the rose up to my face and I smile as its one of the only gifts I've ever had, before placing it carefully in the hoodies pocket. "First flowers someone has given you"

(Y/n): "C-Can you please stop reading my thoughts" I say, actually a bit annoyed since they're my thoughts. Slenda stops in her tracks and glares back at me. "P-Please" I quickly add, freezing myself. Slenda then resumes walking and I mentally sigh in relief. "So w-who's next?"

Slenda: "We're going to see the Nurse. Give you a quick little check up, which reminds me" she stops and turns around. "Show me your back"

(Y/n): "What?"

Slenda: "now!" she repeats, nearly yelling. I quickly unzip the hoodie to take if off and lift my tore up shirt, turning around to show slenda. I then feel a cold finger land near the scars on my back and whimper slightly as she run it along on of the scratches. "Well its not bleeding and healing slightly, but your gonna need a couple stitches for this one. Also you can drop the shirt"

I drop it and put the hoodie back on before continuing to follow slenda downstairs to the living room.

Slenda: "Right, I'm gonna go get the nurse because your not allowed in her surgery, Don't ask why. So". her tendrils come out, grab me and sit me on the sofa. "Sit here and do not move. I mean it this time"

(Y/n): "Y-Yes miss"

Slenda: "Never call me miss" she reply's as she walks off. I sigh to myself as I lay back on the sofa thinking. 'Why is she so mean to me? If she doesn't want me here why doesn't she just throw me out and let me go'.

At this point I just give up on trying to figure it out and hum to myself. . . before my eye land on the front door. . . . nobody was here, I was all alone. . . maybe I can risk it?

I slowly got up and looked around to make sure no one was watching me before quietly moving towards the door. As I was inches away from touching the door handle I quickly stop to think. . . . what about Jess? what about Jackie and the others besides Jane, slenda and the dog. . . . I mean yes there killers and creepy. . . but they have so far been nice to me-

???: "Hey, who are you?". I quickly jolt around and see. . . . a-a small girl around my age?. She had curly brown hair, bright green eyes, a slightly dirty pink dress with white socks.

???: "Hi, I'm sally!" she playfully said.

(Y/n): "U-Umm I'm (Y/n)" I reply, confused on why another child was here.

Sally: "Hey, isn't that one of of Hoodies?" she asks, pointing the the orange hoodie that she gave me earlier.

(Y/n): "She gave me it"

Sally: "Aw man, I always wanted one, but Hoodie won't let me have one" She complains. "You must be new, because I don't remember seeing you around here before" she chirps.

(Y/n): "Y-Yeah I'm new. . ."

Sally: "Cool! Hey do you wanna be my friend? The girls here are nice but never want to play with me, so It can sometimes be lonely here" she says, frowning a little while holding her hands behind her dress.

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'll be your friend"

Sally: "Yay! So what do you wanna do first? Play tag? hide or seek? Maybe try and raid the candy in the kitchen!" she chirps full of joy. . . damn, was she really that lonely?. She jolts forward and grabs my arm and skips towards the kitchen.

(Y/n):"W-Wait Sally, I can't really play right now?" I say, remembering what Slenda said to me. Sally let go or my arm and looked at me, looking a bit upset.

Sally: "Why not?" She asks, her eyes showing clear sadness. "Do you not want to be my friend?" she adds and I see a small tear develop on her.

(Y/n): "N-No, I do want to be friends! It's just Slenda told me I have to stay in the living room" I explained. Sallys tear disappeared but she still looked upset. "Maybe we can play later? After Slenda finishes my tour" I chirp to her. She smiles at me before hugging me, which I return. It was nice having someone like me around in this place. . . . wait. . . why was she here?. "Ummm Sally? Not trying to be rude but. . . why are you here? in this house full of Killers?" I ask.

Sally: "Oh, I'll show you! Turn around" she says full of joy. . . this must be good. I turn around and look at the living room. "Now turn around" she chirps. I turn around and- wait where did she go?

(Y/n): "Sally?" I call out, kinda creeped out that she just disappeared. . . . did I imagine all that?

Sally (voice): "I'll see you later friend!" her voice echoes through the room with joy. Maybe she's just a great hider, after all she lives here and knows everything. I smile to myself as I'm glad I've made a friend who seemed normal. . . . maybe I'll stay for a couple days, so she can have a friend. Maybe I can help her escape too-

(Y/n): "AHHH!" I yelp as something grabs my ankle and drags me into the air. My glasses fall of my face but I didn't need to see to know who it was.

Slenda: "I'm really starting to get annoyed with you kid. I don't just say stuff so you can disobey" Slenda says to me in a really annoyed/angered tone.

(Y/n): "Wait! I d-didn't mean to! There was a small girl in here who wanted me to play with her! I swear!" I cry out as I'm dangled upside down. I then get dropped onto something soft and I quickly sit up for one of Slenda's tendrils putting my glasses back on my face. I landed on the sofa, thank lord. I look at slenda with a nerivous smile while she looked down at me with her arms crossed.

Slenda:"Disobey me one more time, and I will punish you. Do you understand?" She says, which I rapidly nod my head too. "Good, now I'd like to introduce you to someone I think you know". She gestures behind her and I see a nurse, a slightly creepy one.

Wait a minute, she seems familiar. . . . oh my!

(Y/n): "N-Nurse Ann" I shyly say as I slightly tear up as I look at her.

Ann: "(Y/n) is that you?!" she replies to me in surprise. I quickly jump off the sofa and hug her waist. I can't believe she was here! She used to work as the School Nurse, and one of the only other people besides Suzi who was kind to me. I was devastated when I learned she left. She had changed a lot since i last saw her though.

Anyway, I feel nurse Ann crouch down to my height and hug me back. I lay my head on her shoulder and I close my eyes as tears of happiness drip down.

Ann: "Its so good to see you again sweetie!. . . wait, Slenda why is he here?!" She nearly shouts at Slenda while stopping the hug and standing to face her. "I swear if your going to-"

Slenda: "No Ann, I'm not. And don't mention 'that' to the kid please. As for why he's here, ask Jess since she was the one who thought to bring him here after she killed his parents"

Ann: "SHE WHAT!!! JESS-"

Slenda: "Oh I forgot to add that his parents were abusing him, so thats why jess did it. Thought I still think it wrong of her bring him here" she add. Nurse Ann looks down at me with wide eyes while I just held my left arm while lowering my gaze.

Ann: "(Y/n), please tell me that's not true" she asks, anger and concern in her voice as I felt her eyes narrow at me.

(Y/n): "I-It is.. . " I mutter out, ashamed as I know what she was about to say.

Ann: "How long for?!"

(Y/n): "M-My entire l-life. . ."

Ann: "Why didn't you tell me at the school? Didn't I tell you that is there was anything bothering or hurting you, you could tell me?" she says, more calm but annoyed still.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry Nurse. . . . I was worried that my family would find out I told someone. . . " I say, ashamed. I hear Ann sigh before crouching again and lifting my chin with her finger.

