Creepypasta x Reader Oneshots/Smutshots - 1_SinshineLennypops_1 - Creepypasta (2024)

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  • Explicit
Archive Warnings:
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • Major Character Death
  • Rape/Non-Con
  • F/M
  • Gen
  • M/M
  • Other
  • Creepypasta - Fandom
  • Ticci Toby/Reader
  • Jeff the Killer/Reader
  • Masky/Reader
  • Hoodie/Reader
  • Eyeless Jack/Reader
  • Laughing Jack/Reader
  • homicidal liu/reader
  • character/reader
  • Creepypasta/Reader
  • Canon/Reader
  • Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer
  • Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky
  • Brian Thomas | Hoody
  • Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby
  • Eyeless Jack
  • Laughing Jack
  • Liu Woods | Homicidal Liu
Additional Tags:
  • x Reader
  • Reader Insert
  • canon x reader
  • Creepypasta
  • one shots
  • Smut shots
  • Yandere
  • Yandere x Reader
  • Yandere character
  • fem reader - Freeform
  • Masc Reader
  • NB reader - Freeform
  • nonbinary reader
  • marble hornets x reader
  • Creepypasta x Reader - Freeform
  • horror writing - Freeform

Creepypasta x Reader Oneshots/Smutshots



Hello, this is a collection of creepypasta oneshots/smutshots. Due to the nature of creepypastas, I will have to mark this as explicit. Each chapter/oneshot will have a list of warnings and will be marked as either SFW or NSFW at the beginning to give you a fair warning of what you will be getting into.

You are welcome to request things and I will do my best to get them done in a timely order. Unless stated otherwise, each oneshot will be gender neutral. I will be using my own headcanons, if you're curious about those there's a booklet for those on my profile.

Thank you for reading!

Chapter 1: Request page

Chapter Text

Hello and welcome to my little one shot booklet.

I've been fixating on creepypasta lately so I am going to write some one shots/smut shots.

This is the requests page, you are welcome to request some one shots and if I feel comfortable writing it/find time and motivation, I will let you know and get it done. You are also welcome to DM if you feel like it.

That being said, due to the nature of creepypasta, this will include explicit content ranging from blood/gore, death of minor/major characters, nonconsensual sexual encounters, and just general horror aspects.

Each chapter will have the proper warnings listed in the notes at the top just so you have a chance to decide whether you want to read that.

Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 2: "Where did our love go?" - Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader {SFW}


This chapter contains..

Graphic depictions of violence((decapitation)), yandere horror, stalking, and general slasher style horror. Read at your own risk.

Chapter Text

It was late. Very late. At least past midnight.

You were scared. Terrified. You didn't know what to do, so you just kept running. All you could do was run, far away, but it was no use.

Toby kept following. No matter where you went, he kept going after you.

You see, Toby is your ex boyfriend. You had been summoned by that god awful creature known as Slenderman and served him for months before deciding you just couldn't do it anymore. So you ran away, far away. You couldn't do this anymore. The killing, the torture, it was all too much.

The only thing that mad it bearable was Toby. He's such a sweetheart, the only somewhat kind soul in the manor. It pained you to leave him behind but you just couldn't bare to think about your former life anymore. Little did you know, he had become totally obsessed with you..

When Slenderman found out you had gone missing, his original plan was to send Masky and Hoodie out to find you, but Toby insisted he do it himself. And Slenderman let him.

So here you were, hobbling through an empty parking garage as Toby followed you with that manic grin on his face. He was carrying the head of a police officer in one fist, clutching his hatchet in the other, and watching your movements intently.

You'd been running for hours now and you were getting exhausted, on your last bit of adrenaline. Unfortunately for you, Toby had stamina for days. He could chase you to the other end of the country without feeling a thing.

"(Y/N), what happened?" he asked suddenly, his voice snapping you out of your rampant thoughts. You didn't stop though, quickly hiding behind one of the only cars as you desperately tried to catch your breath.

"Y-ou are I were doing so good-" he continued, his footsteps slowly approaching where you were hidden. He flipped his hatchet and slowly dragged the blade across the painted metal of the pickup truck you'd chosen as refuge.

Toby chuckled at your fearful sounds, lifting the poor officer's head up to his gaze. "W-What do you think, officer?" he asked, tilting his head as his hand holding his hatchet twitched. "Do you think they-y should come back with me?"

You groaned softly as the smell of blood hit your nose again. At this point, you should have been used to it, but it was always something you couldn't stomach, no matter how hard you tried.

Toby chuckled and whistled as he poked his head around the corner, those amber eyes hazy with a manic, obsessive energy. "I-I think.. Youu should come back-" he said as he tilted his head. "Yeah? Sound good, (Y/N)?"

Your eyes went wide as he dropped the head and made a grab at you. With your last bit of energy, you quickly ducked past him and darted off in the opposite direction.

"f*ck, dammit!" Toby growled as he snapped around to follow you, his grip on his hatchet tightening. His jaw tensed as you disappeared into the shadows on the other side of the garage and his eyes filled with tears. "(Y/N)!" he called after you, silently following where you had gone.

The artificial LED light glinted off of his bright orange goggles as he quietly followed you, his fingers twitching both from anxiety and from his tourettes. "Babyyy, please.." he whined, his brows furrowing when he heard you sob softly somewhere in the distance. "Aww, am I scaring you?" he asked softly, rounding a corner and catching a glimpse of you up ahead.

"W-What happened to us?" Toby questioned, his voice slightly shaky. "What.. What did I do? Why did y-ou leave?" His questions were interrupted by another whistle and a string of swears as his twitches kicked in. "Where did our love g-go? Was.. Was it not good enough?"

You caught a glimpse of those glowing amber eyes in the dimly lit garage, your breath catching in your throat as Toby made eye contact with you and grinned. "Baby, just stand still, alright?" His voice was so deceptively sweet. "Just hold on, ok? I'm gonna take you home-"

You whimpered, your legs shaky and sore. Your lungs felt like they were on fire as you tried to catch your breath. Your mind was buzzing with thoughts and terror coursed through your veins when Toby approached, dragging the blade of his hatchet along the concrete wall.

"(Y/N)..~" he whispered in an almost singsong tone, chuckling afterwards. His eyes twitched when you made a sudden movement to get away. "(Y/N)!" He took off after you, finally close enough to grab the back of your shirt. The laugh he let out once he finally had you in his grip sent shivers down your back.

Toby giggled as he tugged you close, holding you against his chest with his hatchet threatening to dig into your thigh.

"Babyy~" he purred against you, his voice dropping slightly. "Oh, my (Y/N).. What were you thinking?" he asked, sounding worried. His hands trembled slightly when you started crying softly, scared out of your mind. "It's ok, it's ok!" he quickly said but didn't move to let you feel more comfortable.

"I-I'm not gonna hurt you!" Toby reassured with a soft laugh, snuggling against you like he hadn't been chasing you endlessly just a few moments ago. "That's going to be Slenderman's job-" His hatchet dug into your leg and you whimpered, causing him to chuckle lightly. "Y-Yeah, you have caused.. A lot of trouble.."

Toby glanced around quickly then picked you up and slung you over his shoulder, causing you to cry even harder. "Come on, we're going back," he said while his grip on you tightened. "A-And this time, I'm not letting you leave me.." He laughed softly as you clawed against his hoodie, trying to escape again.

You were too weak to really fight back and just whimpered as Toby hummed softly and carried you away. "Y-Yeah, we'll be fine! W-We are going to be just fiiine," he reassured, grinning widely. "You are all mine.. Forever~"

Chapter 3: "A monstrous appetite.." - Eyeless Jack x Fem! Reader {NSFW}


This chapter contains..

Fem reader, eating out, size difference, overstimulation

Chapter Text

Dating a demonic creature is always a strange experience for everyone involved. Your boyfriend, EJ, is the exception. Dating him has been great so far. He's 300 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal but he's so gentle and loving with you. He knows exactly how to make your heart flutter and start a fire deep inside of you, despite being big and scary and an organ stealer.

That being said, you'd never done anything sexual with him. Despite him being a flirt bastard with you pretty often, he gets nervous easily and grows insecure when you want to make a move with him. So you waited patiently for him to work up the confidence.

Today's the day EJ decided he was going to be a tease. Something in him seems to have shifted and you can't figure out what. Maybe he had gone too long without eating his normal diet of half rotted organs or maybe he had a sudden boost in confidence, but right now he has you right where he wants you..

"(Y/N), angel.. Would you be willing to let me.. Taste you?" he asked softly as he approached where you were sitting on his king size bed. Despite having no eyes, he was definitely giving you that pleading puppy dog look. He had a hint of a smirk on his face as he watched your reaction.

You blinked in surprise from the sudden change in his demeanor. Sure, he's always been flirty, but this was new. You tilted your head slightly, your brows furrowing in confusion. "What? Why?" you asked quietly as he approached, towering over you. You eyed those big, sharp teeth of his and winced slightly. Was he talking about.. Tasting your blood? Your organs? It made you slightly anxious.

"I.. Uh.. Well, I don't exactly know.." he muttered as he leaned down, his hands slowly finding their way to your thighs. You were so much smaller than him and it was very, very obvious in this moment. "I just.. I've been thinking about what you taste like.. And it's making me kind of feral-" he explained, tilting his head slightly, that smirk getting more obvious.

He seemed way too casual to be asking you about tasting your blood.. That meant.. He wanted to taste something else-

Your eyes went wide and you blushed slightly as his thumbs rubbed circles against your thighs. "Please?" he asked softly, pouting slightly. "W-Wait, that means.. You're gonna use your tongues-" you squeaked out, causing him to chuckle. "You got it, angel.. I wanna eat you..~" he whispered as he leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He chuckled lowly, moving to whisper against your ear.

