La Bella y la Bestia (2024)


1,259 reviews6,003 followers

December 22, 2022

و ستظل الجميلة تبحث عن مفتاح النور بداخل الوحش لتنير روحه..و في رحلة البحث سيذوي جمالها..و تخمد جذوة الأمل و الخير في قلبها..و قد تموت روحها قبل ان تجد النور؛ و قد لا تجده
La Bella y la Bestia (2)
ستبقى الجميلة و الوحش اجمل قصة خيالية-واقعية عن الزواج او عن جوهر العلاقة الأبدية بين الرجل و المرأة
كل فتاة تحمل بداخلها" بيل" المليئة بالثقة في قوة الحب على التغيير...و كل رجل هو نصف وحش و لا ينتظر من يغيره على الاطلاق !! و من هنا تأتي أهمية القصص الخيالية
فلنجعل الرجل مسحوراً.. .و قبحه الخارجي هو السبب في قبح تصرفاته..و لن تزول اللعنة الا لو فهم كيف يحب و يتحب. .و تعود بالطبع للقرن 18

القصة 36 صفحة لكنها حافلة بالرموز. .عن الإقطاع.. العبودية و الأسر. .الذل والقهر. .و طبعا هي بعيدة عن نسخة ديزني الفاتنة ..و اان اشتركا في الهدف المعروف "الحب أقوى من اي سحر"!!!ا
و في الواقع أقول انا : فلتحبي الوحش كما هو
..و لا تنتظري معجزات



Author35 books15k followers

May 25, 2011

Love the movie, hate, hate, HATE the marketing. The moral, which could not be presented more clearly, is that true beauty comes from within. Belle, the heroine of the story, is an intelligent and sensible girl who's usually got her nose in a book. Throughout virtually the whole film she wears this practical blue dress:

La Bella y la Bestia (4)

But in 95% of the merchandise - dolls, posters, lunch-boxes etc - she is depicted wearing her admittedly tasteful but rather surprisingly revealing yellow ball gown, gazing up at the Beast with languishing eyes:

La Bella y la Bestia (5)

Am I the only person in the world who finds this intensely irritating?


1,833 reviews958 followers

November 2, 2022

VERSION: Disney (technically, Retold Beaumont)
ADAPTATION: 4.5 stars.
ARTWORK: 5 stars
BEAUTY: Brunette.
BEAST: He has the head of a buffalo, the mane of a lion, the brow of a gorilla, human eyes, the tusks of a wild boar, the arms and body of a bear, and the legs and tail of a wolf.
CURSE: An enchantress cursed the prince as a boy for being unkind to her.
THE Rs: Expanded and made more natural.
KEY ELEMENT CHANGED: The curse, Belle has no siblings, Adam was cursed as a boy, there's a rival for Belle's affection, Maurice isn't economically ruined, the castle servants are turned into furniture. Basically, it's a retelling and should be considered its own version, the third after Villeneuve and Beaumont.
La Bella y la Bestia (7)
La Bella y la Bestia (8)
La Bella y la Bestia (9)
La Bella y la Bestia (10)

I've never been the biggest fan of Disney's version of Beauty and the Beast, but I've always loved the art and the visuals of the motion picture film, and it's nice to have a copy in paper for my collection, and for gazing at without having to rewatch. The artwork looks superior on the screen, though, especially the colours and facial expressions.

Positives first: their depiction of Beast is exactly what Beast should be: hulking, animalistic, imposing, frightening, and awe-inspiring. He isn't supposed to be simply a man with an animal's head; that look would make him appear like he's wearing a mask like at a costume party. And who is ever frightened into trembling by such an appearance? Beauty wouldn't be. Beast is supposed to make you fear him for how he looks and love him for how he is, and in that, Disney was incredibly successful. It's no doubt one of my favourite depictions of him, and regardless of what I think of the plot, this is always going to be the highlight of Disney's version.

The castle, the town Belle lives in, everything in the film is superb. It's an artist's dream. Belle's looks, her iconic yellow dress, the dance, the dining scene... So many things to appreciate and gaze at, the creators did so much right visually. Storytelling on the screen is visual, and they excelled at it.

So why was Disney not my favourite? In a nutshell, because of the curse. In this reread of my top favourite B&B picture books, I've said over and over that the reason for the curse is important, and that both Villeneuve, the creator of the tale, and Beaumont, the populariser of the tale, have made it clear it was not the prince's fault. But Disney, who based their version on Beaumont, decided to make this a tale about punishment for bad behaviour and made it so that child Prince Adam got cursed because he was unkind to an enchantress. It was his fault, he "asked for it."

And that's always rubbed me the wrong way. Beauty and the Beast is a tale about personal transformation and redemption, and making it the prince's fault didn't work well thematically. I hated Disney's take for the longest time for this, whilst at the same time feeling conflicted because I liked their art so much, liked their Beast so much.

Then came people like Jerry Griswold, and especially Bethel Grove, who presented such convincing and well-argued analyses of Disney, and I was convinced, slowly but surely, I read more academic papers and books, and finally came to like the Disney version. For better or for worse, Disney is the version that everyone knows, and so there's no longer two version but three: Villeneuve, Beaumont, and Disney.