Ann: "I'm not angry at you. I could never be anger at you for something like that, but you should of told me before I left. I would of helped you" she says in that soothing voice I missed. She then ruffled my hair slightly while gently stroking my right arm, but as I feel her go over on of my bruises, I yelp slightly and flinch back. Nurse Ann looked at me again with her eye widened. "(Y/n), can you please take your hoodie off. . ."

I knew this was gonna happen, but I comply and unzip my hoodie again. She hasn't even seen my marks yet and already gasped at my dirty, torn-up white shirt. I slide my arms out the hoodie and I see her gaze immediately looking up and down them, seeing the bruises, scratches and scares. She gently takes my right arm and examines it up close. I can hear hearth breathing become slower with each bit of damage she see's, probably so she doesn't shout. She then reached the bruise on my shoulder which had been there for 2 years.

Ann: "I don't even need to look twice to tell you that this bruise is permanent"

Slenda: "Look at his back Ann" I hear slenda say. Nurse Ann gently turns me around and she gasps loudly as she saw the three claw marks on my back, the ones that creepy girl out in the forest did before the dog came.

Ann: "Take your shirt off" she asks, her anger growing by the second. I take my tattered shirt off to reveal the rest of my scars and bruises. "Oh.my.god! What did those people do to you?!" she shouts.

(Y/n): "T-They hit me with a belt mostly" I say, not turning to face her and lowering my head as I let a few tears drop to the floor. "They would a-also punch me, k-kick me and burn me once in a while" I say, with a couple sobs as I think back to some of horrible memories and not telling Nurse ann about this. I then feel her glove very gently run across the gashes on my back, which slightly stun as they weren't fully healed.

Ann: "Your gonna need stitches for these to heal" She says as I feel a shiver run down my spine. I had a slight fear of needles and she knew this. She turns me around and lifts my glasses to gently wipe away my tears with her thumb with her right hand while taking out a small syringe with liquid inside it. "I know you hate needles sweetie, but I need to stitch those up before they get infected"

(Y/n): "O-Okay. . ." mumble. I hold out my left arm to her, which she gently holds in place with one hand while slowing injecting me with the syringe. Almost immediately I feel its effects and I feel drowsy. "I feel very. . .. very. . . " I didn't finishes as I fall into Nurse Ann arms as I start to close my eyes as I yawn. The last thing I see before they fully shut is Ann lowering her medical mask and kissing my forehead. . . .

- Time-Skip to night time -


My eyes jolt open as I hear a loud noise near my eye. The room was dark so I couldn't see but I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me while my head were on something. . . soft. . . not again!

I carefully unwrap the arms around me and scoot out the bed, blindly reaching my hand out to were I think the side desk was to find my glasses. Lucky for me I hit the jack-pot and put them on before turning on the lamp on the desk. It dimly lit the room but I let me see a snoring Jess sleeping on the bed. . . with only her hoodie and black underwear on. . . . okay, this is a first. . .

I walk over to her dresser and finally notice I'm in a new top, a dark green one with short sleeves and brown shorts. I then lift my shirt and turn my back to the mirror to see the gashes on my back had been stitched up completely. they were a bit red but I can't complain, I wasn't feeling pain. I lower my shirt and walk over to the room door and open it, peering out into the hallway. . . lights were off. . . and I needed the toilet. I look back in jess's room and see she doesn't have a bathroom like Jackie did. . . looks like i'm going exploring-

Sally: "HI (Y/n)!" I hear her whisper shout at me, nearly making me scream. "Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare you". Where the hell did she come from?

(Y/n): "I-It's fine, just please don't do it again" I say while putting my hand to my heart, making her giggle. "Uhh do you know where the boys toilets are?"

Sally: "Oh I do, come on I'll take you there. And after that we can play that game" she chirps while taking my arm and gently drags me down the hallway.

(Y/n): "But isn't it a bit late to play?"

Sally: "Nope, now its the perfect time! Besides, we have the mansion to ourselves while the others are asleep!" she says, full of joy. I can't help but smile at this.

(Y/n): "Okay, we can play" I say as I follow her to the toilet, and for one moment that I could be around someone normal, who wasn't a killer or supernatural. . . just normal.

- End Chapter 6 -

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Playtime with Sally


(Y/n) decides to play along with Sally during the night when everyone's asleep. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapter Text

-Tuesday 24th, September 2019-
-Location & Time: Pasta-Mansion, 11:20PM-
-POV: 3rd Person -

The moon light shined through the Windows as the mist started to die down outside. As the light shined into the mansion, two small shadows were scurrying through the corridors towards the staircase, both giggling. As they pass a window, the moon illuminates them to be two children, one girl and one boy, both dressed in their pajamas. They quietly sneak down the staircase to the living room before running over to a door near the kitchen.

Sally: "Here we are, the main bathroom" she chirps to (Y/n), who smiled back at her as he adjusts his glasses.

(Y/n): "Thank you sally" he replies before going into the room, leaving sally to hum to herself while (Y/n) did his business. Couple minutes pass by and the audible flush of a toilet was heard from the inside of the room. (Y/n) comes back out, a look of relief on his face.

Sally: "Now we can play!" she cheers. (Y/n) smiles at her as he seeing another child like him happy brought joy to him too. "So what do you wanna play first? Hide and seek? Tag? Find teddy? maybe play a prank on the-"

(Y/n): "Woah woah woah Sally, calm down" he giggles. "You decide what we play"

Sally: "Oh Hide and Seek then! I'll hide, and you try to find me okay!" she chirps. (Y/n) nodded before turning around and took off his glasses, which were the equivalent of covering his eyes.

(Y/n): "Wait Sally, can we make a rule that you can't hide in the girls rooms or any forbidden areas like outside, basem*nt or the attic?"

Sally: "Sure, that's fair. Now count down from 10, no peeking" she giggles as she skips off down the hallways.

(Y/n): "10. . . 9. . . 8. . . 7. . . 6. . . 5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . 1! Ready or not, here I come" He quietly says before sneaking down one of the hallways, making sure to be as quiet as possible so none of the girls woke up, or worse Slenda.

- (Y/n)'s POV -

I was quietly tip toeing through the hallway trying to find Sally. We were playing hide and seek. . . . at night. . . . in a massive mansion.

(Y/n): "Okay, so I know she's not gonna be in the girls rooms or forbidden areas. . . . so that means she's either gonna be in the bathrooms, hallways, living room, kitchen, cleaning room and her room. . . . . . this ought to be fun" I say to myself as I reach the end of the hallway. "Okay, she's not here"

I walk back to the living room and check the opposite hallway on the bottom floor. . . . again no sally. When I walked back into the living room I swear I saw a small shadow run into the kitchen. I smile as I quietly sneak my way into the kitchen and see the cleaning room door close. Oh she had just cornered herself.