"I wanna f*ckin taste you, baby.. I want to make you feel ecstasy~" he growled against your ear, chuckling at your flustered sounds. "Come on, angel.. You've been wanting something like this for ages.. Do you want me to make you feel good?" He tilted his head a bit.

You couldn't deny that you'd been thinking about something like this a lot lately. EJ's just such a hottie.. A big, teasing bastard that constantly got you riled up. You'd dreamed about him, imagined him f*cking you up against a wall buut.. You hadn't even imagined him eating you out before. It just wasn't something that had crossed your mind.

Your breath hitched as his lips brushed against your neck, inky black tears slowly dripping onto your skin. "Oh.. Uh.. Y-Yeah, I.. I want you to.. Eat me-" you stuttered out, flustered out of your mind. "Yeah.. Yeah, that sounds nice.."

"Good girl..~" he purred as he gently kissed your neck. "I promise I'll be gentle.. I know you're kind of fragile..~" He chuckled at your reaction, feeling your thighs tense under his touch.

"Now.. If you want me to stop, you let me know, ok?" He knelt down between your legs, tilting his head up so he was looking up at you. You nodded as you went to pull your pants down but he stopped you. "Ah, no, just sit there and let me work my magic," he said as he hooked two fingers under your waist band, tugging down your pants.

"Wow.." he breathed, watching you squirm a little. There was already a wet spot on your panties. Your legs tensed from his actions and you bit your lip in anticipation. This was weird.. You were about to be absolutely devoured by a huge demon.. He was so big, knelt down between your legs..

EJ chuckled softly, groping your thighs and causing you to squeak in both surprise and delight. "Oho, big reactions, huh?" he asked teasingly, spreading your legs a little and moving to kiss your thighs. He adored the little sounds you let out from his touches.

Once he was sure you were totally into it, he gently bit down, causing you to yelp in surprise. "Sorry, angel," he apologized, licking the bite mark afterwards with one of those inky black tongues you'd soon grow very fond of. "I just wanted to mark you up a little.." He snickered, trailing kisses closer and closer to your core.

"Are you ready, baby?" he asked softly, tilting his head up to catch a glimpse of your expression. You nodded eagerly, causing him to smile giddily. He pressed a soft kiss to your clothed core, a black tear falling onto your thigh.

EJ smirked as he gently pulled your panties down, watching you quiver in anticipation. Your hands shook as you moved them up and clutched at your shirt. You watched every single one of his movements, feeling absolutely flustered as he tossed your panties away and hooked your legs over his broad shoulders.

"Ooh, you're twitching, baby~" he purred as his eyes became half lidded and he inched closer to your dripping puss*. He smirked as he let out a deep breath against your core, reveling in the fact that your jumped and whined from his actions. "Good girl.. You're doing good..~" he whispered, letting his eyes flutter close as he connected his lips to your puss*.

You groaned out a soft "Jack~" as he licked and sucked at your core. He adored the sounds you made and your taste had him in a sort of trance. He was very careful not to graze his teeth over you, knowing that this part of a woman was the most sensitive and vulnerable.

"Jaack..~" you whimpered out as you moved a hand down, slowly running your fingers through his fluffy brown hair. He huffed against you, his nose brushing against your cl*t. His brows furrowed slightly, focusing on making you feel good while his hands gripped your thighs tightly.

"More, please~?" you asked softly, looking down at him with a pleading expression. His eyes fluttered open and he chuckled against you, using one of his tongues to mess with your cl*t. You arched your back and sighed in satisfaction, tilting your head back.

When he pushed one of his tongues inside of you, you couldn't help it. That knot that had been forming deep inside of you snapped and you came all over his face. He seemed very pleased by this, and to your delight, he didn't stop. He kept going, continuing to eat you out like there was no tomorrow.

His lips moved against you hungrily and he let out little sounds as your hand moved through his hair again. Inky black drops had started to drip onto your skin more frequently, mixing with your cum and his drool. "Oh, Jack, please don't stop~" you pleaded breathily, moaning afterwards.

EJ kept going, working his mouth on you and soaking in all of your praises, all of your touches. Your taste, you smell, you noises, it all made him absolutely feral. His hands squeezed your thighs lightly as another tongue wriggled its way into your puss*, filling you up nicely and rubbing against your walls pleasantly.

Just like that, you were over the edge again, shaking as your org*sm melted through you and EJ continued to suck and lick, hungrily taking everything you gave to him. Your thighs tightened around his head and you moaned out softly from the overstimulation.

"EJ~" you whimpered, your legs trembling against his hands. He flicked his tongue against you cl*t in response, feeling you still pulsing from your org*sm. "EJ, I-I don't know if I can handle much more.." you whispered, your eyes shutting tightly as he groaned from your tone. You sounded so pathetically adorable..

He growled softly, wanting to milk you of every single cry he could pry out of you. His grip tightened and you yelped slightly, crying out his name softly. That was definitely going to leave marks..

"Ja-AH~!" you moaned as he got rougher, bringing you to another overwhelming org*sm. His tongues licked away all of your juices while your mind became fuzzy from the pleasure. "Jack, please.. Please, I can't-" You were cut off as he pulled away, panting heavily from both being pent up and not getting enough air became he was buried between your legs.

He looked up at you, a thin string of saliva connecting his lips to your dripping, throbbing entrance. "Aha.. Sorry, angel.. I got a little carried away.." he muttered as he pressed his cheek against your thigh. He admired your adorably f*cked out expression, moving one hand to toy with your cl*t while you whimpered.

"You think you can handle just one more?" he asked softly, tracing his finger over your twitching core and causing you to shiver. He licked his lips with a devious chuckle, watching your flustered expression.

"Y-Yeah, one more.." you whispered, breathing heavily. He smirked and squeezed your thighs again, moving closer. He groaned as he shoved his face against your puss* and started his torturous pleasure all over again, earning weak cries and whimpers in return.

"You're so good to me, Jack..~" you mumbled, your mind hazy as he brought you closer and closer to another org*sm. "Fuuck..~" you whimpered, your eyes closing tightly as he got rougher, clawing at your thighs gently. As soon as you reached your org*sm and cried out for mercy, he stopped and slowly pulled away again.

"Oh, you did so f*ckin good for me~" he purred, his voice filled with adoration. "You made such a mess though.. Don't worry, I can clean it up angel~"

Chapter 4: "Cold night cuddles.." - Jeff x Reader {SFW}


This chapter contains..

Just some nice, wholesome fluff! Enjoy!

Chapter Text

"f*cking dammit," you muttered as you shivered under your blanket. It was the beginning of winter and the Slender manor had prepared you for everything except the increasingly cold temperatures. Every winter it was like this but this time it was particularly bad because it had snowed early. You hadn't had a chance to grab a comforter or anything.

What to do, what to do.. You could grab a few more blankets, head downstairs and start a fire in the living room, make yourself a hot drink.. No, none of those would warm you up enough..

You sighed softly and sat up in your bed, grumbling as you pulled your blanket tightly around yourself and headed towards your bedroom door. It was close to 1:00 AM, indicated by the glowing red numbers on your clock. You scrunched your nose and huffed, quietly cracking open your door and peeking outside. No one else, to your knowledge, was awake so that gave you a chance to sneak downstairs without being spotted and interrogated.

The manor is ridiculously quiet and spooky at night. No lights on, no movement, nothing.. Which is why it surprised you to see that the kitchen light was already on when you headed downstairs. You co*cked an eyebrow in confusion, hearing a soft humming coming from inside and footsteps. You slowly peeked around the corner and were surprised to see Jeff already in there, making himself a sandwich. He looked a little groggy, and you guess he probably hadn't been able to sleep either.

Jeff was totally unaware of your presence, at least for the moment. He was wearing his hoodie and a pair of sweats, and his hair was a little messy, probably from tossing and turning. His sleep mask was pushed up to his forehead and those icy blue eyes were a little dimmer than usual.

As soon as he finished making his sandwich, you stepped inside and huffed softly. "Couldn't sleep, huh?" you asked softly, startling him just a bit but he recovered quickly. "Ah, f*ck, you scared the f*ck out of me!" he hissed while eyeing you in annoyance. He clutched his sandwich defensively then smirked slightly, his apprehension fading as soon as he realized who had snuck downstairs with him.

"First night of winter is always a bitch," he said while leaning on the counter, stifling a yawn. "Whatcha up to? Trying to get warm? Came down here to make yourself some tea? Or did you follow me hoping we could hang out~?" he teased, watching your expression change to something a little more flustered. It wasn't really a secret that you had a fat crush on him. "Tch, no, I wanted to warm up! It's cold as hell in my room," you grumbled, crossing your arms and letting your blanket hang from your shoulders like a cape.

"Dunno what to tell ya, sweet thing, but there's not really a good cure for cold like this," Jeff said with a shrug, taking a bite of his sandwich. You pouted slightly, not very pleased by that news but you knew he was right. This was the type of cold that sunk into your skin and chilled your bones. It was just above the temperature where you could see your breath. "Hmmph.. Well, I can try," you muttered as you walked towards the kitchen counter and shuffled around for a mug.

You started to boil water so you could have a nice hot cup of tea, feeling Jeff's gaze following your movements. You heard him move a littler closer and he leaned over your shoulder, careful not to get too close. He noticed how jumpy and shivery you were and winced slightly.