Now I'm happy to count Disney amongst my favourites. I'll probably always rant about ignorant people who can't tell one version for another and mix the tale and the film when adapting it into picture books, but that's par for the course. Not everyone is careful to research the tale, after all.

    beauty-and-the-beast-theme fairy-tale-retellings fantasy

Taghreed Jamal El Deen

641 reviews631 followers

February 22, 2016

من صغري وهالقصة أحب قصص الطفولة لقلبي ..
" الحب الصادق يلي بيقبلنا رغم بشاعتنا وعيوبنا بيقدر يعمل معجزات ويطلّع أحلى ما فينا " مؤمنة جدا بهي الحقيقة ♥
كنت حابة اقرأ الحكاية الأصلية ودورت كتير ولقيت نسخ مختلفة لعدة كتّاب ما عرفت أيا فيهم الأصلية ! وبالنهاية قرأت نسخة ديزني اللي قرأتا بطفولتي .. إذا حدا من الأصدقاء بيعرف النسخة الأصلية بالعربي أو الإنجليزي يا ريت يساعدني


7 reviews

January 15, 2010

I must say that I think Beauty and the Beast is one of the best Disney stories. I love how Belle is able to look beyond the physical appearance of the Beast.



836 reviews413 followers

May 20, 2017


La Bella y la Bestia (14)



29 reviews

January 11, 2011

omg i loveeeed this.... shout out to 7th grade!


2 reviews


February 18, 2015

Bennett cried when the Beast turned human again. Daddy says it's because this is a girl book and beasts>princes!



174 reviews

March 15, 2017

I read it so many times. It's one of the most beautiful fairytales. And today it's my first time in english ;)

    children-books e-books farytales

Shirley Revill

1,197 reviews267 followers

December 21, 2017

Loved by my children and grandchildren. Recommended.

    children fantasy fiction


325 reviews52 followers

April 27, 2017

You may be wondering why on Earth I am posting so many reviews of short kids' books, and the answer is that I'm moving house for the first time since I was a toddler. I'm essentially having to pack up my childhood here!! Having to say goodbye to so many books is devastating, but on the plus side, it gives me a reason to sit and scroll throw all these gorgeous picture books. This one is an early reader's Book of the Film of the brilliant Beauty and the Beast (my favourite Disney film as well!!) and while it is sumptuously illustrated with painted stills from the film and retells the famous story with wistful nostalgia, it is of course rather inconsequential and only worth 2.5 stars at the most. However, for kids that love the film (me too!), this does the trick. There's also some surprisingly difficult words thrown in here, so perfect for children trying to expand their vocabulary (and adults too, I suppose).


Jasmine from How Useful It Is

1,445 reviews368 followers

July 14, 2016

Read an ibook version of it for my kid. I'm so moved and teary eyed while my kid is quiet. I guess i can say we loved it!


Briceyda Pardo

26 reviews

February 28, 2017

l love this book and it is so romantic l just like the part when the beauty and the beast just started dancing and l loved it l wish l was the beauty :)

Waverly Nyx

Author2 books14 followers

April 7, 2017


...but we all know beauty and the beast is my fave so it gets 5* oh

Les Wilson

1,663 reviews13 followers

May 9, 2021

Lovely story for Young and young at heart.

Ashley Reid

152 reviews118 followers

September 9, 2022

Beauty and the beast has always been one of my favourite stories.

Unfortunately I couldn’t watch the movies because of my seizures. But I’ve always wanted the library that the beast gave to Belle.

Megan Nehring

35 reviews

May 3, 2018

Personal Response: Growing up, this was always my favorite story. I read this book to Emilee. Emilee's favorite part was when they got married. Her least favorite part was when Belle got locked up in the cage in the castle. She also doesn't like Gaston because he is mean.

Plot Summary: Belle is an ordinary girl who loves to read. She lives with her father. When he goes missing, she tries to find him and ends up in a castle. Belle doesn't realize that it's home to the beast. He captures her and let's her father go free. She is imprisoned there for her life. Belle befriends all of the enchanted objects in the castle. She finds a rose that can turn the beast back into human if someone falls in love with him. Belle doesn't realize that she is about to start falling in love. They spend much time together but a magic mirror shows that Belle' s father is sick. She goes to him and tries to help. Gaston, the evil prince, takes the village and storms the beasts castle. They fight and the beast ends up winning. He and Belle kiss and he turns back into a prince. They live together happily ever after

Characterization: Belle has always been strong and independent. She doesn't need anyone to make her feel special. Men have always thrown themselves at her, but she prefers to stay away. When she meets the beast, it is not love at first sight. They talk and grow to love each other. They have both found the person that they didn't know they needed.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to young girls. It is an easy to read book, but you can also read it to any small child. Ages 0 to 5 would most likely enjoy this book. It is about true love.


159 reviews176 followers

March 13, 2013

Lo he encontrado tras años sin tener noticias de él. Estaba en casa de mi abuela y tenía que ponerlo aquí.