(Y/n) (whisper): "Hmmm Maybe she's not in here, maybe she's in her room. I gotta go check now" I say as I fake my steps out the kitchen and go to the door. I swear I heard her giggling in there so i quickly whip on the door. "Got ya!" I say as I expect to see her standing there but. . . . nothing. . . . there was only the cleaning supplies inside. I scratch my head in confusion as I close the door. "Strange, I was certain she was inside-

I jolt my head to the side as I hear the scamper of feet on the kitchens tiled floor. I hide behind the island in the middle of the kitchen and peek my head around the corner and saw a bit of a pink dress. . . . Bingo! I peer to the top of the island and grab a apple and roll it out while I go around, hopefully Sally with be distracted by the apple that I can sneak up on her. As I hide at the corner right next to hear I can hear her breathing, so this time I know she's there.

(Y/n): "Aha- what?" I say surprised as once again she's not there. I quickly but quietly run around the kitchen to see if she moved, but she was nowhere in sight. "Okay this is getting weird. . . . that's twice now I swear I found her. . . . well, kitchen and cleaning room are out I guess. . . . . her room it is then" I say as I sneak out the kitchen and head back upstairs. . . . wait. . . I didn't know where her room was. . . darn it! And just as I think that, the moonlight from the windows go away. . . damn clouds, so now I'm playing hide and seek, in a big mansion that I don't know the full layout of, in pitch black. . . . Guess I'm gonna have to take a risk- "AH!"

I land face first on the carpet as I tripped on the last step. Didn't hurt that much but my glasses fell of, so now I'm blind in complete darkness. I feel the area around me for them but due to my luck, I couldn't feel them. . . . why does this always happen to me?

(Y/n): "Sally?" I whisper shout, but nothing. "Sally?" I say, a bit louder, and again nothing. "SALLY!" I fully call out, only to quickly covering my mouth. I wait a few seconds to see If I hear anything. . . thankfully I didn't wake any of the girls up. "Sally, I need you" I whisper again.

Sally: "Need me for what?"

(Y/n): "WHA-" Sally quickly covers my mouth to stop me from screaming.. . . how the hell did she sneak up on me?!

Sally: "Shhh, I already heard you yell once, don't yell again otherwise you'll wake up some of the girls" she giggles while lowering her hand from my mouth.

(Y/n): "Sally, you got to stop sneaking up on me like that or you'll scare me to death" I say while holding my chest.

Sally: "Sorry about that, Its a habit" she giggled. "Anyway, what do you need me for?"

(Y/n): "My glasses, I can't find them" I say as I keep feeling around on the floor. I hear sally giggle again and move away from me and walk ahead.

Sally: "Found them" she whispers while gently placing my glasses back in my hand. I put them back on a get off the floor. "Why were you on the floor silly?"

(Y/n): "When the moonlight went away I could barely see and I tripped on the last step" I say while rubbing my head. "Oh yeah, found you" I say with a cheeky smile plastered on my face.

Sally: "No fair! You lead me out to help you" she protests while stomping the floor, only for us to both go dead silent.

Muffled voice: "That didn't sound like a f*cking fox" we hear come from on of the rooms, followed by footsteps. Sally gently grabs me and we book it down the stairs and hide behind the TV stand. Me and Sally peek through the gaps of the stand to see the top hallway light come on and a tired/annoyed Jane appear, looking around from the top banister of the stairs. Me and sally look at each other and we both put out fingers to our lips as we look back at Jane. "Hmmmm. . . . maybe it was just the mansion settling in. . . . . f*cking thing" she says while going back down the corridor, turning the light off. We both sigh in relief before coming out from behind the stand.

Sally: "Well that was close"

(Y/n): "A bit too close. . . ."

Sally: "So you want to carry on hide and seek?"

(Y/n): "Maybe something else. Something that doesn't evolve us sneaking around the mansion" I say, kinda lying. I just didn't want to continue hide and seek since Sally was good at it.

Sally: "Okay, how about tag"

(Y/n): ". . . . . eehhh something else. . ."

Sally: "Hmmmm oh maybe pull a prank on one of the girls?"

(Y/n): "Uh I'd rather not- hey"

Sally: "Come on, it will be fun" she chirps as she grabbed my hand and skips upstairs with me.

(Y/n): "Sally please, this is a horrible idea" I protest as we near a room.

Sally: "I've done this before and never got caught, Now wait here while I go get something" she chirped before skipping off into the darkness. . . leaving me alone outside one of the girls rooms. . . . wait who's room was it?

(Y/n): "Sally please don't leave me alone here!" I quietly call out to her. No reply to I just sit against the wall, keeping as quiet as I can until she returns. She eventually did, holding a feather and can of whipped cream in her hands.

Sally: "Got the items! Now lets get in there!" she chirps as she opens the door of the room, skipping in with me following.

(Y/n): "Sally please can we not do this!" I protest next to her, but she flat out ignores me and takes out a little torch from her dress and turns it on. She points it at the bed and we see Jane sleeping. "Sally be not Jane, she will kill us!" I say.

Sally: "Don't worry, I've done this before. Now take this cream and spray it in here hand" she chirps while handing me the can. . . . Christ.

(Y/n): "Sally, please don't make me do this" I say, actually sounding sad now cause I didn't want to get us in trouble.

Sally: "Oh come on, please. We won't get in trouble, I promise. just trust me" she says, smiling at me with those puppy eyes. . . how can I say no now. . .

(Y/n): "Okay, I'll do it" I say. I make my way to the left side of the bed, where Jane was lying closer too. She was on her back, snoring a bit loudly and her left arm was dangling off the bed. This is were I noticed that Jane was wearing. . . . . very revealing. She was only wearing those things that girls wear across their chest and those underwear that girls only wear. . . . made me a bit uncomfortable.

Anyway, I carefully spray some of the cream into her hand, which nearly woke her up and gave me a heart attack. I froze in place and Jane rubs her chest with her other hand. I can see Sally on the opposite side of the bed looking at me with wide eyes and putting her finger to her mouth. I finally unfreeze and back away slowly before going over to Sally.

(Y/n): "That was too close Sally" I say while cleaning my glasses with my shirt.

Sally: "At least she didn't wake up" she says before holding up the feather. "Now for the fun part" she says with a smile plastered on her face. Sally climbs on Jane's bed and uses the wall behind the bed to keep her from falling. I cover my mouth as my breathing became heavier cause I was freaking out. Sally leans forward a little and starts to tickles Jane's nose. At first Jane wipes her nose with her right hand, which I see annoys Sally, so she does it again. She looks back at me while giving a thumps up with free hand. I mouth the words 'your crazy' to her, which she lightly giggles to before going back to tickling Jane's nose.

- Splat -

Sally quickly jumps off the bed before grabbing my hand and dragging me under the bed. We both hold our breath as we hear Jane wake up and growl in anger.

Jane: "Ugh! SALLY!" she shouts as she jumps off the bed and turns the room light on. "Oh that little sh*t! Why is it always me!"

I look at Sally, who's trying her best not to laugh while I am fearing for my life, cause Jane sounded really angry.

Jane: "That little git is gonna get it now!" she says before heading into her bathroom. I let out a breath while Sally giggles to herself.

Sally: "That so great!" she whispers to me, making me look back at her with shock.