"Hey, uh, ya know.. Uhh.. Cuddling is a good way to warm up-" he said quietly, almost right against your ear, causing you to jump in surprise. "What?! Why are you..?" you questioned as you turned to him, narrowing your eyes suspiciously. He put a hand up defensively and took another bite of his sandwich. "Hold on, (Y/N), let me finish. It's colder than Masky's love life in here and I was looking for someone who would maybe kind sorta be willing to uh.. Cuddle with me.. And you're the perfect candidate cause you're obsessed with me aaand you're the only other person awake right now-" he explained as your eyes went wide.

"I am NOT obsessed with you!" you growled while shooting him a glare. Jeff chuckled at that and shook his head. "Oh, (Y/N), you naive little dork.." He stifled his laughter as you poured the boiling water into your mug and dipped in a green tea bag, avoiding his gaze. "You think I'm a dumbass?" he continued, leaning on the counter beside you. "You think I don't see those looks and those gestures and your cute blush? Huh?" He sounded so damn smug.

You stayed silent, and after a few moments he went quiet too. You felt your hands growing shaky as you sipped at your tea, wincing from the heat. Jeff finished his sandwich and let out a sigh, stretching a little before heading to the doorway to leave. "Just so you know.. The offer stands. If you're desperate, you know where I am.." he mumbled as he disappeared around the corner. Your gaze followed him until he was gone and you let out a little disappointed sigh once you were alone.

"f*ck it.." you muttered as you followed him, shutting off the light behind you and navigating the dark hallways almost blindly. Damn, he's fast.. Or you're slow. By the time you made it back upstairs he was nowhere to be seen. You hesitated as you glanced between your bedroom door and his. They were on opposite ends of the hall from each other..

His words stuck in your mind and you let out a deep breath, quietly walked to his bedroom door and knocking lightly. You waited for a few moments before slowly pushing the door open and peeking inside. He was laying on his bed, watching you with a smug smile. "Well, well, well.. Guess you just couldn't resist me, huh?" he teased, resting his arms above his head. You pouted as you stepped inside and shut the door behind you, shivering again.

"Here, come here sweet thing," Jeff said as he patted the spot on his bed next to him. You glanced around, spotting his pet husky fast asleep in the corner of the room, buried under a couple blankets. You winced a little, remembering the nightmares that thing had given you the first time you met.

"I'm not gonna bite," he muttered, snapping you out of your thoughts. You felt all nervous and anxious for some reason but chalked it up to just being in the same room as Jeff the killer.. Someone you both feared and adored immensely. You glanced around then sighed and slowly approached, taking another sip of your warm tea. You hesitantly put the mug down on his bedside dresser before tentatively sitting on the bed next to him.

He grinned and gave you a sly look. "There we go.." he whispered before scooting a little closer. "Here, get comfortable," he said as he tugged you close. You blushed and nodded, laying down and allowing him to pull you against his chest. He reached down and pulled his comforter over the two of you, enveloping you in his warmth. "Whoa, you're.. Really.." you started before he interrupted you. "Hot?" he asked, chuckling as he gently rubbed your side. "I know."

You didn't move for a few moments, too nervous to get comfortable. When he started spooning you, you finally melted under his touch and let out a little sigh. "Comfortable, sweet thing?" he asked softly, moving his eye mask down and snuggling against you. "Good, good.. Get some rest, alright? Tomorrow's a long day.." His voice sounded gravelly and tired. You blushed a little and nodded, closing your eyes. This was so much better than sitting alone by the fire..

Chapter 5: "7 minutes in purgatory.." Masky x Reader {SFW}


This chapter contains..

Alcohol, truth or dare, and general sleep over nonsense

Chapter Text

Ah, yes, it's finally time for one of the manor's monthly sleepovers.

You see, ever since you became a proxy, you didn't expect things in the manor to be so lighthearted. Shopping trips, friendly family style dinners, and monthly sleepovers in the living room made things almost bearable. You've already had the pleasure of attending three so far, this one being your fourth. You've witnessed many dumb things during these slumber parties. It's everyone's chance to get absolutely hammered in participate in dumb games like Truth or Dare.

Tonight, you and the gang were already knee deep in another game. Jeff was just dared to go the rest of the game shirtless, Toby had to share his deepest sexual fantasy, and Brian had a makeshift tattoo sleeve because he was dared to let people draw on him. This was great. Everyone was at least somewhat drunk at this point.

You smiled as you looked around the room at everyone, until your eyes fell on Tim. God, he's adorably hot. Usually he's so stressed and tired, but right now he was just so perfect. He was laughing and chatting with everyone else, a soft blush on his cheeks from the alcohol. His hair was extra fluffy from all of the dares he had gone through tonight, most involving him proving his physical skills. You couldn't deny that Tim was your favorite part of these sorts of activities. Seeing him be able to relax and have fun just like everyone else was always a relief.

You blinked as he made eye contact with you, and you had to quickly look away, sipping at the beer in your hand sheepishly. For a moment, you felt all fluttery, his gaze lingering on you for just a few seconds before someone spoke up.

"Alright, alright, enough sh*t talking!" Jeff said loudly as he grabbed everyone's attention. "It's my turn and I choose.. Tim!" He pointed to the dark haired man to accentuate his point. "Truth or dare?"

Tim tilted his head back as he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. His mind was beginning to get all fuzzy from the two cans of beer he had already drank. "Ah.. Uh.. Dare, I guess," he said with a shrug as he ran a hand through his hair. He glanced at Jeff challengingly, smirking. "Hit me with your best shot, Woods," he sneered.

Jeff chuckled deviously, leaning forward slightly as if attempting to intimidate his poor victim. "Alright, I dare you to.." He trailed off, glancing around the room before his eyes landed on you. Unfortunately, he knew about your little crush on the manor's most notorious killer, and planned on using it against you as pay back for earlier shenanigans. "I dare you to show (Y/N) a good time."

A collective gasp went through the room, then it was silent. "What?" Tim asked softly, surprised as he glanced between you and Jeff. "Why.. Why would I do that?" Thank god he was already blushing or this would've been very awkward..

"You heard me. I see you two getting all cute and sh*t. I'm giving you an opening to have some fun~" Jeff teased, cackling afterwards. Tim felt the tips of his ears burning up from how much he was blushing. "Well, I mean, uh.. How the f*ck would I even do that?" he asked quietly, keeping his gaze down as you squirmed a little from being put on the spot.

"7 minutes in heaven, of course!" Jeff responded while frowning. "Look, if it's too much, I can pick a different dare," he added while flopping back against the plush couch, bringing his drink up to his lips. He still seemed very smug about calling you two out. A few giggles started to bounce around the room as Tim hesitated. He glanced at you desperately, his expression apologetic. He mouthed the words "do you want to?" and your heart skipped a beat.

Your heart was racing and you felt all fluttery as you gave a vague nod in response. "Ok, ok, everybody hold your f*ckin horses!" Tim growled as he put his hands up defensively. "I'll do it," he grumbled, glancing around at the group. Toby looked absolutely baffled. "W-Whoa! You're gonna do it?" the brunette asked curiously, a smirk coming to his scarred face afterwards. Jeff looked absolutely pumped. "f*ck yeah! I knew my wing man skills would come in handy!"

"Set a timer," Tim growled as he stood up, putting his beer on the coffee table and extending a hand towards you. "Oh, we will," Brian responded as he watched you two. "Go on, have some fun, we'll continue the game without you." He waved you guys off.

Tim looked absolutely flustered as he grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you away while the others giggled at your situation then got back to their game. "f*ckin stupid losers, trying to help me get laid.." he grumbled, causing you to blink in surprise. Was this all a big ploy to make you guys get close? How many people had this planned?

He dragged you to one of the hall closets and pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you. "Alright, so uh.. Look, I'm gonna be honest with you. I really, really like you, buut I don't want you to feel pressured, alright? If you wanna screw around, we can but otherwise.. Let's just uh.. Sit, I guess," Tim muttered as he sat down against the wall, keeping his gaze down so you couldn't see his face. Not like you could see much of anything anyway. It was dark as hell.

"Uh.. I guess.. We could sit," you mumbled as you sat down next to him. You still felt all fuzzy, but maybe it was because you had been drinking. It felt very tense and awkward now.

After what felt like forever, Tim spoke up. "Soo uh.. Besides this bullsh*t, are you enjoying tonight?" he asked quietly as he glanced towards you. His eyes adjusted to the dark much faster than yours did, probably because he's used to being in places like this.

"Oh! I'm having a ton of fun!" you responded with a smile, causing him to sigh in relief. "Well, good. We like to keep morale up, especially during times like this," he said with a light chuckle. What he meant by that, you didn't know. He always spoke pretty vaguely. You scrunched your nose slightly as you scooted closer, hesitantly leaning your head on his shoulder. He jumped a little at the sudden contact but didn't push you away.

"Crazy things happen at these slumber parties, huh?" you asked as you slowly moved one of your hands to his, feeling him tense again. "Ah, yeah, all kinds of stuff.." he mumbled, thankful for the darkness so you couldn't see how red his face was. "What's the dumbest thing you've seen happen?" you questioned, trying to keep the conversation going so it wouldn't feel so awkward again.

Tim chuckled and tilted his head back against the wall. "Oh, I've seen plenty of things happen," he started as you zoned out, slowly brushing you thumb over his knuckles as he spoke. You didn't really know what he was going on about but you enjoyed the sound of his voice and his soft laughs. You smiled as you slowly moved onto his lap, straddling him. "Keep talking," you whispered when he stumbled on his words.