Fue el primero libro que me regalaron, apenas recuerdo como lo leía -apenas no, no lo recuerdo-, y tampoco sé quién me lo regaló, tengo que preguntar a mi madre.

Creo que fue este libro -y la película- y Bella quienes me inculcaron el placer por la lectura, ver a una protagonista que no paraba de leer me gustó mucho, por eso me identifico tanto con ella, imagino que a muchas otras lectoras le pasa algo parecido.

Lo voy a guardar como oro en paño, ¡es mi primer libro!

Rebecca Wu

29 reviews2 followers

October 11, 2017

I love the story and structure of this book, the subject of this book is very clear, the content is also very complete. Read this book I know Love is the topic of the whole story which can,change any dark and evil stuff.Love means everything,The real world is full of war and darkness,which turns people's life in to chaos.Human's life lacks of Love ,and if the love exists ,humen have the power beat everything.

Rainz ❤️rainnbooks❤️(on a break)

1,366 reviews73 followers

February 4, 2020

Another Disney classic that I love the best beacuse it teaches kids about seeing the beauty within the person and not just how you look outside. Had fun expalining to my daughter as to why the girl is dancing with a monster?😂😂

    nool-lib readingwitheva

Omnia reda

71 reviews10 followers

September 23, 2018

love love love , love the book , love the animation and absolutely will love the 2017`s movie with the belle Emma Watson

Baileys Book Babble

115 reviews11 followers

August 1, 2019

I read this to my little and it has been since I was little that I last read it. All the nostalgic feels came back and he was enthralled throughout the story. <3<3

Holly Dawson

12 reviews1 follower

March 4, 2020

One of my favourites since I was younger Very good message too😀

Iga Wiśniewska

86 reviews9 followers

June 7, 2023

Pierwsza książka czytana w całość po angielsku🔝
KOCHAM BAJKI pls czułam się znowu jakbym miała 5 lat and it was fun
Cudowne 40 stron XD

Miguel Vega

524 reviews32 followers

May 28, 2017

It's a cute little book that captures the animated Disney classic very well and makes me want to go on ahead and actually watch the movie that just came out.


305 reviews3 followers

July 13, 2020

This is a great classic fairytale suitable for children in years 1 to 3 to enjoy. It has dialogue, bright cartoon illustrations and the moral of seeing past appearances. In the past my village school has been to see the pantomime so this book would be good to read to introduce the story. It is quite short so it's more suitable for younger children.


421 reviews119 followers

December 31, 2020

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who had just begun to venture in the land of books. One day she stumbled upon a fairytale story unlike anything she had ever imagined, and it was the tale of "Beauty and the Beast"....
She grew to love it beyond measure and what endeared her to the story has become some of the best parts of her as she has grown into adulthood.

"Beauty and the Beast" is so precious, special and beautiful to me because it's the first story that taught me to be a decent human being, to look past the first impression and into the soul of another, and to let go of past hurts so as to open my mind and heart to new possibilities.

It taught me to have faith and trust and forgiveness when they were lost or forgotten or destroyed, but were needed the most to embark upon a journey full of second chances.
I learned through this story the joy of being humble, the necessity of taking responsibilities for matters beyond my control, the many ways of caring for others, to never give up or rise up again after doing so, and to always have hopes for the best, no matter what.

So, in short, what's so beautiful about this tale is that it gives you hope in the darkest of times (along with a library full of books of your dreams), like it did with that little girl who grew up to be me. ^__^

    all-beauty-beast-books beautiful-covers childhood-english-reads


19 reviews

August 27, 2018

This book is about a girl who is the best girl in that village, she really like reading,and always help the human who have trouble.Untill a day, her father went to other place and he said he will take a rose to that girl, but the rose is belong to a dangerous monster, and her father died.Belle was to sad about her father, because her father is the best father in the world she think.And she e must find the monster, and than go to her father pike rose’s place, and the monster put Belle into a small and dark house.She saw her father, her father didn’t die, and Belle told monster put her into the room, but don’t let her father to go.And the war start now, they need to kill the monster, but Belle find the love of the monster, the monster is a princess, and she told people don’t kill the monster, In the end, the finally rose died, so the monster must die, but this is true love, Belle let monster wake up and change to the princess.It is a wonderful ending.


400 reviews2 followers

February 28, 2020

ok so here is the story of how Beauty aka Belle meets the Belle lives in France and loves to read (me to lol) and everyone thinks she quirky even though they like her alot...along comes Gaston who thinks he is soooo fine all the girls are gaga over him except Belle lol and he wants to marry her but she says no of course(can't blame her) and then her father Maurice whose an inventor takes his new invention to market only he don't make it and wounds up at the Beast's castle..which by the way he was cursed by an enchantress years ago cause he was cruel and unkind.. he puts Maurcie in his dungeon and then Belle has to come find her dad and well she chose to live with the Beast if he would let her father go and so yeah then Maurice returns to the village and well u can read the book to find out what happens after that hehe

La Bella y la Bestia (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.