(Y/n): "She sounds like she's gonna kill us if we found" I reply.

Sally: "Well she won't, now lets go before she comes back in"

She grabs my hand and we quietly make our way out the bed and tip toe to the door. But as Sally reached for the door handle, the bathroom door was kicked open, revealing a clothed and angry Jane.

Jane: "I knew it was you! And you had help from the new little sh*t!" she yells at us.

Sally: "Run!" she yells as she whips open the door and drags me out, Jane chasing close behind us. We run down the hallway and down the stairs back to the living room.

Jane: "You better hop I don't catch you! Cause what I'll do will make you both wish you never came here!" she threatens, making me even more scared. We ran into the main bathroom and hide behind the door. Jane runs in and stands in the middle of the room, looking around. "Where are you!"

We run back around the door and I slam it shut behind me before we run back to the living room. We look back to see Jane burst through the door, but when we go to run we smash into someone and fall on our butts.

Sally & (Y/n): "Owie!"

Jane: "Now I got you litte sh*ts- Oh hi Slenda!"

Slenda: "Hello Jane" she says in a very serious tone. "Right, Jane and Sally, back to your rooms now and do not come out until the sun shines through your windows" she says, dropping Sally to the floor.

Sally: "I'll see you in the morning (Y/n). . . " I hear her says sadly before walking back to her room. I hear Jane walk back up the stairs and I'm suddenly zapped into a different room with Slenda. I'm dropped to the floor and I crawl onto my back while looking up at the angry Slenda.

Slenda:"Right. . . . . I have been calm with you up until now. You been in this mansion for under 24 hours, already made me give you three warnings and you still keep disobeying me, and even start annoying one of the girls"

(Y/n): "I-I'm sorry Slenda, b-but it was Sally's-"

Slenda: "SHUT IT!" she bellows at me, earning a whine from me. "This will be my FINAL warning to you, or in my opinion your mercy. If you do ANYTHING out of place or disobey me, the punishment I give you will be so horrific that you'll beg me to end your worthless miserable life!" she shouts at me while a few of her tendrils shoot out her back and smash into the wooden floor. I look at her with my fearful eyes as tears form. "Now, if your not out that door and back in jess's room in the next 10 seconds, you will experience something worse then your entire life being abused by your family!" she yells. I quickly turn and run towards the door, whipping it open as I hear Slenda count down in my head. I run down the stairs, slipping on the last step and falling on my back. I cried in pain but I still good up and ran to Jess's room. When I open her door she's standing at her dresser. She looks like she just woke up, but when she see's me she looks surprised.

Jess: "Christ there you are- oh!"

I cut her off by hugging her waist and crying. I feel her pat my back before lifting me up and letting me hug her chest while I cry into her shoulder.

Jess: "(Y/n) whats wrong?"

(Y/n): "S-S-Slenda!" was the only word I managed to cry out. Jess hugs me back while stroking the back of my head.

Jess: "Shhhh, there, there, that bitch won't do anything to you when I'm around" she reassures me. Next thing I know I'm being set down on the bed and Jess lifts my glasses up to wipe my eyes. "Come now, replace that frown with a smile" she says before kissing my forehead. I hug her again and she hugs me back. I close my eyes as I sob and I feel Jess shuffle us into the bed and lay us down. "Shhhh, just go to sleep (Y/n). Everything will be fine in the morning. . . ." is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.

- Castellanos residence -

Sebastian: "Honey, I'm home" he says while entering his home, waiting for a response from his wife. "Honey?"

???: "I'm in the bath sweetie! Why are you back so late?" a voice from upstairs asks.

Sebastian: "Trouble at work. I've just spent the past 20 hours going through old case files and writing up new ones"

???: "Why, what happened?"

Sebastian: "uhhh. . . . . some idiot mixed files around. So I had to go through each one, find the wrong information in them and put them back in the right ones" he lies, not wanting to tell his wife the REAL reason. . . at least not yet. It was late.

???: "Oh that sucks. I'll be down soon. Dinner is on the kitchen table"

Sebastian: "Thank you sweetheart" he says while hanging up his coat and heads into the kitchen, seeing a plate on the table. He bring up a chair and turns on the small tv on the kitchen counter before sitting down.

-Beep beep-

Sebastian: "Christ, who could be messaging me at this time of night?" he says, bit grudgingly as he pulls out his phone, seeing it was a message From Lily.



Hi dad! Sorry for the late message. Just wanted to remind you that me and my boyfriend are coming down from college this weekend to see you and the family. Love you x

Sebastian: "Oh sh*t I forgot about that. . . . ." he says as he puts the phone down and places his head in his hand. "sh*t, am I even gonna have free time on the weekend with all this sh*t going on. . . ."

???: "Daddy. . ."

Sebastian looks behind him at the kitchen doorway to see a very familiar girl standing there, her eyes half closed while her hair was frizzy.

Sebastian looks behind him at the kitchen doorway to see a very familiar girl standing there, her eyes half closed while her hair was frizzy
Sebastian: "Suzi, what are you doing up at this time?" he says while getting out his chair and kneeling in front of her.

Suzi: "I couldn't sleep. . . "

Sebastian: "Do you want me to tell you a bed time story?" he ask his daughter, which she nods too. "Okay sweetie, hop back upstairs and I'll be up in a minute" he chuckles.

Suzi: "Thank dad" she says before kissing his cheek. She walks out the kitchen and back to her room, leaving Sebastian to chuckle to himself.

Sebastian: "Looks like dinner while have to wait" he chuckles as he turns the TV off and puts his plate in the microwave.

Suzi: "Daddy, come on" she calls down to him.

Sebastian: "I'm coming" he laugh as he leaves the kitchen and head up to his daughters room. "Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. . . "

- End Chapter 7 -

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: First Dream and escape attempt 2


After experiencing a nightmare, (Y/n) finally decides to try and flee the Pasta Mansion. . .

Chapter Text

-Wednesday 25th, September 2019-
-Location & Time: Pasta-Mansion, 9:56AM-
-POV: (Y/n) -

???: "(Y/n). . . . . ."

(Y/n): "Huh?"

I instantly open my eyes as I hear something whisper my name, but my attention quickly turns to the area I'm in. . . . I wasn't In Jess's room or even the mansion. . . . . . I was just in darkness. . . . . completely utter darkness. I sit and and looks around. . . . nothing. I can see myself clearly but that it, nothing else. I look down at the 'floor' and it was black water or something.

(Y/n): "Jess?" I call out, my voice slightly echoing in the abyss. "Sally?. . . . . . a-anyone" I call out again, starting to feel uncomfortable in this never ending darkness. It was also now that I noticed it was quiet cold, so I hug myself to try and stay warm. I then start to walk off in one direction, hoping to find something else then this darkness. I couldn't tell if this was real or a dream. I mean I fell awake, everything around me feels real. . . . was Slenda doing this to me?. "S-Slenda? Is this you?" I call out with a shaky voice. I then feel a sudden warmth behind me, followed by light. I quickly turn around and see a light very, very far away.