You chuckled softly as his voice got all shaky, but he continued his rambling as you had requested. You hummed to yourself, leaning in and gently pressed a kiss against his neck, earning a shudder in response. His hands moved up and rested on your hips, lightly squeezing and encouraging you to continue.

"Come on, pretty boy, keep talking," you muttered against his skin, moving your head and pressing another kiss to his jaw. His breath hitched and he nodded, trying to focus on his story as you trailed kisses up and down his neck, careful to not overstep any boundaries. You were both drunk and fuzzy, so you didn't want to take things too far. Besides, you enjoyed this. Just being close and getting to kiss him and make him all fluttery.

"More?" he asked suddenly, one hand moving up your back while the other caressed your side. "More?" you repeated, smirking against his neck. You chuckled and lightly sunk your teeth into his skin, causing him to let out a low groan. "Thank you.." he mumbled, blushing like crazy. You felt your face heat up, your blush dipping lower down your body at his sounds.

You pulled away after that and looked up at his drunken expression. He cupped your face with one hand, causing your eyes to go wide as he leaned closer, your noses almost touching. Your breath caught in your throat and you squeaked in surprise as he pulled you into a kiss, his eyes closing in the process. You instinctively kissed back, your hands moving up and combing through his soft hair. One moved down his face, tracing over his sideburn and jaw.

Before things could get heated, there was a knock at the door and you both groaned in annoyance. Tim pulled back from the kiss, clearly annoyed. "f*ck.. I guess we can continue this later?" he asked softly, watching your expression fall. "Orrr I can tell them to f*ck off?" he offered. He moved you to the side, leaning his weight against you slightly as he glared at the door. "Go away, we're busy!" he shouted, earning a laugh in response. "Ok, have fun!" Jeff responded as his footsteps descended.

Tim huffed then moved back so he could see your face. Before he could get a word in, you kissed him again, this time more needy and desperate with your actions. Not that he was complaining. He was sort of glad that Jeff dared him to do this..

Chapter 6: "The bet.." - Jeff x Fem! Reader {NSFW}


This chapter contains..

Bondage, blindfolding, toys, overstimulation, degradation + praise combo, idk if this counts as noncon but just in case here's your warning.

Chapter Text

You somehow always manage to get yourself into these types of situations..

How did you get into today's?

Well, you made a bet with Jeff. Whoever got the most kills on today's mission got to do whatever they pleased with the other. Stupid bet, right? Considering the fact that Jeff is a very skilled killer with stamina and speed that you just couldn't match..

What was today's situation? Well, since you agreed that he could do whatever he wanted with you.. You were in his room. Strapped to a chair, completely naked and blindfolded for good measure. You had a slight idea of what her wanted to do with you.. You could hear his devious, evil laughter and his footsteps circling the chair you were in. You felt all hot and bothered simply from the idea of teased and toyed with by him.

"Well, well, well.. Look at what we have here.." His voice was low and gravelly as he spoke. "Shouldn't have made that bet, huh?" He chuckled as he brushed a finger against your bare thigh, causing you to shiver a little. "Come on Jeff, just get this over with," you huffed, sounding annoyed by the situation you unknowingly put yourself in. "Oho, baby, we haven't even started. This is going to last a while. I have a lot of free time today! And this room is sound proof~" he sneered against your ear, one of his hand roughly gripping your jaw.

You whined as he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before he pulled away again. The thing about Jeff is he likes towatch. He likes to watch someone completely crumble. He likes to toy with his victims and make them beg for mercy. Unbeknownst to you, this is exactly what was going to go down. Jeff grinned as he circled you one last time, his eyes trailing up and down your body. He took in every little detail, deeply enjoying this already and he hadn't even really started. He was so glad you decided to make a stupid bet that greatly benefited him.

"Alright, sweet thing.. Let's have some fun, ok~?" he purred as he knelt down in front of you, his hands moving to grope at your thighs. You jumped in surprise and bit your lip as he touched you, his fingers trailing up and down. You couldn't see it but you just knew he had a manic grin on his face. At one point you felt his hot breath against your inner thighs and whimpered as he began kissing and biting at the sensitive skin. He growled against you and chuckled at your reactions, absolutely adoring the little squeaks and sighs he managed to pull from you.

You groaned at his slow, teasing pace, wanting him to just eat you already since he was so close to your heated, pulsing core, but he didn't. Instead he just kissed your thighs a few more times and pulled away, chuckling at your adorable neediness. "God, you're dripping already!" he teased, sounding so smug. "You're a freak, aren't you? Well, you're going to love what I have in store for you~"

You gasped softly upon feeling his hands on your breasts, massaging them lightly from behind. He leaned over your shoulder a little as his hands worked at toying with your nipples. You felt his lips against your neck and groaned as he kissed and sucked at the warm, soft skin. You whimpered and whined, wanting to close your legs but due to your restraints, you couldn't. You were helplessly splayed out for him but you kinda loved it. The idea of being exposed to him made you even more excited. You bit your lip as his teeth grazed your skin.

Before you could get nearly enough pleasure for an org*sm, he pulled away again, growing against your ear. "God, you are such aslu*t~" he sneered, his voice low and husky. "You wanted me to f*ck with you like this, didn't you sweet thing?" His hands rested on your shoulders for just a moment before he pulled away completely and walked off, leaving you in that chair.

He didn't go too far though. He had been saving a box of toys for such an occasion and it was sitting on his bed, waiting to be used on you. "Alright, baby, here comes the fun part," he said as he approached again, kneeling between your shaky legs. You felt his hot breath against your core and groaned, your head tilting back a little. Jeff snickered and leaned closer, finally pressing his face to your puss* and eating you out. You so desperately wanted to be free so you could grind on him or mess with his hair but alas, your restraints were strong and unmoving.

He was sof*cking good at this. His tongue swiped against your folds, then moved to your cl*t and teased you, forcing a few breathy moans past your lips. God, he loved this and he was so smug about it. He kept going, getting rougher and pushing you closer to an org*sm. Right as you were about to reach that climax, he stopped, smiling against you devilishly. "Not yet, baby.." he grumbled as he pulled his head back, much to your dismay.

That's when you felt it. That toy he had grabbed from his box lightly rubbed against your folds, before slowly pushing into you. It was modestly sized but dammit, it felt good filling you up. You groaned out at the feeling of every single inch rubbing against your walls nicely. Once you were full, you let out a pleasant sigh, unable to hide the smile that came to your face. "Mm.. That feels nice.." you whispered, taking some deep breaths. It did feel really nice.

That was until you heard a quiet click and the toy started vibrating against you. You gasped softly at the feeling. "Oh nooo.." you whispered, realizing what he was doing. "Oh yes~" Jeff growled as he watched your body quiver from the sudden stimulation. You bit your lip against moans, stifling them as best you could. Your back arched a bit as you tried to grind against the toy needily, practically begging for more without even saying it.

He didn't give you any more. He just watched you with those icy blue eyes as he stepped back to sit on his bed, tilting his head to the side as his torture finally got started. God, the sight of you like this was driving him up a wall but he just watched, not wanting to look away for a second.

Despite not being able to see him, you knew he was being a totally smug bastard. You groaned out as the toy brought you closer to an org*sm and before you knew it, you were over the edge. You moaned out quietly and your walls clenched around the toy as your cum dripped down you thighs and over the toy, but the vibrations continued.

No, they didn't just continue. You heard another click and the power got a little higher, the vibrations coming a little more frequently. You whimpered, slowly coming down from your high while Jeff snickered as he watched your body squirm from the pleasure. "Oh god, you look so good, sweet thing~" he purred, glancing down at the tent forming in his pants, simply because he got to watch you like this. "Such a slu*t, just for me~"

Your breath hitched as the toy's vibrations got stronger once again. You whimpered softly, feeling yourself teetering at the edge of your second org*sm. Before you could even say anything, your walls clenched again and you came all over the toy, crying out softly as your climax melted through you slowly but surely. Now you were getting even more sensitive, even a little overstimulated. But it wasn't like you weren't enjoying it. It was really, really nice actually.

Jeff stayed silent as he pushed the button again, setting the toy to its highest power and watching you squirm. Your thighs quivered a little and you moaned out a string of swears, your breathing becoming erratic. God, this as so much all at once. You whimpered and whined, helplessly left to the mercy of this powerful toy. And Jeff just watched, a smile on his face.

You pulled at your restraints once again, breath hitching as you were pushed closer to the edge once again. It was pretty easy for the toy to bring you to your limits, your body overly sensitive already and due to the way it was angled and positioned, it was made for this type of torture. You closed your eyes tightly behind your blindfold and groaned out Jeff's name as you reached your climax. The cum soaked toy just continued and you gripped the chair tightly.

"Just a few more, sweet thing, you can handle it," Jeff said from where he was sitting, palming himself through his pants afterwards. He sighed as he watched you, his eyes darting up and down your body with a manic energy. You couldn't help but chuckle as your body shook a little from the overstimulation. "God, what a messy slu*t you are, huh?"

Your back arched a little off of the chair, whining at his comment. "A few m-more?" you asked softly, gasping afterwards and groaning from the agonizing pleasure. "Mm.. Yeah, just a few-" Jeff muttered in response. You felt tears in your eyes and sighed, your hands clenching into fists as you moaned out from another org*sm that had you seeing stars.

There was nothing you could do, and the waves of pleasure just seemed to be never ending at this point. God, how you wished it was Jeff instead of a stupid toy. You wished it was him pleasuring you, you wished it was hisco*ck buried deep inside of you. Maybe, just maybe, if you got through this torture, he'd finally f*ck you. Maybe he'd f*ck you until you couldn't walk, leave you a quivering mess. God, that thought alone had another org*sm clawing its way through your aching body. "Oh, god, Jeff!" you yelped at the feeling of your cum seeping down your shaking leg. "Pleease, please!I can't take much more!"

Jeff swore under his breath from seeing you like this, still rubbing the bulge in his jeans. "A few more, princess, just a few more.. You aren't made of glass, sweet thing, you can take it~" he teased, chuckling at your pathetic sounding protests. "Yeah, keep f*ckin begging, it makes you sound like a f*ckin whor*~ A whor* for me~"

You whimpered as your body grew a little weaker, the toy forcing org*sm after painful org*sm out of you. The pleasure was now a little painful but still felt so, so good. Just a few more, just a few more.. You could do it, you knew it. You could handle whatever he wanted to do with you..

"Jeff.." you whispered after what felt like forever, your breathing heavy and your walls sore from the relentless attacks of pleasure. "Please.."

And just like that, it was over. Or so you thought. The vibrations stopped as Jeff approached, chuckling to himself. "You did so good~" he cooed, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips as one hand went down and slowly pulled the toy out of you with a quiet 'pop' sound. You whimpered, feeling empty now. Jeff snickered as he brought the toy to his mouth, licking a bit of your juices off before tossing it away and replacing it with a much bigger, much more filling silicon co*ck.

"Let's see how far we can go before you break, alright princess?" He slowly pushed the toy inside of you, stretching you out and causing you to cry out. You were so sore.. So weak, and you just couldn't fight back. You could feel every ridge, every dip, every single vein on the toy as Jeff purposefully pushed it in at a slow pace. You counted the inches, surprised that you could take so much. It was amazing..

"Oho, you like that, don't you~?" he teased as your face twisted from the pleasure of being so full. It pushed you to your absolute limits. Your walls clenched around it almost hungrily and you bit your lip, feebly attempting to grind against it. "Do you wanna f*ck yourself~?" he cooed, almost right against your ear. "Too bad, princess.. I'm in charge~" He started moving it in and out of you at a slow pace, earning a weak cry in response. It dragged against you so nicely, hitting all the right spots.

"Oh god, right there~" you whispered once it brushed against that bundle of nerves that had you see stars. Jeff grinned and quickened his pace, hitting that spot over and over, bringing you to the edge again in no time. Before you knew it, you were cumming all over the massive toy. Unfortunately, your cum is a wonderful lubricant and it just allowed Jeff to more easily f*ck you senseless.

"I hope you cleared your schedule because we have a long day ahead of us, sweet thing~" Jeff purred, catching your lips in a messy, sloppy kiss. You just groaned, the toy inside of you feeling so f*cking good.

Chapter 7: "No escape.." - Yandere!Hoodie x Masc!Reader {NSFW}


This chapter contains..

Masc/male reader, noncon handjob, moderate yandere vibes, org*sm denial + some edging for good measure, internal conflict with the reader about how he feels about all this {slight angst warning}, light choking, dumbification

Also, my first request! Let's f*ckin GOOO!

Chapter Text

Escape. That was the only thing on your mind. You needed to escape. You needed to get out, right here and right now.

You'd been thinking about this for a while now, running away from the manor and never coming back. This job was stressful. You saw how much it effected people like Masky and Hoodie, how much it drove them insane. You almost felt bad for them but not right now. Not in this moment. You needed out, and no one was going to stop you.

Silent as the night, you slunk through the shadows of the manor, carrying a backpack of supplies with you. You would need them to get back to wherever you came from before you'd been recruited. This job had trained you for things like this, sneaking around, getting out of situations, avoiding getting caught. It was a double edged sword, really.

Thankfully, everyone was asleep. It was the perfect time to get thef*ck out.

Right as you got past the kitchen, you heard it. Footsteps right behind you. Instead of stopping, you quickly tried to get away, your eyes going wide as you tried to navigate the dimly lit halls.

The footsteps followed you, and within a few moments the person chasing you grabbed your arm tightly and yanked you towards them. You yelped quietly in surprise, dropping your bag as you were aggressively shoved against the wall. The strong hand on your chest reminded you exactly who you had to avoid the most..

"Brian..?" you asked softly, your eyes going wide as the tall, lanky man in front of you grinned maniacally. You almost wished it was Masky who had caught you instead because Brian is terrifying.. Brian looked down at you evilly, one hand planted firmly on your chest while the other kept you trapped in the corner. "What are you doing up?" he asked quietly, his eyes darting down to the bag you had dropped. "Trying to escape, huh? What gives you the idea you can do that?"

Little did you know, Brian was absolutely obsessed with you. It was very rare that he got this attached to someone other than his best friend. But you.. Something about you had him in a trance. He was so infatuated by you and he didn't know why. He wasn't gay.. At least, he didn't think he was. But damn, he wanted you and he didn't care if you wanted him back.

"Brian, please let go of me! I need to get out of here-" you pleaded, watching him fearfully. "I-I am not made for this sort of thing!" Brian just narrowed his eyes as he watched you try to squirm away from him. You continued to ramble quietly, begging him to let you go, not even realizing that one of his hands had moved down to your waist. He still kept his gaze on you, his hand dipping lower and lower without you even realizing.

It wasn't until he was palming you through your pants did you realize his hand had moved. You groaned softly and looked up at him with a mortified expression, your breath hitching. "Brian, what the f*ck?!" you hissed as you tried to move away from him, blushing madly. "I.. I don't want this! What are you doing?!" Your face was unbearably hot as he continued touching you anyway.

Nononono, this couldn't be happening! No, you weren't gay, you didn't like this, this wasn't right. But it felt sof*cking good. You refused to make any noise as he continued to rub against your growing erection. Your face twisted with unwanted pleasure, the thoughts in your mind running absolutely rampant. "F-f*cking Christ, Brian, please-" you whimpered, your eyes shutting tightly. You brought a hand up to your face to cover your mouth, trembling needily against his hand. Your mind was telling you that you hated this, everything about it, but your body was burning up for more of his touch.

"So tell me, (Y/N), where the f*ck were you going to go?" Brian asked suddenly, eyeing you as his hand continued to tease your aching co*ck. "What the hell were you going to do? Hmm?" He tilted his head to emphasize his question, pressing up against you and causing you to gasp. You could feel his breath against you and winced, biting your lip against a moan. "I-I was going home, Brian!" you spat, shoving against his chest but it was no use. He was much bigger and stronger than you. "Oho, no you don't~" he sneered, keeping you exactly where you were.

"Briaan, please! Please stop! I won't run away, just please stop-" you whispered, your breath hitching as his hand stopping for just a moment. Your eyes widened as Brian started to unzip your pants, slowly and carefully. He tugged down your pants a little, exposing the tent in your boxers. He snickered, now rubbing you through the thin fabric. The amount of precum leaking from your tip was alarming and caused you to groan in embarrassment. "Oh my god.. Please-!" You cut off as he brought his other hand to your face and gripped your jaw tightly.

"Shut the f*ck up. You were going to leave.. You were going to run away! What gives you the right to betray us.. To betrayme like this?" he growled, his eyes locked onto your fearful expression. "I cannot believe you were going to abandon us like that.." He pouted a bit, his hand slipping into your boxers and finally pulling out your throbbing dick. He started to stroke you slowly, teasingly, causing you to cry out softly.

"Hmm, you said you didn't want this but you're so f*ckin needy for me~" he teased, lightly squeezing your dick for a moment before rubbing his thumb over the tip, causing you to arch your back slightly, attempting to push yourself into his hand. Despite your mind screaming at you not to, you hesitantly rolled your hips against his hand, begging for more friction, begging for more pleasure. A desperate moan escaped your lips, causing him to chuckle at your pathetic situation.

"That's what I f*ckin thought, doll~" he snarled, his pace picking up slightly. You tilted your head back against the wall, whimpering softly. You hated this. Hated this so much. It made you ask questions that you didn't even want to think about. Did you like this? Did you actuallywant this? He was making you feel so good.. Your body ached for him, begged for him.. Your dick trembled against his hand and throbbed a little, precum leaking everywhere. You felt an org*sm building deep inside of you and felt panicked.

"You're so f*ckin cute.." Brian whispered, snapping you back into reality. His thumb brushed against your bottom lip before his hand traveled lower and wrapped around your throat. A choked gasp escaped you as he toyed with the tip of your co*ck again. "That's right, f*ckin moan for me~"

"F-f*ck, Brian, please.. This isn't right.. I.. I don't like this-" you whimpered, your eyes going wide as his grip on your neck tightened just a bit. Just enough for it to feel harder to breath. Your hips subconsciously moved against his hand, chasing that high even though you didn't really want it. "Then why are you getting off on my hand, huh?" Brian teased, his thumb swiping over your slit. "You're quivering.. God, that's a lot of precum.." He chuckled, watching your facial expressions.

"I-I'm gonna f*ckin cum-" you whispered, breath hitching as you teetered at the edge of your org*sm. As soon as you said that, Brian pulled away his hand, leaving you on edge. He brought his hand up to his face, licking the precum off of his fingers with a manic grin. "I didn't think I'd be tasting you like this but damn, if it isn't f*ckin hot~" he purred, watching you wilt from the lack of stimulation. "Why'd you stop?!" you asked, eyes wide.

"What, you said you didn't want this," Brian responded smugly, chuckling again at how pent up you were. You'd completely forgotten about escape. Your mind was fuzzy and your dick was so f*ckin needy for some sort of pleasure or friction. All you needed was that high, you needed to cum so badly. But he was right, you said you didn't want this, and you still stood by that fact.