I quickly turn around and see a light very, very far away
I start heading towards it. Soon a couple of white tree's appear out of nowhere as I get closer to the light. I could also hear very quiet voices, so quiet I couldn't actually figure out what they were saying but I wasn't really that interested, I just wanted to get out of this place.

- Drip, Drip, Drip -

I turn around and see what appears to be rain start to approach me from the darkness. I quickly then start running towards the light as the rain chases after me. Suddenly I start to see more tree's appear, now showing color instead of being white. Then grass soon appear and a silhouette of a house appeared. I stop in my tracks as the area around me fully changes into an actual place. . . . . a familiar place. My eyes widen as the house forms into my house, the one I was tortured in by my family. The rain fully envelops the area, soaking me and the ground. I start to back away as I hear stomp come from inside the house, shaking the ground until the front door was busted open, showing a shadowy figure with piercing red eyes.

Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (1)

I then feel something grab my legs and pull me to the ground. I desperate try and crawl back but this invisible force drags me towards the house. I look back at the figure and my horror goes on over drive as I see it morph into my father, maintaining the red eyes. The force release my legs as I am right at the porch, just a few feet away from him. I look right into his eyes and then see him take out a belt from behind him. I quickly turn to crawl away as I see him take a step forward but when I get a few feet away and about to get up, roots shoot out the ground and hold me down.

I quickly turn to crawl away as I see him take a step forward but when I get a few feet away and about to get up, roots shoot out the ground and hold me down

(Y/n): "Ahh no!" I scream as I'm once again pulled back to him. I claw at the dirt to try and free myself but these roots had a firm grip on me. I look over my shoulder and see my dad just 2 feet away from me, a grin plastered on his face, but not a normal toothy one, he had sharp teeth. It was obvious this wasn't my father but was just as bad as him.

Demonic father: "T̢̻̼̹̹͕ị̻̭͔͢ṃ̜͇͍e̛̫̰͖̬̹͉ ̡̹̦f͚o̠̼ṛ̕ ̦̦̙̥̮̝̰͠a ̴r̭͉͔͔̭o̠͉̥̲̗y̝̺͚̤͞a̖͖͖͚̲ͅl̵͚̲̰̟̘͇͇ ҉b̸̙̻̣̩̘͖e͍̼͍͖̻̭͟a̘͓̝̰͚͔t͔̲i̱̯̝͙̲̺n̝̪̫̬̹͈g̰͉̤ ̫b̖̟̦o̱̙̪͉̝͟y̼͉̼͝" It says in a deep and threatening voice.

I let out a scream as he lifts the belt, which then turns into a machete. When he swings it down I scream while closing my eyes, only to feel the ground beneath me disappear and I start free falling into darkness. The rain continued as I screamed while falling. Soon a floor came into view and I move my arms to cover my face only to fall on my back instantly. I whine is pain as I roll over and look around. The area had changed again and now I was inside some type of building which had many doors on each side of the corridor.

I looked at the door right at the end and see the little window thing open, revealing a blinding light followed by a yelling so loud I had to cover my ears. I then feel the ground vibrate for the sound of a chainsaw came from behind me. I look back to see darkness but the light turn on, showing a never ending corridor. The Chainsaw sound was echoing through the corridor so I couldn't pinpoint its source. Then my eye catches something, far far down the corridor. It was something running towards me, but I couldn't make out what it was cause it was too far, but it must of been the source of the Chainsaw sound.

I snap out of thought as I realize this thing was getting close, now laughing. I quickly turn tail and bolt down these corridors, with this thing getting closer to me.

???" RUN RABBIT, RUN RABBIT! RUN! RUN! RUN!" I hear a voice boom through the corridor. This didn't sound like Slenda, it sounded more threatening. How that's possible I didn't know, but what I did know was I had to run for my life- JESUS!

I stop in my tracks as the corridor just breaks off in front of me, falling into darkness. I quickly turn to see the thing chasing me quickly approach me. I was now able to get a good look of it and-

(Y/n): "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream as this thing scared the ever living hell out of me.

The 'creature' I saw before me was a towering abomination comprised of what appeared to be mutilated remains of various parts of people, most notably the many heads of woman, each one wearing demented expressions. The central head was the one that scared me the most, with its wide, maniacal grin sending a wave of fear down my spine. In its right arm, it held a large buzzsaw blade with screeched a horrid sound as it dragged on the floor.

Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (2)

This thing swings its buzzsaw at me so I jump off into the darkness again, falling for only a couple seconds this time before landing on a hard surface. I stand fully and look around to see a dark room, only lit by a few candles. I was I was standing on a red carpet, which lead on for a couple feet before it stops in front of a black throne chair. I then heard sounds of movement around me while each candle in the room went out, one at a time.

???: "You think your safe with Slenda and her girls? Well listen to me child, YOUR NOT! YOU ARE FAR FROM SAFE!" that same voice shouts at me, making the last of the candles blow out, once again leaving me in total darkness. I shake in fear as I know there's something in the darkness watching me. "Your petrified are you child? Oh how I feed off that! The fear of darkness, my home!" they call out again. As I back up I bump into something and freeze solid. "Listen well child, when I find you, and I will. . . . . you will become my slave"

- Back in the real world -

(Y/n): "Ah!"

Jess: "AHHHH!"

(Y/n) & Jess: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" we both scream at each other before I jolt out the bed and hide under it.

Jess: "Holy sh*t, sorry (Y/n)! You just scared me" she says to me while crouching to the floor and peeking her head under the bed, seeing me shaking. "I didn't scare you that badly did I?"

(Y/n): "N-No, I just had a nightmare" I squeak out at her. She then slowly reaches her hand forward to me and I gently take it before crawling out from the bed.

Jess: "What were you dreaming about?" she asks me while sitting me down on the bed.

(Y/n): "It started with me just in darkness, but then a light far off in the distance appeared, so I went towards it and soon it started to rain and the entire area turned into my old house. Then this thing appear at the front door, before morphing into my dad while I was being dragged towards it. And then I started falling before landing in this corridor full of doors a-a-a-a-a-" I couldn't finish as I was starting to cry. I feel Jess hug while and pat my head while I try to came myself down.

Jess: "Shhh shhh shhh, it was just a dream. It won't hurt you" she calmly says in my ear. She then leans back and looks me in the eyes. "Now, tell me that that thing looks like, please" she asks.

(Y/n): "I-It was like this black demon with piecing red eyes. At the end of the dream I spoke to me, s-saying the shadows was its home and that it would make me its slave" I say to Jess. I she her eyes widen in what appeared to be fear before hugging me. "S-Should I be afraid?"

Jess: "No, no, no. Don't be. As long as I'm here, no one will harm you, I promise" She says. "Now, lets forget about the dream and get some breakfast ay?" she asks me, which I give a little nod too. She takes my hands and we leave her room and head to the kitchen.

???: "Morning Bitch and sh*thead"

Jess: "Piss off Jane"

I look behind us and Jane was standing there.