After a few moments, you felt his hand trailing down your stomach again, teasingly moving back down to your aching co*ck before he started stroking again, slowly and teasingly. He made sure to give special attention to the tip, lightly rubbing his thumb over it and causing you to moan out softly again. The hand on your neck loosened its grip so you could breath comfortably again. Your hips rolled against his hand, bringing you closer to that edge again.

"Please, please Brian, if you're gonna do this, please let me cum-" you whined, your breathing shaky and erratic.

"I dunno, you've done something pretty stupid and I don't know if you deserve it," he replied, his hand stopping again but you kept thrusting up against it desperately. Your erection was almost painful at this point but Brian didn't care one bit. "If you cum before I say you can, you're going to cum until you f*ckin pass out. Got it?" he snarled, causing you to stop your movements. Your body felt like it was on fire. Youneeded to cum, badly.

The hand around your dick lightly squeezed, staying like that for a few moments while his hand on your throat moved up and rubbed your bottom lip again. "That's right, pretty boy.. Don't cum until I say you can, or else things are going to getvery messy.." He glanced down at your lips for a moment before leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to them. Then he pulled away, leaving you dumbfounded.

He started his motions once again, jerking you off slowly. You hesitantly moved your hips again, moaning softly and breathing heavily. Your moans became a little more frequent as he picked up his pace, then slowed down again. The pleasure was agonizing, and the anxiety in your mind was helping. "Holyy f*ck, please-!" you whimpered, gasping as he grabbed your neck again and squeezed lightly. It cause you to get even more excited and pushed you closer to your release.

And then it stopped again. You couldn't even form words anymore. All you could do was whimper out in disappointment, closing your eyes tightly. You hated him but you needed him, you needed him to let you finish, you needed him to keep touching you and sending those agonizing sparks through your body.

"Do you wanna cum~?" he cooed, leaning closer to your face with a a grin spreading across his features. You just nodded weakly, your vision fuzzy. You felt so lightheaded from this whole ordeal. Despite the anxious thoughts, your body begged for more of him, more of his touch, more of his teasing. His eyes lit up as you whimpered softly, rubbing against his hand.

"f*cking cum for me then~" he sneered, his hand starting its motions again, faster this time, teasing your tip every few strokes and causing your back to arch off of the wall. You clawed at the wall, eyes shutting tightly as you focused on that org*sm. You needed it so badly. You felt like you could die if he didn't let you finish.

The pleasure tore through you as you finally reached your climax, your eyes going wide as he kissed you again to muffle the moans you let out from finally getting to cum. It had you seeing stars and your head felt like it was in the clouds. There was no doubt in your mind that you had made a huge mess, and to your surprise, he kept stroking you. Milking you for all you had, ever single drop of cum he could get out of you.

You were still very, very conflicted about all of this. You didn't want to kiss back, but you found yourself doing it anyway, your lips moving against his hesitantly. It only lasted a moment before he pulled away again, his eyes half lidded. He glanced down at the mess you made and chuckled, moving his hand back up and licking away the cum that had spilled onto his fingers.

"I bet you'll think twice about running away again, huh pretty boy?"

Chapter 8: "Ensnared.." Jane x Fem! Reader {NSFW}


This chapter contains..

Fem reader, bondage, noncon, oral, org*sm denial/edging, Jane being a huge bitch and a tease

Chapter Text

Tonight's mission was huge. You had finally managed to track down the house that was connected to all of the murders that had happened lately. Finally, you felt like an actual, real detective. You had been put in charge of the 'Slender manor' case months ago but never had any leads or evidence. Until now.

Thankfully you had managed to put together some clues and track all of the activity back to this very manor. It was later, at least midnight, and the house was silent, giving you the perfect opportunity to get closer and maybe even sneak in. You needed as much evidence as you could get your hands on.

You crept closer to the manor, looking around for some sort of way in, knowing that the front doors would obviously be locked. You found a hatch that led to a cellar and to your surprise, it was unlocked, so you went through it. Quietly, you crept down the steps to the cellar, shutting the hatch behind you. There was a set of stairs that led back up to the inside of the manor and you went up them, quiet as a mouse, your gun drawn just in case things went bad.

As you made your way up the stairs and to the ground floor of the house, you heard noises nearby and went silent, holding still. Once the noises stopped, you moved again, keeping your guard up. Your kept low to the ground, your eyes darting around in search for any signs of life. The manor looked pretty normal.. It was pretty dark though, so you couldn't tell what you had gotten yourself into.

As you took another step forward, you caught movement out of the corner of your eye and you quickly turned to see a figure come out of the darkness, wielding a large kitchen knife. Your eyes went wide in terror as you aimed your gun but the figure was fast. They easily overpowered you and tossed your gun away. You tried to fight back but they quickly put you in a choke hold.

"Go to sleep-" they whispered as you started to pass out, panicking as your grip on consciousness faded..


What felt like hours went by before you woke up. You had a nasty headache, a groan slipping past your lips as your eyes fluttered open. You were in a dark room. f*ck, did you fail your mission?

You tried to move, only to realize you were stuck. Strapped to a chair by your wrists and ankles. f*ck, someone had captured you. You'd been caught by one of the killers that lived in the manor. You felt terror seep into your veins and winced as your eyes adjusted to the dim light. Someone was sitting in front of you. Watching you. Studying you..

You took in the person's features. A feminine face, black lipstick, dark eyes, and long, wavy black hair that spilled over her pale skin. She was.. Very pretty. You furrowed your brows in confusion. She didn't look like a serial killer, so what was she doing in a place like this?

"What the hell were you doing?" she asked suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts. You frowned and glared at the woman, wishing you could cross your legs to be more intimidating. "Doing some stuff," you spat, scrunching your nose slightly in annoyance. Jane chuckled at that, shaking her head. "No. What were you actuallydoing?" she repeated, leaning forward a bit as she studied your face.

You shook your head, growing increasingly annoyed. "None of your f*cking business," you muttered. You suddenly felt the woman's hands on your thighs and looked up in confusion. "You're brave, aren't you?" she asked as she lightly rubbed your legs, making you even more confused. "What the hell are you doing?" you asked, brows furrowed.

"Well, we have ways of making people talk," she responded, kneeling in front of you as her hands wandered over your thighs, hips, stomach, and sides. "You think you're the first person to try and expose us? Fat chance, sweetheart."

"Hey! You better let me go! Or bad things are gonna happen to you!" you said as you squirmed away from her as much as you could, glaring down at her in annoyance and anger. "I am not someone to be taken lightly. Now let me go! I have some stuff to do."

Jane just chuckled, gripping your thighs tightly and pulling you back towards her. "No, no, you're undermycontrol now," she said as she rubbed circles against your inner thighs. "What do you plan on doing, hmm? What's your end game? You trying to f*ck up our perfectly good operation?" she asked, tilting her head as she looked up at you. "You were, weren't you?"

You frowned, avoiding looking at her. You didn't like this one bit. You could feel your face turning red and heat pooling between your legs as she touched you like that. "Knock it off!" you growled, eyeing her wearily.

"You better tell me what you were doing," she responded simply, to which you huffed and shook your head. She shrugged and continued her actions before moving away, much to your relief. She stood up and turned away, walking off. For a moment, you were alone, before she came back with a sharp pair of scissors.

Jane chuckled at the fearful look on your face as she moved closer, a bit of light glinting off of the sharp metal blades. Instead of stabbing you though, she crouched down again and started cutting your pants.

"Hey, hey, whoa, what the hell?" you protested as she messily cut your pants up so she could rub your now bare thighs. You felt your face heat up even more as she touched you with a grin on her face. She dipped down a little and pressed a kiss to your thigh, making your body jolt a little. "Whoa, n-no, don't do that-" you whispered, breath hitching as she did it again anyway, and again, and again, over and over until your thighs were littered with black lipstick marks.

"Come on, girlie, tell me what you were doing~" she purred, tracing her fingers along the kisses she had left on your legs. You remained stubborn though and shook your head. She frowned, leaning back down and replacing her kisses with bites. You winced and moaned out softly, causing both of you to freeze up. Jane smirked against your skin and continued her actions, licking the bite marks afterwards with a teasing smile.

You whimpered at her touches, silently wishing she would just get to the f*ckin point already. You didn't like feeling so pent up at the hands of the enemy.

"Are you seriously getting worked up over this?" Jane asked suddenly, her hands squeezing your thighs tightly. She looked up at you with an evil smirk, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Man, you must not get much play."

"H-Hey! I get plenty of play!" you growled, still trying to keep that tough facade. "God, won't you just f*ck off?"

Jane laughed at that, her hand slipping further up your thigh, rubbing your cl*t through your panties and prying a moan out of you. "Start talking, gorgeous, be a good girl will you?" she purred, continuing to touch you but at an agonizingly slow pace.

You refused. You kept your mouth shut, muffle sounds escaping you as she touched and prodded you. She frowned, annoyed by your perseverance. She needed to do something.. Drastic.

"Tell ya what, if you tell me what you were doing, and what you planned on doing after.. I'll let you cum," she said while cutting off your panties as well. You gasped as you were exposed to the cold air, writhing in your chair and trying to squirm away as Jane immediately buried her face in your puss* and started eating you out.

You whined and whimpered desperately, your mind going totally fuzzy as pleasure coursed through your body. f*ck, she was good at this.. You were so pent up from all of her teasing that you were already so close to cumming as it was.