Jane: "Don't think I'm done with you yet, you little sh*t. When she's no around and your alone, I will-"

Jess: "End that threat and you'll she what happens. i f*cking dare you" she barks back at her.

Tami: "S-S-S-S-Stop f-fighting in front o-o-o-of (Y/n) g-g-g-uys" I hear Tami say as she walks by us. Jane just growls before pushing past us and heads to the kitchen.

Jess: "Sorry about that, but what did you do to her last night?"

(Y/n): "M-Me and Sally kinda pranked her. . . " I say.

Jess: "So that explains it. . . . should of let me join" she laugh before we walk into the Living room. I look in the kitchen and see most of the girls. . . . and Slenda. I freeze on the spot as I'm still terrified of what she did last night.

Jess: "(Y/n)? are you okay?" I hear Jess say to me. I just stare at Slenda while she walks around the kitchen. . . until she looks at me. I can feel the area around me get cold as I just stare at here in fear. Jess looks at Slenda then back at me. "Hey, relax. She won't do anything to you when I'm here"


I quickly look behind me and see the front door slowly open, letting a small bot of mist come in. I slowly look back in front of me to see Jess, Slenda and all the girls in the kitchen looks at me. I look at Jess and she know's what I'm thinking as her eyes widen.

Jess: "(Y/n). . . . . . . please come here" she says while holding out here hand to me.

(Y/n): ". . . . . . . . . I-I'm sorry" I say before turning around and bolt to the door. I can hear glass smash in the kitchen as I assume the girl were in a rush to get me now. I run out the mansion and I hear the door slam shut behind me. "I'm sorry Jess. . . . . but I don't want to stay here" I say while forming a few tears as I run.

- Jess's POV -

-Bang bang Bang-

Jess: "(Y/n)! Why did the door close like. . . . . that. . . ." I say as my eyes widen as I slowly turn back to see Slenda still standing in there. . . . shaking her head.

Slenda: "You had one job Jess. . . . and you failed" I hear her in my head while she slowly fades away from the kitchen.

Jess: "No Slenda! Wait!" I shout as I volt to the kitchen, but she's already gone. . . . .no, no, no, no, NO!. I run back to the front door and I bash on it to try and break it open. "SLENDA! PLEASE DON'T!" I desperately shout as I continue to try and break the door. "Guy help me!"

Benny: "It's too late Jess. . . . we can only pray that slenda gives him a quick death" I hear Benny say sadly before walking up the stairs. I rest my head on the door and close my eye as I form tears for the first time in years.

Jess: "(Y/n). . . . I'm so sorry"

-(Y/n)'s POV-

No NO! I've seen that rock before! I'm going in circles!

(Y/n): "Maybe If I follow the sun. . . . . wait I can't see the sun! Its all mist and clouds!" I worryingly say as I desperately try and find something that can get me out this damn forest!

???: "(Y/n)!" I hear far away. I quickly hide behind a tree and wait to see if they were heading this way. "(Y/n)!" I hear it call again. . . . . wait a minute. . . . that voice, it wasn't one of the girls. . . . this one was more familiar. . . . oh my god!

(Y/n): "Suzi!" I call out, emerging from the tree. "Suzi where are you!"

Suzi: "Follow my voice (Y/n)!" She calls out, which I follow. "Keep following my voice" I hear her.

(Y/n): "Suzi!" I call out as I reach a open area. I wait to hear her call for me again but nothing. "S-Suzi?" I call out again.

Suzi: "(Y/n). . . ." I hear behind me. I quickly look and I see her standing there. My eyes tear up as I see her open her arms. "Come here silly" She says. I run up to her and I hug her, crying into her shoulder.

(Y/n): "You do not know *sob* how glad I am to see you!" I cry into her shoulder. I feel her hug me back while whispering 'its alright' in my ear. "We need to leave this forest! There are people here who want me! We need to go now!" I say while grabbing her hand and run, but she says still. "Suzi?"

Suzi: "I just want to know something. . . . . . . why did you RUN AWAY!"

. . . . . Oh my god I know that voice!

I watch in horror as bruises and cuts appear all over Suzi before she vomits a black sludge onto the forest floor. I then feel a sudden force while pushes me to the ground while Suzi's body cracked into different positions, making her scream in pain to my horror. I just watch in horror as she is then lifted into the air and grabs her head in pain.

Suzi: "YOU SHOULD OF LISTENED TO ME!" she shout, but not in here voice, Slenda's voice. I can hear that static in my ears while black tendril emerge from Suzi's back and stab into the ground and nearby tree's. I then scream as I see Suzi's eyes pop out, falling to the ground with her glasses. Her who body started to grow tall and thin while her hair fell out. Her eye sockets and mouth closed and disappeared before her skin turned white. Then finally her clothes morphed into slendas suit and tie.

I was a crying mess now as that was the most disturbing thing I've ever. My head was dizzy, I felt like I was gonna vomit and I've just been mentally scared by this.

I look Slenda right in here 'eyes'. I could feel the anger coming off her, which was helped when one of her tendrils ripped a tree out the ground and threw it right behind me, making me whine. She then launches one of her Tendrils at me, which I dodge the first one, but the second grabs me tightly by the neck and brings me to her face. She didn't say a word but threw me into a tree. I cry in pain as I land on the floor before I feel four of her tendrils grab me by my ankles and wrist. I was once again brought up to her face.

(Y/n): "Y-Y-Y-You k-killed my f-f-friend!"


That was probably one of the nastiest slaps I've ever had. I cry out in pain and for help but she grabs my mouth with her left hand before leaning close to me.

Slenda: "I warned you about this. Your lucky I don't just kill you right here and now, just like all my other victims"

(Y/n): "W-What are you going to do to me" I cry.

Slenda: "Oh when I'm done with you, you'll be like those poor unfortunate f*ckers who I leave alive, so they can rot in the mental asylums, only ever thinking of me to the point they try and kill themselves" she says in the most serious voice I've ever heard. It shook me to my bones. I try to wrestle out of he grip, but her tendrils tighten that it started causing me extreme pain. "Jess is not here to talk me out of it this time. But I like to toy with my victims, and since your a child I'll give you a chance" she says before the area around us changed. We were still in a forest, but it was night, cold and not misty. I was then shoved to the floor, being held down by her tendrils. "This is the game. In this forest are 8 pages, and you've got to find them. If I catch you before you find all 8, I will make you beg for DEATH!" she bellows at me before letting me go. "I will give you free time to find the first page, but after that. . . . I'm coming after you" says before throwing down a flash light at me. "You'll need this, now get out my sight" she says while I grab the flashlight and crawl back. "NOW!" she shouts while a strike of lightning crosses the sky.

I quickly get up and run away from her, heading into the dense forest. I stop behind a tree before collapsing at its base and curling up into a ball.

(Y/n): "Jess, Suzi! Help me!" I cry as I start to hear rain fall.

- End Chapter 8 -

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The 8 pages and Siren. . .


After being brought to a forest and threatened with insanity by Slenda, (Y/n) is forced to play her 'game' , which consists of finding 8 pages. . .

Chapter Text

-Wednesday 25th, September 2019-
-Location & Time: Krimson City National Park, 9:39pm-
-POV: 3rd Person -

The rain poured down from the night sky into the dark forest below. The lightning would occasionally light up the sky, followed by thunder. But through the trees, on the ground was another light, belonging to a poor victim of Slenda. . . . (Y/n) (L/n). He was playing a game for his life, trying to find 8 pages before Slenda found him and. . . . well he didn't really know what she would do, but he knew it would be very bad.

The rain dropped onto his shaking body, shaking from the cold and the horrifying experience he had 20 minutes ago ago. Tears were pouring down his cheeks as he walked around the forest with the flashlight in one hand. He shines it all around him, hoping to find a page.

He stops by a tree, leaning on it as he lets out a few sobs into his hand, only to yelp when a flash of lightning crosses the sky, followed by the boom of thunder.

(Y/n): "J-J-J-Just k-k-keep it t-t-together" He cries to himself as he continues his walk through the forest. He enters a clearing, shining his torch around until it lands on a dead tree at the center. He wipes the water off his glasses before walking to the tree.

He walks around the trunk and his eyes light up when he see's a page on the trunk.

(Y/n): "Oh my god yes!" He cheers while grabbing the page. But he notices the page wasn't wet, like at all. He raises a brow as he lifts the page into the air, letting the rain hit it but nothing, it was like the rain wasn't hitting it at all. He brings it down to his face, wiping his glasses again before pointing the torch at the page. "Always watches. . . . no eyes" he shakily says as he reads whats on it.

He was trying to understand what it mean, but his problems have only just started as he notices a new sound through the thunder and rain drops.

(Y/n): "W-W-Whats that" he asks himself while shinning at torch around him at the tree line.


(Y/n): "EEP!"

The flash of lightning hits close by, making the child shake more. He then run back to the tree to get out of the rain. He could still here that stomping sound in the rain, noticing with was getting close.

(Y/n): "Got one page, 7 more to go. . . . . and now Slenda is coming" he worryingly says while quickly walking through the forest to find the other pages. The stomping sound was getting louder as he walked through this forest, eventually seeing a tunnel made of concrete.

- (Y/n)'s POV -

I rush into it to get out the rain and collect my thoughts. . . well tried to, I was still freaking out and traumatized from what Slenda did earlier. I then look down the tunnel and see something on the wall. Must be a note!

I run down to it and pick it up, wiping the water off his glasses before reading it out.

(Y/n): "Don't look or it takes you. . ."

Okay, I'm freaking out more. These notes were clearly referring to Slenda, Hell! This one had her drawn on it- wait why do I hear static?!

I shine my torch to the end of the tunnel I entered from before quickly shinning to the other end. . . . nothing, thank god.

(Y/n): "Maybe I'm over reacting. . . . Maybe Slenda is playing around-"

The moment I turn around, my ears are blasted with a loud static sound as I see Slenda right in front of me, her hand outstretched to grab me. I manage to shake the shock of that sound away and run out that tunnel and back into the forest. . . . . she really wasn't playing around. . . .

- Time skip 5 pages later (sorry XD) -

(Y/n): "Page 7. . . j-just one more and I'm s-safe" I say to myself as I put it with the other pages. I then start running back through the building I was in, retreading my steps before bolting out the building and back into the rain. It seemed it has gotten heavier. . . and a lot colder. I then was about to head back to that giant tunnel again until my flashlight caught something, barely poking out. "Should I check it out? No! No! I need to find that last page before Slenda finds me. . . . . oh just one look" I say while approaching the thing. I get closer and shine my light at it. . . . . I-It's a bone. I shine my light further up and I nearly scream at what I saw. . . it was a skeleton, a human skeleton. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" I say as I start freaking out. How old was this?! Was this the last person who Slenda brought here- Oh my god is that going to be me if I get caught?!

I start crying as all these thoughts enter my head. I look at the trunk of the tree its leaning on and see carved in the wood 'The game never ends'

(Y/n): "Oh my god no! *sobs* I-I-I need to find that last page!" I yell while I start to run off back to the tunnel, tears dripping out my eyes as I ran. I didn't want to die here! "Damn it why did I try and run! I should of just stayed with Jess!" I cry to myself as I shine my torch all about me, looking for the-


I feel myself slip under the mud and roll into a ditch in the ground. I manage to hide my cry in pains as I listen around for any sound . . . . . nothing, not even that stomping. I peer my hide out the ditch and flash my light around to see If Slenda or the note was about.

(Y/n): "M-Maybe I lost her" I stutter.

Slenda: "Wrong" I hear right behind me. I turn and shine my flashlight at Slenda, Lightning cracked across the sky, lighting up the entire area. I tried to back out the ditch but the mud was so slippy I fall on my butt. I stare at Slenda with pure fear in my face as she kneels down and runs her finger on my cheek.

Slenda: "Got you" she calmly say before grabbing me by the chin.

Slenda: "Can't escape now" she says as I whimper as her fingers firmly clasp my head, while she looks right into my soul. Out of instinct I did a bold move and hit slenda in the face with the Flash light, making her let go of me and giving me enough time to climb out the ditch. I ran for dear life as I heard her growl loudly and stomp after me.

She shoots her tendrils at me, which i dodge each one as I neared the 8th note, keeping a very firm grip on the 7 pages as the thunder rumbled the area and the rain grew heavier. i could hear that static in my ears while the stomping was as loud as the thunder. I see in the corners of my eyes Slenda's tendrils stabbing into trees while the static in my ears starts to get louder and louder.

I was now just a few feet away from the 8th note, but I feel one of slenda's tendrils snake around my ankle and pull be back, making me land face first into the ground. I cry in pain as I felt my nose crack on impact with ground. When I pull my face out the dirt, I notice 2 things. One, My right lens was crack. Two, I felt blood dripping out my nose. I cover my nose with one hand as I whine in pain before looking forward at the tree with the last note. . . . . . . the tree was no longer there. . . . . . It was just Slenda standing in its place, holding the last note in her hand while staring down at me.

Slenda: "Looking for this" she says before letting go of the note, letting it fall to the ground. I go to reach for it but it catches fire. I feel more tears fall from my eyes as I watch my only hope burn away. . . . . she beat me. "Did you actually think you would win?" I hear her say while I lower my head while hearing her walking towards me. "I know you saw that skeleton earlier, I watched from afar. You we indeed right child, she was my last victim"

(Y/n): "P-P-Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry, I truly am! I don't want to die and be a skeleton!" I cried while still avoiding eye contact. "I-I'll be good, I promise!" I beg, only to feel Slenda's tendril wrap around my waist and hoist me up to her.

Slenda: "No, you need to learn a lesson about not messing around with me. The others may have morals, but I will harm or kill everything I want, including children" she sternly says before tightening her tendril around me. I hold in a cry of pain before spitting in her face. She wipes it off before smacking me in the face again, somehow harder then before. She then proceeds to throw me into a nearby tree. I cry as my back bashes against

I land on my butt on the ground and I can already see more of her Tendrils coming at me. I then look to my side and see a sharp rock in the grass. I grab it just in time as Slenda grabs me by my waist again. I then stab the sharp rock into her tendril, making her yell while letting me go. I see her rip the stone out her tendril and give me a death glare.