"f*ck.. Oh my god~" you whispered, moving your hips against her with a soft moan. She smirked against your core, continuing to lick and suck at your most vulnerable area. You felt a shiver go down your spine , whimpering about needing to cum.

Jane pulled away as soon as those words left your mouth and you whined. "What did I say?" she asked, meeting your gaze as some of your juices mixed with her drool dripped down her chin. "No cumming until you tell me."

You sighed and leaned back in your chair, shaking your head. She growled and got back to work, rougher than before, shoving her tongue inside of you this time and causing you to arch your back off the chair. Her hands gripped your thighs tightly and spread you open a little wider as she f*cked you with her tongue.

She seemed to know exactly when you were right at the edge because as you were about to finally get that sweet, sweet release, she pulled away again.

"Oh my god, holy fuuck~" you cried, shutting your eyes tightly. You needed this, you needed this badly. Your body was burning up from the heat. "O-OK, I'll tell you-!" you squeaked out, and Jane smiled with delight. "I.. I was going to get all of my research done so I could report this place to the police. We've been after you guys for years," you explained, breathing heavily, your core throbbing needily. "f*ck.. Please, just let me finish.." you whined, looking down at her with a pleading expression.

"Mm.. We'll see," she responded, leaning in again and kissing your heated core gently. Just to tease you. Just to toy with you. Just to see you writhe around in agony. "I don't think you deserve it, after I had to pry the truth out of you like that."

"But.. But you promise!" you whimpered, trying to grind against her face. Jane tsked. "I didn't 'promise', sweetheart. Come on, you were doing research on this place, you know better than that." She chuckled, swiping her tongue along your walls teasingly. You groaned, head tilted back. You started to think maybe she wasn't going to let you finish..

Chapter 9: "Clowns give the best creampies" - LJ x Fem!Reader {NSFW}


Don't mind me, im just dropping off some nice demon clown smut. This one's fun, i swear and this doesn't need a reason to exist but it does

Size difference kink, oral stuff, multiple org*sms from both the reader and LJ, and, ya know, the title hehe

Chapter Text

When you lit up the candles in the shape of a pentagram, you expected any other demon but this one to appear.

Truth be told, you didn't even think it would work, but here you were, watching a massive demon claw its way out of a hellish portal and into your room. The first thing you noticed about this demon was that it didn't really look demonic. It looked like a clown. Not a brightly colored clown though, more gothic and spooky. His teeth were sharp, he looked muscular and massive under his little costume, and he was just huge. When he stood up fully, he had to duck a bit to not hit his head on your ceiling fan.

Why did you summon a demon? Or, try to at least? It was simple, you were bored and wanted to see if it worked. Well, it did.

"What do you want?" the demon asked in a raspy voice, his sharp gaze peering down at you. You felt so small and blushed from the thoughts that flooded your mind as you studied him. He washuge. Like, seven feet tall and probably 300 pounds at least. His hands could probably easily wrap around your waist.

"Hello?" he growled, waving a clawed hand in front of your face. You blinked a few times and looked up at his face, shivering from the feeling you got when he stared at you. "What do you want?" he asked again, his gaze unwavering.

Whatdidyou want? You really didn't know, or even think that far. Hell, what was your plan if a demon showed up? How would you get rid of them? Now you felt a wave of panic. You didn't even know what this demon's intentions were. He could so easily kill you if he wanted to.

"I-" you started, taking a step back and falling against your bed. "Well, I don't know," you admitted, almost shyly. You knew exactly what you wanted but admitting it would possibly cause problems.

"You don't know?" the demon repeated, stepping closer and towering over you, shrouding out the moonlight from your bedroom window. He studied you, a smile coming to his face. Those teeth caused your heart to skip a beat. He took in a deep breath before crawling over you on your bed. "Are you sure you don't know?" His voice dropped a bit, with each word sounding almost like a hungry growl.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" he asked, trapping you beneath him. Your breath hitched as you looked up at him and you felt heat pooling between your legs. Suddenly your clothes felt uncomfortable and too warm for your liking. "No..?" you asked in almost a whisper, trying to avoid his gaze.

"You've set me free," he grumbled, bending down to be closer to your face. "You've set me free from my prison of darkness.. And I'm hungry~" He licked his lips and chuckled at the way your squeaked in fear. "Something tells me you're hungry too~ You don't just summon a demon unless you've got desperate desires, huh?"

Again, you felt your body heat up from his words. The demon chuckled, taking in another deep breath before exhaling with a deep growl. "I can smell it~ You wanted something like this huh?" he asked, reaching down and gripping your jaw with one of his massive hands. "Don't try and deny it, my little savior.. You wanted some big, strong, evil demon to come along and use this gorgeous, fragile body of yours huh?"

His words made your body ache, or maybe it was that intoxicating scent of cotton candy that was radiating off of him. Never in your life did you think something like this would happen to you. There was certainly a wet spot on your panties now because of this whole situation.

"Come on.. Say it~" he growled, giving your face a light squeeze. "Say you wanted a big demon to breed you~"

"I did-" you admitted with a pout, trying to squeeze your thighs together to hide the desperation building inside of you. That's why you summoned a demon. You hoped something like this would happen.

"Good girl~" he cooed with an evil chuckle, licking his lips again. "Good thing you summoned me then.. Cause I am so ready to fulfill your carnal lust.." He studied you again before giggling and letting go of your face. "You ready for the full demon treatment, princess?" he asked, his voice growing deeper and that sweet smell getting stronger.

"W-Wait, who are you? Who did I summon?" you asked suddenly, squirming a bit. His eyes widened and his smile grew wider. "Laughing Jack," he said simply before moving down between your legs.

Within moments the demon had your sweatpants off and was pulling your panties down with his teeth. Each one of his movements had you shivering and blushing like mad. His massive hands moved to your thighs afterwards and pried them apart. A hungry growl escaped him as he opened his mouth. Your eyes widened at the sight of his long, slimy, striped tongue. It was like a cartoon, but this was very real.

Before you could protest, his tongue was inside of you and his grip on your thighs tightened. He had no intentions of letting you go now. The cries you let out only fueled his insatiable hunger. His tongue rubbed against your walls nicely and his slobber made a nice lubricant. It was exactly his plan for what he had in store for you.

As he got rougher, he moved your legs over his shoulders, allowing your thighs to rest on the plush feathers on his costume. The sensation tickled your skin and only seemed to add to the already overwhelming pleasure you felt. The feathers mixed with his hot breath against your core caused an org*sm to start building at an alarming pace. What had you even got yourself into?

"Jack~" you whined out, your hands going to his shaggy hair and tugging on it lightly. He barely paid any attention to your mewls and pleas. He already knew how need you were based on the smell and taste alone. Animalistic growls escaped him as he ravished you like you'd never been before. He was just so much bugger than anyone you'd ever been with, or around, or even seen before.

It didn't take long for you to begin to whine and whimper about needing to finish, how close you were and how badly you needed it. Jack already seemed to know because he just kept going, tasting every last drop that he could get out of you. Even after you came and it spilled out all over his face, his tongue, down your thighs and onto those black and white feathers. You tasted good and he wanted more of it. Your poor body already felt sore from one beautiful org*sm and yet this demon was just getting started.

"Jack, please~ Please, it's too much!" you begged, your back arching off of the bed as your thighs tightened around his head. He growled in response, slowly his motions just a bit. His tongue slithered out of you but his face stayed between your thighs, clutching them tightly still. His dark gaze flicked up to your face and he studied the expression you wore. It caused him to smile. "Pathetic~" he whispered against your core, pressing a few more kisses to your delicate skin before pulling back and letting your legs fall back against your mattress.

"We've just gotten started, princess," he rasped. You stared at the ceiling, trying to collect your thoughts. You heard him rustling around before feeling his weight on your bed again. Your eyes snapped over to him and you gasped at the sight. Oh, he was so ready to use you. Your eyes slowly fell down to his lap and you blushed at how erect he was. He was just.. Huge. It was going to be a challenge but you were so, so ready.

You couldn't even say anything before his hands were around your waist and he picked you up like a ragdoll. "Oh- Oh jeez, you're strong," you said quietly, gasping as he squeezed your waist and brought you up over his lap. Your back was against his chest, you could feel those feathers against the back of your neck. You hovered right above his co*ck, feeling the tip brush against you. He made a noise but didn't say anything as he steadied you.

"Are you sure?" you asked but he didn't answer as he lowered you down. It cause you to gasp again, feeling him stretch you out so nicely. You felt so full as he lowered you further and further. He just filled up so much space and you body accepted it like you were made for him.

"There we go~" he purred, pushing your hips all the way down his shaft. You just felt sofull.

It felt like you could barely breath. There was no room inside of you for anything but this massive demon's throbbing, aching co*ck. It hurt, but in a really good way. Your hands moved to rest on top of his, as if to support yourself through this. "Aww, is it too much?" Jack cooed, chuckling afterwards. He gave you a squeeze, before beginning to move your hips for you. At first he simply grind your down on his erection, letting you adjust to him being inside of you. That didn't last long though.

Your obscene cries filled the room and spilled out through the cracks in the door and the window as the demon began moving you up and down. He did it with such ease like he was using nothing more than a toy. He rubbed against you so nicely and hit all those spots inside of you, ones you didn't even know were there. His hips moved in sync with the way he used you, only adding to the whole experience. It was like the only thing you were ever made for was to be used and f*cked by this demon. It was all so much. Within moments, you were over the edge again, making a mess on his co*ck and your thighs.

While you were being loud and crying for more, the demon grunted and growled like a wild animal. His claws dug into your skin, drawing blood that fell down your delicate hips. He didn't care, and you didn't either. All you could focus on was the way he was already overstimulating you. You felt him twitching inside of you and before you could get words out you felt him filling you up even further. You cried out his name, throwing your head back against his shoulder. He didn't stop.

Jack let out swears and groans, his tongue lolling out at one point. He drooled on himself but just kept going, slamming you down onto his aching co*ck. The soreness in your body was already unbearable and you could barely form words. It just felt too good.

Again, you felt yourself pushed over the edge. And again. And again. Too many times to count. You body was overwhelmed and overstimulated. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks from the sensation.

Then it started to slow. The demon's movements began to falter. His hips stuttered and his moans became breathy from the sensitivity he felt. His thrusts were sloppy now and his breathing was ragged and uneven. Swears escaped his lips and his eyes rolled back. His co*ck swelled inside of you as he grew closer to another org*sm. His hands gripped your hips and slowly pushed you all the way back down as he finished. His cum leaked out of you, slowly and tantalizingly, only adding to the mess you both were at this point.

For a moment you couldn't think at all. You didn't register anything that happened. The only thing your mind thought about was the pleasure still coursing through your sore and tired body. The way your clenched around the demon's still erect co*ck. and way his claws had scratched your hips and waist, the way the smell of sex mixed with his scent of cotton candy. It felt like a feverish dream you never wanted to wake up from.

Chapter 10: Ftm!Jeff x Masc!Reader {NSFW}


im too lazy for a title, here's some smut

Warnings: Knife play, blood and bleeding, consensual choking, overall rough and a bit violent

Chapter Text

It was right after a mission. Hormones and tension and adrenaline was high.

So of course you and Jeff were going at it again.

"Kiss me," he snarled as he shoved you into his room, slamming the door behind him. He grabbed the front of your hoodie, his icy blue eyes staring you down. You didn't even hesitate to obey his order, kissing him roughly like he wanted. Your hand moved to the back of his head and was soon entangled in his hair.

As you made out, he started pawing at your clothes. "Off," he growled between pants and heavy breaths. "Clothes off, now. Get your f*cking clothes off." He gave your a glare as you chuckled at his needy enthusiasm. "Shut the f*ck up-" he grumbled as he shoved you away so you could undress.

You made a big show of slowly taking off your shirt, causing Jeff to pout and grumble in annoyance. He wasn't going to deny that it made him even more excited. "He tried to touch your bare skin once your shirt was off but you slapped his hand away.

"You too, brat," you ordered with a devious smirk. Jeff huffed and rolled his eyes as he hastily tried to get off his hoodie.

Within seconds Jeff was throwing his hoodie to the ground and taking off his shirt. You watched him, eyes wandering his body. All the scars and cuts and marks made you groan in anticipation. You needed this brat more than you would’ve liked to admit.

“Good boy,” you muttered as he lunged at you again and pulled you into a chaste kiss. You didn’t even protest as he pushed you onto the bed and climbed up into your lap. He caught you by surprise as he pushed his tongue into your mouth and started grinding on your lap.

Heavy breathes turned into quiet whines and groans. Your hands gripped his hips tightly, definitely leaving behind marks. Jeff didn’t care. He liked a bit of pain.

“f*ck me,” he muttered between kisses, settling in your lap. You blushed a bit from the fact that he could feel your erection. Of course he smirked and decided to tease and taunt you.

“Ooh, you want me don’t you?” he growled, nipping at your ear playfully. You felt his hot breath against your skin and it made you shudder. “Shut up.” you hissed in response, feeling his hands running up your bare chest.

A few seconds of teasing went by before he climbed off of your lap and unbuttoned his jeans. “God, you’re so ready to f*ck me aren’t you?” he sneered with a twisted smile. You gave him a glare but didn’t deny it.

As soon as he was back in your lap, naked and exposed and teasing you with that smile, your hand went to his throat. He shut up immediately and his back arched.

“That’s a good slu*t,” you growled, watching his eyes widen and his face turn red. “Not so co*cky now, huh?” You smirked, your other hand moving down to his thigh. He looked embarrassed for just a split second before it faded and was replaced with that annoying little grin.

“What are you gonna do?” he asked with a chuckle, his voice only slightly strained. You gave his neck a light squeeze and he groaned from the sensation. “You wanted me to f*ck you, right?” you asked, your voice low and husky. “I’ll f*ck your then.”

As you spoke, your hand moved up his thigh and between his legs. He gasped softly, icy blue eyes wide with anticipation, as your fingers slowly rubbed against his inner thigh. You went even further and were pleasantly surprised he was already wet, leaving a spot on your jeans.

“Excited, are we?” you teased with a devious grin, pushing your fingers into him after a moment and causing him to whine and arch his back against you. A string of spears escaped him as you slowly, teasingly moved your fingers in and out of him. Your grip on his neck tightened a little more and his eyes rolled back from the stimulation.

Choked gasps and whines escaped his lips from your teasing. Your fingers moved in and out teasingly and you would occasionally pull them out just to watch him squirm and beg for more. He was making a mess all over your pants but you didn’t care.

“Good boy,” you whispered every time he whined or gasped. You could feel he was getting close already and stopped your motions. It made him whine in disappointment. He was aching for any sort of stimulation. The hand on his throat was only adding to the fact that he just needed more desperately. “f*ck- Please,” he begged, his voice strained and quiet. “More, please.” You didn’t listen, and instead removed your hand from his throat and let him sit right on the edge.

“No- No, no please, don’t,” he started, his eyes wide and that co*ckiness entirely gone. “f*ck me!” He shuffled on your lap and reached up to grab your shoulders. His breathing was heavy and his brows were knitted together angrily. “You better f*ck me- Now.”

You laughed at his neediness which caused him to growl and shove you back against the bed. “You bastard-” he growled, straddling your lap again. He reached down and unbuttoned your jeans, beginning to pull them down while you just laughed and giggled. “Stop laughing! It isn’t funny!”

Within moments he had your boxers down and looked down at your dick. His gaze lingered there for a few seconds before he moved back up to your face. A frown was on his face and his icy gaze made you shudder, but you didn’t care.

“f*ck me. Now,” he ordered, climbing off of your lap. You looked at him curiously before nodding. “Plow me into this f*cking mattress,” he continued, running his hand through his messy and disheveled hair. “Make me scream.”

You didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as the words left his mouth you grabbed him and shoved him onto the bed. You pushed his thighs apart, pinning his hands above his head afterwards. Slowly you pushed into him, teasing him and taunting his neediness by mimicking his pleas for more.

It didn’t take long for you to get rough with him. Immediately he was begging for you to hurt him, make him bleed and make him scream.

You obeyed him. You picked up the pace of your thrusts, barely giving him time to adjust to you begging inside of him. He was clenched around you so tightly but it felt so good and you knew he loved it. The pain mixing with the overwhelming pleasure. It was something he was always craving.

Within seconds your hands were back at his neck and you were choking him again. Not too hard. But he begged for more. He wanted to bleed. He wanted to be marked up and bruised. One hand moved from his neck to your pocket and you pulled out a small pocket knife. You hand it to his cheek and his eyes widened in excitement.

All of the sensations sent him over the edge. He cried out your name as he came, squeezing down on your dick tightly. You had stamina for hours though. So you kept going. His body ached for it though. He needed you.

You slowly moved the blade of your knife down his face, careful not to actually cut him. The metal against his sensitive skin felt like it added to the overstimulation he was feeling in his body. Your hand moved from his neck so you could hold your knife to his skin there.

He gasped, trying to catch his breath, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy from it all. Without warning you leaned down and nipped at his neck. He yelped and cried out again, his hands clawing at your back. It caused you to hiss in pain but it felt so good. You bit down on his neck harder, drawing blood. He groaned out your name, panting and gasping from the feeling of your tongue lapping up all the blood.

“I’m gonna cum inside of you,” you growled against his ear as his nails dug into your back. You tossed the knife away to avoid actually cutting him. Your hips slammed into him roughly but he just begged for more roughness.

Moments later, you felt your release. You pushed deep inside of him, earning pleads and protests as you slowed your thrusts and came to a stop.

“More,” he begged, looking up at you pleadingly. “More. I need more. I need you to use me-”

You chuckled and nodded. “After a break,” you responded, staying inside of him. “You better believe we aren’t done yet. I just need a breather.”


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Supremebackshots, Spad3_of_a_Sp34r, The_Companion_Cube, zhongdong, Xam3li3X, Vexxedd, urfavnob0dy_504, Musicalmurder, dirtysaiint, Alfavel, Acebo, KitKatKlickbait, Hellosanrio_13, Sweetpeach34, Unknown60000, ZELZZY, lazyauthor404, Ur_fav_demigod, Emma_grace327, Y0k0_oOf, Atlas_Storm666, CatsAreSoKewl, Rodisagay, Sunfaedayze, BoonaTheClown, ThatStickerKit, Chxrry01, Octobergothyc, saltedbutt_er, R0tt3nxM0ss, PTSD_Demon, xxcjxxevansxx, Creepy_pastafan, sootrootdoot, emoclownpp, tr1stan666, Krissimp, GoldenBlackCat072402, 1exquisite_Salt1, EchoShadows, CadavRR, lycheetwt, GrzybBartek, Copper9Miko1, ghiacciosglasses, kitkat_lovers, venturebroes, Jj1124, Koldieu, Isabellaq, and 152 more usersas well as376 guestsleft kudos on this work!


Creepypasta x Reader Oneshots/Smutshots - 1_SinshineLennypops_1 - Creepypasta (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5902

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.