Slenda: ". . . . .. that was a very stupid idea" she says before her tendril wraps around my waist. "Now let me show you what I can do"

- Crack, snap, pop -

I let out a scream just as I bolt of Lightning flashes by as Slenda suddenly tightened the tendril around my wait, but what was worse wast the pain I felt at my ribs when I heard something snap. I tried to get Slenda to let go but the pain immobilized me.

I was crying to hard that I didn't feel myself be brought back to Slenda's face until I opened my eyes.

(Y/n): "S-S-Stop" I cry.

Slenda: "No, you haven't learned yet"

(Y/n): "I'm begging you!"

Slenda: " NO! YOU NEED TO LEARN!" She yells while tightening her tendrils more, cracking something else at my ribs. I cried as I tried to free myself from her tendril. "Do you feel that? cause this is what you'll experience from now on, every time you don't listen-"

Through the rain, me and Slenda hear a weird sound, which kinda sounded like a siren. I look at Slenda and she looked like she knew what it was cause her head darted around before dropping me to the floor. I cry as my ribs gave me extreme pain from my impact with the ground. When it became somewhat bearable, I look up at Slenda who was facing the direction of the sounds.

(Y/n): "I-Is it the P-Police?"

Slenda: "Shhhh! Be quiet kid. . . . . thats not police, we're too far away from any civilization. . . . . . . I know what it is. . . " she says rather seriously. I start to listen more carefully and through the rain I could hear the very faint sound of tree's rustling.

(Y/n)L" S-Slenda, do you hear that-"

Slenda: "I said shut it!" she growls at me. I tried to shift myself to sit up but the pain from my ribs was way to much. The rustling was getting closer and now I could hear stomps approaching us. Slenda was looking all around us for the source of the sounds. I wipes the water off my glasses and looks around aswell until Lightning flashes in the sky, and in the corner of my eyes, I see something peering through the tree tops at me and Slenda.

(Y/n): "Slenda! Behind you!"

I cover my ears as a siren sound blasts from this thing. The trees in front of us were knocked over and with a flash of lightning, I was able to fully see this thing. It was fourty feet tall humanoid creature that looked almost mummified in its appearance. Its arms and legs disproportionately long and thin, while its 'head' was nothing but a pair of sirens.

Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (3)

Slenda Immediately sends all her tendrils at the thing as it approaches up. They stab right through its body but it continues to approach us while blasting at sound at us. It quickly raises it arm, skinny arms and whacked slenda to the side, like she was a rag doll. I stare up at this thing as it then reaches towards me with other arm. I try to back up but I couldn't cause of my ribs. This thing wrapped its long fingers around me very tightly while bring me up to its head, which wasn't really one, it was more like a siren.

It more its head to face me and I scream as I see inside its sirens, it had a mouth?! I was now ignoring my pain and hitting it arm to make it let go of me while it opened its mouth and a long tongue slithered out towards me. I prepare myself for the worse but I see one of Slanda's tendrils wrap around the arms its holding me in and starts to pull it.

Slenda: "The child is mine! Go back to your master!" she yells as he tried to pull its arm away from its head. This thing to my surprise resisted this and actually moved its arm to pull Slenda closer. I look at Slenda as he sends two of her tendrils to hook onto nearby tree's to stop being pulled forward. She growls loudly as she start to pull the arms i'm in towards her. "I SAID LET GO!" he bellows at it. The next thing I know, the thing swings its arms, letting me go and fly in the air. My Glasses fall off so now I couldn't see anything but the nights darkness. I then feel my back slam into the trunk of the tree and I hear a very loud crack come from my lower back. For the first moment It was like I couldn't feel anything, but then the pain rushed in. I landed on the forest floor crying in pain while I tried to move my legs, but I couldn't.

(Y/n): "My legs! I can't feel my legs!"

- 3rd person POV -

(Y/n): "My legs! I can't feel my legs!" the boy cried as tried to move his legs. Slenda quickly looks at the crying child at the tree's base, but Siren head used this distraction to pull its arm with such strength, Slenda went flying forward, with the tree's her tendrils were hooked on fall to the ground. Slenda manage to land on her feet, just in time to see Siren head bring its fist down. She blocks it with her hands, he heels sinking into the ground as she struggles to resist.

Siren head then raises its other fist and slams it down. Slenda then moves one of her hands to grabs the other fist, now really struggling as she holds both its fists in her hands. Siren head then kicks Slenda with such strength, she goes through at least 4 trees until she lands on the ground.

Slenda looks up, her suit ripped while she was covered in dirt. She then see's Siren head stomped towards the boy.

Slenda: "Oh no you don't"

Slenda then produces eight tendrils from her back and launches all of them at Siren heads upper back. Siren head bellows as all her tendrils stab through it and outs its cest, blood leaking out the holes. Slenda then makes four more tendrils and hooks them to more nearby tree and with one big pull, she manages to pull the giant over, giving a loud slam as it impacted the ground.

Slenda then jumps up and stabs all 12 tendrils in different parts of its body, again going right through its body and into the ground so It could get up. She lands on its chest and leans down to its head as it gave off a white nose.

Slenda: "This time, I ain't letting you get away" she sternly says to it and she produces two more tendrils and wraps them around its head and started pulling. Siren head gives off a distorted Air raid sound as its dried skin starts to ripped from its head. Slenda then finally rips its head off, stopping the sound as blood leaks out its mouths and 'neck'. The drops it too the floor as she pants heavily. She then turn around to face the Tree (Y/n) was at, seeing him unconscious. She then sighs and she looks down, the rain dripping down her as he stood on the Dead giants body. She then notices (Y/n)'s glasses nearby and uses her tendril to gently pick them and and place them in here hand. Slenda then slowly walks over to him, retracting all her tendrils. She then gently picks him up in her arms and fades back to the front of the mansion. She walks to the front door, which opens by itself so she can walk in. The first thing she see's is Jess asleep on the couch. She was most likely waiting all day for Slenda to return.

Slenda walks back her and heads to Nurse Ann's Room/ surgery. When she reaches it, she knocks on her door, hearing Ann shuffle some stuff from inside. Ann opens the door and her eye widens when she see's the beaten and unconscious (Y/n) in her arms.

Ann: "What did you do to him Slenda!" she yells while taking the boy into her Arms.

Slenda: ". . . . It taught him a lesson. . . . . "

Ann: "You made him play your game?!"

Slenda: "I did, and he's lucky that I planned on not killing him at all. . . . . but Siren head came and nearly killed him" he said, leaving out the details of the beating she gave to him and cracking his ribs.

Ann: ". . . . I'll run a x-ray on him, then heal him up" she sternly says. Ann then closes the door to run the X-ray on (Y/n), while Slenda goes back to her quarters. . . . . . . . . . . .

- End Chapter 9 -


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Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.